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'''January 30, 2007'''
[[/January 2007]]
*[[Shirogane Masume]] certainly had nothing to fear; infact, a blizzard has set in. [[Maron]] visits yet again, announcing that she feels much better, although [[Ryou]] and [[Kocha]] are left to wonder how she recovered so quickly. The cakes from the bake-off are discovered; while Masume swipes the chocolate cake for herself, Ryou and the others opt to share [[Akasaka Junri]]'s pineapple one. After [[Kouji]] arrives to nag her, Masume gives him a piece of the cake, and leaves the rest to the others since she can't eat it all. Junri departs for home (actually for the cinema), and Masume, Kouji, and Maron enjoy the snow before Ryou literally drags them in. Picking up, the blizzard knocks out the power within the cafe, rendering anyone without advanced magical powers captive within the sweet shop until the weather lets up. [[Gamu]] is quick to light candles and bring blankets for the others, however, she admits to Ryou that she is still worried about [[Satou]].
:''"To whoever sniffs you out and attacks you." -Masume''
'''January 28, 2007'''
*[[Shirogane Masume]] thinks that people stepping on the snow will scare it away so it doesn't come back next year. [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] is visited by [[Shirogane Kyr|Kyr]] as well as Ryou's cousin [[Shirogane Nikkou|Nikkou]], whom [[Kitenshi Kocha|Kocha]] immediately dubs "Shirogane-san number twelve" and idolizes for getting away with calling Ryou "Ryou-tan". [[Kiki Reikaira]] sees through [[Akasaka Junri]]'s attempt to portray [[Shirogane Anzu|Anzu]] as her friend, and [[Sakuramiya Tsubasa|Tsubasa]] pigs out on the cabbage rolls that she offers in lieu of [[tofu]]. Junri and Gamu have a cake bake-off, Junri making a light pineapple coconut cake, Gamu piling on the chocolate. In the middle of baking, the purple-haired one asks a cryptic question: " ever... felt really lonely all of a sudden?" The cakes go into the fridge, plans being that the cafe-goers will eat them and choose whose is better.
:''"Bweh. You won't let me get mad at you." -Ryou''
'''January 27, 2007'''
*Private RP Prelude: [[Shirogane Shuugo]] (Kokoro alternate) takes [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] to a grandmother's birthday reunion. Ryou attempts to bring his family around to approve of [[Shirogane Ichigo|Ichi]].
*[[Akasaka Junri]] enters [[Cafe Mew Mew]] to get away from [[Shirogane Anzu|Anzu]], who has given her a black eye... something about a "Mortal Kombat danceoff" no thanks to [[Akaii Kiwi]]. [[Kiki Reikaira]] interrogates [[Shinga Shikari|Ari]] about the question of Ryou's family's disapproval of Ichigo. [[Kitenshi Kocha]] tries to introduce the antisocial [[Shirogane Misao|Hrist]] to [[Shimizu Arisa|Plum]] in hopes that she will make more friends; the valkyrie declines and leaves, transforming back into Misao. Because [[Hoshizen Daisuke|Daisuke]] said that the cafe should not be pink anymore, Kocha, for some reason, decides to paint it rainbow with the help of Misao. As Daisuke, [[Shirogane Kyr|Kyr]] and [[Kuroneko Satou|Satou]] come in and sound off on the issue, Kocha leaves half of the cafe pink and the other half rainbow... now it's even more girly, isn't it? [[Maron]] is clinging to Ryou and wants to be introduced to everyone, to which he obliges. Ryou asks for a feather from Kyr, who realizes immediately what it's for. Ryou introduces Maron to Ichi, as Gamu spies on them but is caught; Plum calls her a stalker again and Maron attacks her when she throws eggs at Ryou. Just when Satou thought she was safe, Matsu from [[Sugar Card]] attaches to her and tries to mooch money off her; corrected and threatened, he leaves.
:''"Mr. Ryou, if I had to give all the details about you in that one sentence, I'd be 142 years by the time I was finished." -Plum''
'''January 26, 2007'''
*[[Kitenshi Kocha]] wants the cafe to get more publicity, and reveals that [[Hoshizen Daisuke|Daisuke]] told her that [[Shirogane Jishou|Shou]] was disappointed in [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] for reasons unknown. Of course, Kocha is dismissed as the ditz she is. [[Maron]], [[Akaii Kiwi]], [[Akasaka Junri|Junri]] and [[Shirogane Misao|Hrist]] (whom Ryou is sure he's seen before, but she manages to protect her identity) come into the cafe. The group begins a round of storytelling on a theme, with some odd stories. It seems that Ryou has been having nightmares lately...
:''"Ha... hi... fu... hyuri-- *coughchoke* Iyaan." -Kocha, trying to pronounce Hrist's name''
'''January 25, 2007'''
*Yup, the girls are back. Somehow. [[Maron]], the newest addition to the cafe, reveals that her family threw her out, afraid of her chimeric appearance. ("Chimeric" used in the original Greek sense, not the [[Tokyo Mew Mew|TMM]] connotations, mind you.) [[Shirogane Ryou]] takes a sample of [[Kiki Reikaira]]'s pure human DNA to use as a base and goes to analyze Maron's. He also gives [[Kitenshi Kocha]] orders to retrieve as many [[angel]] DNA samples as she can, sorted by person, dimension and whether or not they test positive for [[Angelic Energy Disorder]]. Although Maron tries to hide it politely, she reviles the taste of the medicine that Ryou concocted to keep her animal symptoms down.
:''"Wishful thinking is meaningless when it comes to science." -Ryou''
'''[[January 23]], 2007'''
*Happy anniversary of the [[Kokoro (game)|Kokoro game]]! [[Shirogane Ryou]] challenges [[Shirogane Shuugo|his brother]] to a [[Saica Mage System|mage battle]], which he loses miserably, but did realize how to use [[D-kun]] as a summon. [[Kitenshi Kocha]], after subjecting everyone- including a recovered [[Elizabeth Shirogane|Liz]]- to some [[Horrible Gift Ideas|bad presents]] and realizing that Ryou intends to help her cure [[Angelic Energy Disorder]], attempts to clean up the mess she made the previous night with her spilled experiment. However, in this attempt to pay back her debt, she ends up resurrecting the [[Dimension Machine]], a creation of Ryou's from days gone by that creates worlds from people's minds and inserts them into those worlds. Kocha, [[Murahara Sakura|Cherry]] and [[Shimizu Arisa|Plum]] are trapped inside... and the latter two can't remember how on earth they found their way back home during [[The Dream Arc]] back in 2004! Meanwhile, in [[Cafe Mew Mew]], [[Kuroneko Satou]] comes in with the results for the drama audition. She and Ryou are in the lead roles, as expected. Plum is also on the cast list, but when [[Kiki Reikaira|Gamu]] tries to find her, there is no answer. She and the others are still trapped in the mysterious ice world...
:''"I'm sure he just wanted to hang with the male species for a few minutes..." -Liz''
'''January 22, 2007'''
*I lost the chat. Cherry, Satou, fill this one in, please?
'''January 21, 2007'''
*[[Shimizu Arisa]] decides to paint her nails black to "make a statement" so that the [[drama]] will come back; as much as she used to hate it, it defines [[Shirogane Kyr|Kyr]], so she misses it as much as she misses him. [[Shirogane Ryou]] hates the idea, but at least [[Kokoro (game)|Kokoro]] won't be a [[RAz|harem show]] if it returns to being a soap opera. He continues to stress that [[D-kun]] is talking to him in his head and wants a bodyguard to keep any more girls from falling for him; [[Kuroneko Satou]] offers, not really understanding, and is turned down. [[Kiro]] appears, completely confused at the dimension, and asks for a briefing, which [[Kiki Reikaira]] and [[Shirogane Kouji]] give- not without Kouji teasing Gamu and her calling him a midget in return. [[Pinkuberii Himeno|Himeno]] reassures Kouji that he isn't a midget. Ryou goes out to think about the chaos in his life and, after being thrown out by [[Elizabeth Shirogane|his ill mother]] so he doesn't get sick too, runs into Kokoro's rarely seen version of [[Aizawa Minto]] and her dog (apparently a new dog, in an excuse to use "Mickey", the name seen in all English adaptations of [[Tokyo Mew Mew]], rather than the [[canon]] "Mikki"). [[Bob Pushkaboomda]] and [[Murahara Sakura]] attempt to plan a party. Ryou refuses to explain his allusions to talking dogs to Minto, and returns to his apartment.
:''"I learned that painting your nails a certain color is one of the best ways to make a statement. Although it only works for females, cause guys really shouldn't do. Unless it's Bob or something." -Plum''
'''January 20, 2007'''
*[[Kitenshi Kocha]], mixing chemicals in the sink, makes another mistake and causes the vacuum cleaner to come to life. She, [[Shirogane Kouji]] and [[Pinkuberii Himeno]] simultaneously run from and fight it; Kouji manages to unplug the thing. [[D-kun]] shows up, and [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] remarks that he was supposed to have been left behind. Much to [[Kuroneko Satou]]'s (currently Panziko) and [[Kiki Reikaira]]'s worry, Ryou gets a headache and begins to act strangely. He says that he hears something, worrying the rest of the cafe into searching for an invader. Ryou leaves and D-kun refuses to be without him, but is left behind anyway. Out of worry, Gamu allows Panziko to get close to her again, even though she's petrified of cats. Panziko becomes Satou and expresses her worry for Ryou, and the two go to his apartment to harass/help him. Himeno decides that it's useless because Ryou has issues; Kocha proceeds to list them, and Kouji gets uncomfortable. After much prodding, Ryou reveals that D-kun has apparently begun to talk to him in his mind. Gamu wonders if it's like her and [[Forte]], or, not that she'll ever admit it, if [[the Star Six]] might be able to help. Ryou decides he just needs some sleep, but the girls reassure him that they will be there for him if he needs it.
:''"Whatever you say. Bein' the main character, though, if you ended up with a serious debilitating illness it'd mean a lot of drama an' higher ratings..." -Gamu''
'''January 19, 2007'''
* [[Kuroneko Satou]] wants to fight the snow, but [[Shirogane Masume]] throws an ice ball at her face to make her stop. She runs inside, where, after [[Kiki Reikaira]] and [[Shirogane Ryou]] manage to figure out what's wrong, she gets her cut cleaned. However, for some reason, Satou refuses to have a bandage put on her as she thinks that this will make her appear weak and useless. Ryou and Gamu try to talk her down rationally, but she will have no part in it and storms off home, saying that she can never explain. [[Pinkuberii Himeno]], meanwhile, tries to talk sense into Masume, and realizing that this is impossible, goes for the war of words. After an amusing battle ("Well, I arrest you!" "Well, I bribe the judge!"), Masume loses and curls up into a ball trying to relieve her stress.
:''"Mr. Miss Me can't be arrested! I'm too cool!" -Masume''
'''January 18, 2007'''
* [[Kitenshi Kocha]] and [[Shimizu Arisa]] ask for something fun to do; [[Kuroneko Satou]] suggests that the residents of [[Cafe Mew Mew]] all try out for the TV drama that [[Shugo]] has set her up an audition for. Satou does comparatively well, but is convinced that she didn't stand out at all, even though the others reassure her. Bored enough to abandon his cricket-related experiment, [[Shirogane Ryou]] enters and blows the auditions away... although some of it might have been because he used [[magic]] in front of a now brainbroken human casting director. When asked to demonstrate basic movement and dancing, he grabs [[Kiki Reikaira]] as a partner, who runs off afterward, feeling that she's being treated like a toy; Satou is, conversely, hurt that he didn't choose her. Just for fun, Plum spreads a rumour that [[Shirogane Ichigo]] is pregnant. Ryou, probably frustrated by now that he can't keep [[RAz]] happy let alone allow them to get over him, asks Gamu what she sees in him while [[Elizabeth Shirogane]], [[Pinkuberii Himeno]], Shugo and Kocha pool their efforts to cheer Satou up. Kocha asks Liz if Ichigo is really pregnant, brainbreaking her. Gamu confesses why she feels the way she does, and Ryou fails to pull a [[Sarah Cohen]] and convince her that she was feeling something else; she also says that she doesn't know what to do from now. Ryou tells her to remember who she is and just live. Satou and the others go home to have a tea party, but Satou still feels depressed and calls Ryou on cell; Shugo wonders what's wrong with her. Elsewhere, [[Faye]] wonders where she can find an exorcist.
:''"Why? Why don't you notice me? I'm always trying to make you happy! Always, always, always! But you ignore me, and pay attention to her instead!" -Satou's audition reading''
'''January 17, 2007'''
* [[Kuroneko Satou]] is still missing. [[Kiki Reikaira]] reveals to [[Shirogane Masume]] that she feels pressured from both sides to either get over [[Shirogane Ryou]] or accept that she'll [[Temporal accident|never]] [[Rules of the magical world|find]] [[RAz|anyone]] [[Drama|else]]; Masume doesn't really get it. Ryou takes this opportunity to pick on Gamu, though he hadn't been paying any attention to the earlier conversation. [[Kuroneko Salt Apple]] watches, confused. [[Pinkuberii Himeno]], not-so-secretly worried about [[Shirogane Kouji]] after he has not returned with Satou, runs out to find him. He has been lost all night and day, and found by [[Kunisaki Noriko]]. The trio does not find Satou. [[Nijirose Momoko]] nervously calls [[Cafe Mew Mew]], saying that Satou has come back to her; she is clearly very worried and confused. Possibly tipped off by Saltigo, who has just left to find her sister, [[Shugo]] drags Satou back to the cafe, where Gamu apologizes for hurting her and fixes her wounds. Ryou says that it's going to snow, and Satou hopes to fight the snow again. [[Charice Gainsborough]] watches, unaware of what exactly is going on, while [[Morie]] sketches, lost in her own world as always when drawing.
:''"Strawberries nyo! Snow fighting nyo! Adventure nyo!" -Satou''
'''January 16, 2007'''
* [[Kuroneko Satou]] leaves [[Cafe Mew Mew]], after being confronted by [[Kiki Reikaira]] about her intention to do so. She means not to return, but, feeling lonely, she calls the cafe. [[Shirogane Ryou]] answers and reveals that he knew she [[RAz|loved him]]. She hangs up. Meanwhile, [[Pinkuberii himeno|Himeno]] outrages Gamu by suggesting that people should keep their secrets and those that are sad and angry should be left alone for a while. [[Shimizu Arisa]] stays out of the whole thing, attempting to offer support. Himeno, deciding to act like a good person, summons [[Shirogane Kouji]] to kidnap Satou and bring her back.
:''"When is it ever time to leave people you care about? If I had to walk away and never see my parents and friends again, I don't know what I'd do." -Ryou''

Revision as of 03:03, 2 February 2007

/January 2007

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