
From Kokorodatabase

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Hokay, time to clarify something
lol, internets
Yes, I am miffed and slightly pissed when it seems like people only pick and choose one of my characters to pay attention to and ignore the rest unless they have no choice {such as nobody they want to talk with being around}. Yes, I do want attention, especially when I've been really striving to get back into the swing of things. At the same time, I realize that as much as I want, say, for Kumo to be liked enough ICly for, say, people to draw her or want her drawn with other characters related to her without my asking, I know that because she used to be a brat and because she is small and cute and a threat in a way to characters who are seeking certain IC relationships, it ain't gonna happen {though I'd love to get some more interaction with Kumo and her entire family, even if ICly, it's sorta impossible at the moment with everyone not going near the cafe and Kumo not knowing where to go}
And, well, yes, I was extremely pissed on the 14th, when I had Faye come in and be promptly ignored, and then had Solange enter and be ignored as well. While I didn't want to do a huge chat takeover to celebrate Faye's "birthday", I did want some acknowledgement towards those two, because I really wanted someone to talk to Faye about her age, even IF they were already used to people being literally three and looking to be in their twenties.
However, this doesn't mean to stop inviting me to chats, unless I do indeed have invites blocked or there is no chat. Yes, I know that this past week, there weren't that many chats, but, like, I do know that there were chats these past two days when I was awake, and there were no invites. That just irks me even more, to hear it after the fact that yes, there was a chat, and no, I wasn't invited, sorry to say. This goes to anyone who makes the chats and sends out invites, not just the one I usually talk to about this. Having chats without me when you know I'm online and willing to join in, provided there isn't some IC reason why I wouldn't be really interested in joining the chat, just makes it worse. In other words, if I'm already annoyed because of the ignorance towards my characters, yours truly finding out after it's over that there was a chat today just makes me think I'm being ignored even moreso.
So there. My two cents on this whole shebang.
And, an afterthought, more Kumo+any direct relation family member RP, plz. D:

Revision as of 01:50, 28 February 2007

lol, internets

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