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Group Trajectory

Jason, X and X come to all sessions.

Session I

Late start. Big group (5 + facilitator). Relatively active facilitator mostly coordinating process but also some prompting. The team produces quickly the following set of X questions with almost everyone contributing one questions (all recorded in a textbox on the whiteboard labeled "Answer/Question Box"):

 (C/W) What is the shortest route to take from A to B? (ss/fo?)
 (C/W) What is the difference between the shortest distance you are able to travel and the shortest distance "as the crow flies." (js)
 (C/W) How many possible routes are there from point A to B? (ss)
 (C/W) What is the area between the two shortest routes? (ih)
 (C/W) How many different routes can you take that are under 20 moves? (sg)
 (C/W) What is/are the longest route(s) you can take [without overlapping]? (js/ih)
 (C/W) If AB is a diameter, what is the area of the circle that it creates? (fo)
 (C/W) If AB is the diagonal of a rectangle, what is the area of the rectangle it creates? (js)
 (C/W) Suppose you can only travel down and to the right. What is the max. distance that can be traveled? Are all the possibilities 10? (fo)
 (C  ) how about an obstacle on three points closest to A around B? (ih)
 (C  ) What if your 'circle' has to stay on the grid lines, too? (facilitator)

A lot of movement of textboxes probably because more than one person wants to be recorder. Recorders: sg/ih Fo posts a question in the chat ("what is the shortest distance between the two points if one can only travel on they grey lines?") that, perhaps because it is taken as a repetitive question, is not transfered to a textbox, nor any discussion about it is generated. At the end, fo steers the group to work on his question about the area of the circle by making a drawing and asking them questions about it. They get an answer (Jason: 13(pi) would be the area of the circle with diameter AB / ImHere: bout 40.8) but then the facilitator intervenes so that they think more in terms of the "pretend world". Some questions are marked as "SOLVED" which the facilitator challenges.

Close to the end, they are about to engage in the grid-circle but time runs out and the moderator engages them in the end-of-session interview. Fo remarks that one thing she noticed was "That no matter what kind of path you use, in the pretend world, the shortest is always 10 units". Some of them also remark that it was very interactive and that there was no "filter". Probably because they are used to another kind of chat (Art of Problem solving, probably) where a facilitator picks what is to be broadcasted in the chat versus this "free-form" chat.

Session II

Starts with a lot of whiteboard playing. People remember missing participants from session 1. Team tries to select a name with a lot of ideas but no concensus. Moderator presents the list of questions, asks for new ones. No new questions. Ih asks "where is a and b" since the grid presented this time does not contain the points. Jason remembers that the "slope was 4, 6." They try to recreate the points on the whiteboard with a lot of movements and edits. At some point Fo posts "im here, I hate you" to which Ih responds "???" and later "anyways" and they just move on. Perhaps they know each other and are just playing. Reference to prior work:

 Jason: so 1) the shortest path is drawn in read
 Jason: red*
 FooFoo: let's think of questions
 Jason: ok
 FooFoo: yes, except there is another path of the same distance
 Jason: sure, there are several more
 Jason: as we discussed on Tuesday
 rweisbac joins the room 
 rweisbac leaves the room
 (ImHere draws the straight distance between A and B)
 ImHere: How long is that line?
 ImHere: Line AB
 FooFoo: 10
 Jason: i'd have to disagree with 10

Noticed how "as we discussed on Tuesday" does the job of mitigating Fo's disagreement. Sort of like saying "I know/I am aware of that" or "you are not the only one who knows that."

Group composition: Stable

 Session 1:   js*   fo    ih      ss    sg**   
 Session 2:   js    fo    ih                wb
 Session 3:   js          ih/eu   ss            su
 Session 4:   js    fo    ih/eu
 (*) Jason moves briefly to Team 3 instructed by the facilitator of room 4.
 (**) Contributes one question but low participation in general. Does not return

Grid-World vs. Diagonals

 Session 1: 
 Session 2: 
 Session 3: 
 Session 4:
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