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Revision as of 01:42, 26 November 2006 by Heytherejake (Talk | contribs)
Screen Name: Heytherejake/Program33/Program53
Nick Names: Jake
Age: 12
Location: My house or school, usually
Current hobbies: Programming, drumming, playing Wii
Time Zone: Central
Ways to contact: I'm not revealing it
Current Projects: Project Total Kirby
Current Status: Missing (Currently grounded)
Items: Uh... its not important...
Friends: Nin10doGC mostly...
Foe's: Cant think of any.
Like's: Nintendo, C4, Flash, Programming, Visual Basic
Dislikes: Grammer mistakes, Social Studies
Favorite Game Series: Mario, Legend of Zelda, Super Monkey Ball, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Kirby