Main Page

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Revision as of 23:45, 26 November 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The Kirby's Dream World Wiki

Welcome to the Kirby's Dream World wiki! This is the place for members to go when they need quest walkthroughs or help! It's like a Player's Guide for KDW!

  • Quests- Need help with quests? Go here (WARNING: If you do not want to spoil quests and would rather solve them on your own, don't enter).
  • Places- The places that exist in KDW.
  • References- References to the real world in the game.
  • Staff- The people who make the game!
  • Classes- What you can be and what they do.
  • History- The past events and story of KDW!
  • Tips- Confused? Need to make cash quick? This is your place.
  • Guilds- The guilds of KDW!

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