
From Jsarmi

< Dataset2
Revision as of 02:24, 30 September 2008 by Jsarmi (Talk | contribs)
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 Aza2 joins the room 5/26/06 8:05:25 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 joins the room 5/26/06 8:06:13 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:12:20 AM EDT: r we supposed to wait for the other two?
 rtoledosj joins the room 5/26/06 8:12:23 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:12:40 AM EDT: does sophia have NCC?
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:13:27 AM EDT: To see the problem that youwill work with, click the View Topic tab.
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:13:27 AM EDT: You can begin.
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:13:52 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:15:32 AM EDT: roohiya are u there?
 dchia joins the room 5/26/06 8:15:52 AM EDT
 dchia leaves the room 5/26/06 8:15:56 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:16:33 AM EDT: this can be done by the fomula-initiator+diff. multiplt by n
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 Aza2 5/26/06 8:18:20 AM EDT: hmm
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:18:41 AM EDT: im trying to draw diagram 4
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:18:48 AM EDT: but it turned out distorted
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:19:14 AM EDT: does not matter
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:19:15 AM EDT: 28 matchsticks right
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:19:23 AM EDT: so...
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:19:34 AM EDT: bur that's is the right one i guess
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:19:44 AM EDT: yeah it is 
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:19:56 AM EDT: 4: 28 sticks, 10 squares
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:20:21 AM EDT: btw, where's xinliang
 Xinliang2 joins the room 5/26/06 8:20:28 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:20:29 AM EDT: just place the squares on top of the previos ones 
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:20:42 AM EDT: shes trying to get in
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:20:43 AM EDT: hey xinliang
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:20:50 AM EDT: oh there she is
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:21:00 AM EDT: the ques is in view topic
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:21:11 AM EDT: lets get back to the question
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:21:37 AM EDT: so the no. of squares is just (1+2.....+N), where N is the pattern number
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:21:49 AM EDT: is it?
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 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:22:41 AM EDT: Hi Xinliang, to see what the rest have been doing before click on the double twistes arrow icon at the top of the chat box.
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 Aza2 5/26/06 8:23:03 AM EDT: ur drawing pattern 5 right?
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:23:12 AM EDT: yeah
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 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:23:45 AM EDT: where's the qn?
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:23:56 AM EDT: click on view topic
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:24:13 AM EDT: lets wait for her to finish seeing the ques
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:24:22 AM EDT: my fig. is quite distorted
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:24:36 AM EDT: maybe mine isnt tt bad
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:24:44 AM EDT: there's no eraser i guess
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:24:54 AM EDT: wad question are u doingtight now?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:25:00 AM EDT: *right
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:25:07 AM EDT: the view topic ques
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:25:35 AM EDT: the matchstick etc
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:25:36 AM EDT: You can select what you want to erase by using the arrow icon and then pressing delete.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:25:52 AM EDT: is it 1,2 or 3?
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 Aza2 5/26/06 8:26:17 AM EDT: huh?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:26:34 AM EDT: there r 3 questions there
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:26:34 AM EDT: we have to fill in the blanks
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:26:43 AM EDT: where r all of u now?
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:26:45 AM EDT: so we were finding a pattern
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:26:53 AM EDT: This is a shared whiteboard, so what you erase gets erased for everybody.
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 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:27:05 AM EDT: alright
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:27:08 AM EDT: i get it 
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 Aza2 5/26/06 8:27:47 AM EDT: this was where we reached till
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 Aza2 5/26/06 8:28:12 AM EDT: Roohiya, its ok
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 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:29:05 AM EDT: You can create a text box by using the 9th icon from the left. This wayyou will not have to draw letters.
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:29:07 AM EDT: so lets see how it grows
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:29:20 AM EDT: where r u supposed to write the ans?
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:29:31 AM EDT: so basically.. the no. of squares is (1+2+....+N), where N is the figure or pattern no
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:29:42 AM EDT: oh thanks i didnt see that
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:29:57 AM EDT: grows? u mean goes, right?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:30:10 AM EDT: i do not understand wat u maen aza
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:30:29 AM EDT: (lets see how it grows) was wat u said
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:30:30 AM EDT: i mean grows
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:30:32 AM EDT: wat grows?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:30:37 AM EDT: look at the qn
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:30:40 AM EDT: for the number of squares right
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:30:50 AM EDT: 'the growth'
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:30:57 AM EDT: ya
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:30:58 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:31:03 AM EDT: yah xinliang
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:31:08 AM EDT: ???
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:31:29 AM EDT: basically it just grows like 1 then 2 then 3 then so on
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:31:40 AM EDT: sq. i mean
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:31:41 AM EDT: yes
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:31:44 AM EDT: tht's wad i meant 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:31:52 AM EDT: it's in the whiteboard now
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:32:00 AM EDT: it is
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:32:04 AM EDT: ??
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:32:06 AM EDT: oh
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:32:09 AM EDT: so didnt we find the ans already
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:32:09 AM EDT: i c it
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:32:31 AM EDT: u need to find the no. of matchsticks used
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:32:39 AM EDT: okay
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:33:03 AM EDT: do we need to draw all the figures?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:33:14 AM EDT: like for fig. 1 there is 1 sq, fig. 2, 2 sq
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:33:18 AM EDT: i dont think so
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:33:29 AM EDT: just count the no of matchsticks in these figures
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:33:37 AM EDT: okay!!
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:34:28 AM EDT: for fig5 34
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:34:37 AM EDT: i know how to count the no of matchsticks
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:34:59 AM EDT: ooops sorry
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:35:21 AM EDT: sorry 35
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:35:29 AM EDT: how do u write on the whiteboard?
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:35:36 AM EDT: sorry 38
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:35:57 AM EDT: You can create a text box.
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:36:03 AM EDT: use the text box
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:36:10 AM EDT: wanna double check both figures?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:36:14 AM EDT: but i need to write on it?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:36:16 AM EDT: ok
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:36:25 AM EDT: like this.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:36:40 AM EDT: but how do u write on it?
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:36:41 AM EDT: i counted wrongly too
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:36:47 AM EDT: sorry!
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:37:01 AM EDT: Click inside the text boxand you can write in it.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:37:04 AM EDT: i need to write desperately
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:37:05 AM EDT: i again counted wrongly agian
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:37:19 AM EDT: u noe wat lets not di ot this way
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:37:29 AM EDT: i still cant write 
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:37:55 AM EDT: choose the pointer icon and then click on the text box.
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:38:36 AM EDT: count the no. of sticks for fiq. 2 and 3  its simpler 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:38:44 AM EDT: yes
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:38:56 AM EDT: for fig 2 right,
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:39:09 AM EDT: it's 4 + 2(3)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:39:20 AM EDT: i get it
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:39:21 AM EDT: u use add 4 everytime
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:39:22 AM EDT: they have given   10
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:39:24 AM EDT: for fig 3 right
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:40:01 AM EDT: the diff increases by 2 
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:40:02 AM EDT: in this case
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:40:05 AM EDT: it's 4 + 3(2+3)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:40:08 AM EDT: iniator is 0, right?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:40:12 AM EDT: then for fig 4
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:40:20 AM EDT: count it
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:40:24 AM EDT: count it
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:40:39 AM EDT: fig 4:28 and fig 5:40
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:40:39 AM EDT: it's 4+ 3(2+2+4)
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:40:41 AM EDT: initiator is not 0
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:40:50 AM EDT: 4-4=0
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:40:54 AM EDT: *it's 4+ 3(2+3+4)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:40:59 AM EDT: 6-2=4
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:41:04 AM EDT: do u get it/
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:41:12 AM EDT: hang on
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:41:29 AM EDT: but the diff should be the same if u use the fomula
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:41:40 AM EDT: isnt it like the first time
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:41:45 AM EDT: SO THE FORMula  is
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:42:15 AM EDT: initiator + diff. multiply by (n)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:42:18 AM EDT: 0+4=4 then, 4+(4+2)=10, then, 10+(4+2+2)=18
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:42:22 AM EDT: etc
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 8:42:24 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:42:29 AM EDT: hi
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:42:32 AM EDT: hey sophia 
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:42:35 AM EDT: finally
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:42:36 AM EDT: atlast
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:43:10 AM EDT: 4 + 3(n+(n-1)+(n-2))
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:43:19 AM EDT: sth like that
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:43:20 AM EDT: is it?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:43:20 AM EDT: so can we do this quickly we r takin a lot if time
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:43:23 AM EDT: w8
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:43:36 AM EDT: 2nd pattern right
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 8:45:05 AM EDT: Hi Sophia!
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 8:45:29 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 8:45:31 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:45:44 AM EDT: we got to hurry up
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:45:56 AM EDT: we are stil stuck at this question
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:46:01 AM EDT: the no. of sticks in  fig. 4 i s 28
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:46:41 AM EDT: is 10 which is (4*2)+(1*2) and 3rd is 18= (4*3)+(3*2) and 4th is 28= (4*4)+(3*4)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:46:45 AM EDT: u noe wat
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:46:52 AM EDT: i got it
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:46:54 AM EDT: xinliang's explanation sounds sensible
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:46:57 AM EDT: mine doesnt
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:47:09 AM EDT:  fig. 1 * 4
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:47:39 AM EDT: U GOT IT?
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:47:46 AM EDT: i didnt get it myself
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:47:51 AM EDT: aza's explanation sounds very reasonable
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:47:52 AM EDT: i mean wat i juz said
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:47:56 AM EDT: we haf to test it out
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:47:58 AM EDT: it does
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:48:14 AM EDT:   times the no. sq by 3
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:48:26 AM EDT: for each fig
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:48:55 AM EDT: sorry tt's wrong
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:49:06 AM EDT: i got it
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:49:08 AM EDT: why (4*2)?
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:49:33 AM EDT: fig 2= (3*2)+(2*2)= 10
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:49:45 AM EDT: the (4*2) was an error
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:49:48 AM EDT: then
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:49:50 AM EDT: why is it like that?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:49:58 AM EDT: how do u get it?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:50:12 AM EDT: its just a pattern
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:50:15 AM EDT: but then its still wrong
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:50:23 AM EDT: really
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:50:36 AM EDT: coz fig 3 doesnt match
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:50:45 AM EDT: oh mt god we r never going to get to the bottom of this
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:51:14 AM EDT: let's get a rough paper and work it out first 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:51:22 AM EDT: is it alright
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:51:27 AM EDT: u noe wat
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:51:35 AM EDT: otherwise it will be so messy here.
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:51:40 AM EDT: we're supposed to draw fig for N 6 too
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:51:51 AM EDT: il do tt
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:52:06 AM EDT: u use ur rough paper
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 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:52:20 AM EDT: then i try to do the solving of the no of sticks
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 Aza2 5/26/06 8:52:58 AM EDT: ok
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 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:54:42 AM EDT: done
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:55:06 AM EDT: xin liang hv u found out
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:55:19 AM EDT: 53 is the no. of matchsticks
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:55:41 AM EDT: ok then
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:56:00 AM EDT: we r supposed to see the growth
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:56:10 AM EDT: isit
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:56:26 AM EDT: 4, 10, 18, 28, 
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:56:41 AM EDT: how many r there in fig. 5
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:56:54 AM EDT: 54
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:57:00 AM EDT: miscalculation
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:57:18 AM EDT: ok so
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:57:20 AM EDT: fig 1=4
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 8:57:25 AM EDT: so there's 54 matchsticks in fig 5 is it?
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:57:36 AM EDT: fig2=4+(4+2)
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:57:37 AM EDT: 4, 10, 18, 28, 54, 
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:57:43 AM EDT: in fig. 6?
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 8:57:45 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:57:51 AM EDT: fig 3=fig2+(4+2+2)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:58:04 AM EDT: fig 4=fig3+(4+2+2+2)
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:58:27 AM EDT: 5=fig4+(4+4(2))
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:58:34 AM EDT: i dont clearly see the pattern of growth for the sticks
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:58:42 AM EDT: wait
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:59:00 AM EDT: sorry growth of pattern
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:59:19 AM EDT: 3={4+(4+2)}+{4+2(2)}
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:59:27 AM EDT: 3 refers to fig 3
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 8:59:33 AM EDT: aza wat r u doing
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:59:47 AM EDT: wait the pattern is tt
 Aza2 5/26/06 8:59:53 AM EDT: evertime
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:00:00 AM EDT: everytime
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:00:08 AM EDT: for fig N=
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:00:34 AM EDT: yeah go on 
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:00:35 AM EDT: fig(N-1)+(diff bet. fig (N-1) and (N-2) +2
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:00:45 AM EDT: i think im juz confusing u more
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:00:48 AM EDT: uh?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:00:53 AM EDT: ya u r
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:00:57 AM EDT: for eg
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:01:05 AM EDT: fig 4 has 28 ms
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:01:17 AM EDT: ms is matchstick
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:01:23 AM EDT: xin liang and sophia HELP US!!!
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:01:35 AM EDT: i brainstorming!!!
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:01:38 AM EDT: fig 3 has 18 ms
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:01:53 AM EDT: so the diff bet fig 3 and 4 is 10
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:01:54 AM EDT: WAT IS MS???
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:01 AM EDT: and fig 4 has 28 ms
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:04 AM EDT: matchstick
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:08 AM EDT: wait
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:02:12 AM EDT: OK
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:17 AM EDT: remember these two things
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:32 AM EDT: the diff in no. of ms bet fig 3 and 4 is 10
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:44 AM EDT: and the no. of ms in fig 4 is 28
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:02:46 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:02:49 AM EDT: ok?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:02:55 AM EDT: yupp
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:02:58 AM EDT: ya
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:03:04 AM EDT: so to find the no. of ms in fig 5
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:03:22 AM EDT: u have to add (28) + (10+2) = 40
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:03:30 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:03:31 AM EDT: ok?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:03:40 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:03:47 AM EDT: 28 is the no. of ms in the prev. fig
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:03:59 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:04:01 AM EDT: ok
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:04:02 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:04:06 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:04:10 AM EDT: so now using tt 
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:04:18 AM EDT: we must form a formula
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:04:19 AM EDT: ok
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:04:23 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:04:23 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:04:24 AM EDT: ok
 nan joins the room 5/26/06 9:04:37 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:04:56 AM EDT: aza do it fast
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:05:09 AM EDT: i got the formula!!!!
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:05:18 AM EDT: u did
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:05:18 AM EDT: wat??????/
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:05:19 AM EDT: let me write it out 
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:05:24 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:05:29 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:05:32 AM EDT: im going to write in order of the layer 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:05:39 AM EDT: starting from the bottom 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:05:40 AM EDT: ok?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:05:40 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:05:42 AM EDT: n no1 interrupt
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:05:57 AM EDT: for fig 3
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:06:18 AM EDT: the bottommost layer is 4 + 3(2)
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:06:24 AM EDT: do u get this?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:06:30 AM EDT: ya
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:06:32 AM EDT: yup
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:06:37 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:06:56 AM EDT: the 2nd layer will be 3 + 2(1)
 nan 5/26/06 9:07:00 AM EDT: hi sophia
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:07:15 AM EDT: ok
 nan 5/26/06 9:07:19 AM EDT: hi everybody, i'm one of the facilitators today
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:07:23 AM EDT: hi
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:07:27 AM EDT: oh hi
 nan 5/26/06 9:07:29 AM EDT: sophia just joined our room
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:07:31 AM EDT: hello
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:07:39 AM EDT: kae...let's get back to the question
 nan 5/26/06 9:07:40 AM EDT: can anyone of you catch her up?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:07:42 AM EDT: i think im getting wat u r trying to sa
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:07:42 AM EDT: hi sophia
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:08:03 AM EDT: do u get wad im saying about the 2nd layer
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:08:11 AM EDT: xinliang dont beat abt the bush
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:08:20 AM EDT: juz tell the formula 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:08:22 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:08:37 AM EDT: we r stuck on this for too long
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:08:43 AM EDT: i noe
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:08:49 AM EDT: then the 3rd layer for fig 3 is plus 3
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:08:53 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:09:01 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:09:28 AM EDT: now i get it
 nan 5/26/06 9:09:48 AM EDT: i'm not sure sophia can see the room for some reason (i was talking to her in the lobby room too)
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:09:48 AM EDT: wat
 nan 5/26/06 9:09:58 AM EDT: go ahead and continue your work
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:10:01 AM EDT: so the formula is 4 + 3(n-1) + 3+2(n-2)+ 3+ 2(n-3)+ 3+2(n-4) and it goes on
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:10:05 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:10:21 AM EDT: does anyone of u do not understand my formula?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:10:22 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:10:29 AM EDT: ya
 nan 5/26/06 9:10:31 AM EDT: thanks guys
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:10:45 AM EDT: anythimg else
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:10:57 AM EDT: nope
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:10:59 AM EDT: thanks?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:11:04 AM EDT: so tht's the formula
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:11:09 AM EDT: ok 
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:11:25 AM EDT: ppl i m in a hurry
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:11:30 AM EDT: so lets FINALLY fill in the blanks and submit it
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:11:36 AM EDT: okay
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:11:40 AM EDT: who's doing it?
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 9:12:26 AM EDT: the fig are done juz the explanations
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:37 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:12:38 AM EDT: i still dont get how to post the ans
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:43 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:44 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:12:46 AM EDT: hi sophia
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:47 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:49 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:49 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:12:51 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:13:02 AM EDT: ask nan
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:14:31 AM EDT: should i clear the whiteboard
 M M
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:14:50 AM EDT: to write the answer
 nan 5/26/06 9:14:51 AM EDT: hi
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:15:01 AM EDT: You can scroll the whiteboard to see more of it.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:15:11 AM EDT: don't erase 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:15:19 AM EDT: the fig for 5 and 6 are there
 sophia leaves the room 5/26/06 9:15:20 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:15:25 AM EDT: it's precious
 nan 5/26/06 9:15:26 AM EDT: right, make sure you scroll the bar of whiteboard (on the left) all the way to the bottom
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:15:38 AM EDT: hi sophia
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:15:46 AM EDT: yah
 nan 5/26/06 9:15:52 AM EDT: i think she's having technical probelm
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:15:58 AM EDT: oh
 nan 5/26/06 9:16:02 AM EDT: and she's trying to sign in again
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:16:27 AM EDT: who's writing the answer?
 nan 5/26/06 9:16:31 AM EDT: to write the answer, you can create a text box and write down what you found
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:16:39 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:16:41 AM EDT: i'll write 
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:20:24 AM EDT: xinliang the table is at the bottom
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:20:31 AM EDT: its a bit weird but anw
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:20:34 AM EDT: ok
 Wang joins the room 5/26/06 9:20:43 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:20:46 AM EDT: help me with the no of squares and the pattern
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:21:02 AM EDT: i'll write the sticks part
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:21:04 AM EDT: alright?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:21:07 AM EDT: ok
 M M M M M M M M M M
 Wang leaves the room 5/26/06 9:22:34 AM EDT
 M M M M M M M M M
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:25:07 AM EDT: Ok, it's about 9:30, we should think of concluding this session.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:25:20 AM EDT: yup
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:25:22 AM EDT: im finishing 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:25:24 AM EDT: hold on
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:25:38 AM EDT: This room will be in your 'My Rooms' tab.
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:26:04 AM EDT: ok
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:26:16 AM EDT: Your teacher knows when the next session will be.
 M M M M M M M
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:27:01 AM EDT: Since this room will be in your 'My Rooms' tab, you can go back to it and look at what you have done.
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:27:01 AM EDT: but xinliang
 M M
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:27:12 AM EDT: yes?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:27:36 AM EDT: the no. of sticks formula might be wrong becoz it does not apply to the 1st pattern
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:27:37 AM EDT: You will get feedback for your work. 
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:27:43 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:27:58 AM EDT: its supposed to apply to all the patterns
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:28:07 AM EDT: tht's why im not sure about the 1st pattern
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:28:14 AM EDT: but it works for the other patterns
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:28:56 AM EDT: doesnt it seem too complicated and i think it should apply for all patterns
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:29:08 AM EDT: You might want to write a summary of what you have found out during this session.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:29:21 AM EDT: im sure there's an easier method 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:29:28 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:29:33 AM EDT: so we sum up first 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:29:44 AM EDT: and we will discuss the next session?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:29:49 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:30:19 AM EDT: next discussion we'll start with the 1st pattern and find the possible combos like 2(2)=4 etc
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:30:32 AM EDT: yup
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:30:35 AM EDT: and hopefully sophia will be able to solve the prob
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:30:39 AM EDT: anw
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:30:47 AM EDT: we need to complete the last square
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:30:54 AM EDT: do u sum up?
 sophia joins the room 5/26/06 9:31:04 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:31:08 AM EDT: oh
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:31:20 AM EDT: Hi Sophia!
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:32:15 AM EDT: sophia is ur comp prob solved?
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:32:42 AM EDT: You might describe the main findings that you have. For example, describe how the sticks increase with every new pattern, how the squares increase with every new pattern.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:33:11 AM EDT: do we discuss it on the whiteboard?
 Aza2 leaves the room 5/26/06 9:35:30 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:36:14 AM EDT: roohiya..are we going to sum up?
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:38:21 AM EDT: After you have summed up, you can click on 'Send Mail' to inform the mentors that you have made a summary.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:39:40 AM EDT: is the table considered a sum up?
 Aza2 joins the room 5/26/06 9:40:02 AM EDT
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:40:10 AM EDT: im so sorry!
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:40:11 AM EDT: Just add a little explanation.
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:40:22 AM EDT: i closed the main window by accident
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:41:14 AM EDT: You have done great work. I look forward to being with you in future sessions.
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:41:44 AM EDT: is it done?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:41:47 AM EDT: hey...girls...wad do we write for the sum-up
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:41:49 AM EDT: help!!
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:41:57 AM EDT: ummm
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:42:07 AM EDT: we r left with the summing up
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:42:11 AM EDT: Feel free to enter this system and explore it, especially through the Sandbox and the help areas.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:42:14 AM EDT: roohiya help!!!
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:42:24 AM EDT: sophia help!!!
 nan 5/26/06 9:43:06 AM EDT: i don't think sophia is actually here, i talked to her in the lobby and she can't see the room window
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:43:28 AM EDT: okay so for the squares the increase in the no. of squares from the prev pattern is just the pattern no. (pat2=pat1+2(which is pat no.)
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:43:43 AM EDT: is tt considered an explanation?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:44:44 AM EDT: xinliang, r u there?
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:44:50 AM EDT: yepp
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:45:23 AM EDT: we can write it down first 
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:45:35 AM EDT: it's al least considered an explanation
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:45:42 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:45:44 AM EDT: ill do tt
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:45:54 AM EDT: and try to make it more easy to understand :)
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:47:59 AM EDT: can u say that: to find the no. of squares, u keep adding the consecutive numbers starting from 2
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:48:03 AM EDT: *1
 M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:53:44 AM EDT: is that alright?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:54:02 AM EDT: yup
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:54:45 AM EDT: wait should i change it back
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:54:54 AM EDT: it's alright
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:54:59 AM EDT: it's contributions
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:55:12 AM EDT: roohiya, contribute to the summing up 
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:55:45 AM EDT: i think her father is using the comp
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:55:50 AM EDT: so she doesnt noe wats going on
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:56:01 AM EDT: okay
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:56:12 AM EDT: poor sophia
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:56:22 AM EDT: shes been trying to get in for 2 hrs
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:56:30 AM EDT: yes...she keeps having problems with her com
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:56:34 AM EDT: next time we have to be much more organised
 nan 5/26/06 9:56:37 AM EDT: yes, she's been very patient
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:56:40 AM EDT: yes
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:56:52 AM EDT: do we have to explain the number of matchsticks
 nan 5/26/06 9:56:52 AM EDT: feel very sorry for her
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:57:22 AM EDT: It's getting late.
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:57:22 AM EDT: We should be looking at finishing up.
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:57:34 AM EDT: but we still need to find a  better and  more undrstandable method first before we sum that part up
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:57:44 AM EDT: sry
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:57:59 AM EDT: so i think we are almost done for this session
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:58:08 AM EDT: i guess we have no choice just finish it up quickly
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:58:21 AM EDT: at least one part seems reasonable
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:58:38 AM EDT: yeah
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:58:38 AM EDT: actually both are reasonable 
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:58:44 AM EDT: one is juz complicated
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:58:46 AM EDT: so we send it to the mentor?
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:58:54 AM EDT: i guess so
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 9:58:59 AM EDT: Yes.
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:59:07 AM EDT: we cant do anything more than this
 Aza2 5/26/06 9:59:24 AM EDT: ur sending it right, xinliang
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 9:59:56 AM EDT: im sending (:
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:00:06 AM EDT: tell me when ur done
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:01:06 AM EDT: Xinliang2 sent an email to mentors.

Subject: please check our work. give us your feedback Message: we wrote the summary on the whiteboard, please go and take a look. thanks !!

 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:01:07 AM EDT: send!!!
 nan 5/26/06 10:01:37 AM EDT: great work, everyone
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:01:45 AM EDT: ok then
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:01:51 AM EDT: omg
 nan 5/26/06 10:02:04 AM EDT: please make sure you keep updated by your teacher about the time for next session
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:02:09 AM EDT: we so made u stay back unecessarily
 nan 5/26/06 10:02:28 AM EDT: no problem at all.
 nan 5/26/06 10:02:36 AM EDT: i'm sorry i was late for the session
 nan 5/26/06 10:02:46 AM EDT: i'll make sure this won't happen again
 nan 5/26/06 10:03:00 AM EDT: (it was 8am for me and i forgot to set my alarm)
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:03:02 AM EDT: n we'll make sure we won't end tt late
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:03:06 AM EDT: thanks!!
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:03:19 AM EDT: nan, which part of the world are u in?
 nan 5/26/06 10:03:20 AM EDT: thank you all for participating
 nan 5/26/06 10:03:32 AM EDT: US, east coast
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:03:46 AM EDT: so its morning there?
 nan 5/26/06 10:03:55 AM EDT: yeah:-)
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:04:10 AM EDT: gd morning!!
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:04:12 AM EDT: oh
 nan 5/26/06 10:04:15 AM EDT: it will be harder for me to sleep in on evening;)
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:04:22 AM EDT: it's 10 plus at night
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:04:30 AM EDT: yup
 nan 5/26/06 10:04:31 AM EDT: right
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:04:31 AM EDT: in Singapore
 nan 5/26/06 10:04:35 AM EDT: 12 hours difference
 nan 5/26/06 10:04:51 AM EDT: i hope you all enjoyed working together today
 nan 5/26/06 10:05:13 AM EDT: i'll see you very soon for next session!
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:05:14 AM EDT: yes...we did!!
 nan 5/26/06 10:05:21 AM EDT: great
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:05:22 AM EDT: yup
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:05:26 AM EDT: alright
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:05:31 AM EDT: i gtg 
 nan 5/26/06 10:05:36 AM EDT: ok, everybody have a good night and great weekend
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:05:42 AM EDT: thanks rtoledosj too!!
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 10:05:44 AM EDT: Ok, people, you have earned your right to sleep. ;-)
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:05:47 AM EDT: thanks
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:05:47 AM EDT: yup
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:05:51 AM EDT: i gotta sleep 
 nan 5/26/06 10:05:55 AM EDT: haha
 Aza2 5/26/06 10:06:00 AM EDT: bye
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:06:01 AM EDT: haha
 nan 5/26/06 10:06:02 AM EDT: thank you all
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 10:06:02 AM EDT: Sweet dreams!
 Xinliang2 5/26/06 10:06:04 AM EDT: byebye!1
 nan 5/26/06 10:06:05 AM EDT: bye
 Aza2 leaves the room 5/26/06 10:06:07 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 5/26/06 10:08:11 AM EDT: To log out, just close this window.
 nan 5/26/06 10:08:26 AM EDT: good call
 nan leaves the room 5/26/06 10:10:01 AM EDT
 sophia leaves the room 5/26/06 10:10:24 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 5/26/06 10:10:24 AM EDT: bye
 Roohiya2 leaves the room 5/26/06 10:10:31 AM EDT
 rtoledosj leaves the room 5/26/06 10:19:36 AM EDT
 jsarmi joins the room 5/30/06 9:22:31 AM EDT
 jsarmi 5/30/06 9:22:53 AM EDT: Xinliang2?
 jsarmi leaves the room 5/30/06 9:29:19 AM EDT
 jsarmi joins the room 5/30/06 9:42:16 AM EDT
 jsarmi leaves the room 5/30/06 4:41:07 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 5/31/06 4:26:31 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 5/31/06 4:43:47 PM EDT
 Quicksilver joins the room 6/3/06 9:21:45 PM EDT
 Quicksilver leaves the room 6/3/06 9:22:29 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/4/06 6:03:06 PM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/4/06 6:36:39 PM EDT
 TBryant 6/4/06 6:39:37 PM EDT: Tutor are you working?
 TBryant leaves the room 6/4/06 6:42:46 PM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/4/06 7:34:25 PM EDT
 tutor 6/4/06 7:36:55 PM EDT: Yes, I am looking at this log to prepare the feedback for the group.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:37:55 PM EDT: When does this project end and a community chat begin?
 tutor 6/4/06 7:38:40 PM EDT: This group just started and they will have a few more sessions.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:38:53 PM EDT: Also, how do new school groups get into this program?
 tutor 6/4/06 7:40:03 PM EDT: We invite teachers to invite their students to these sessions. We then facilitate them.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:40:46 PM EDT: So they can join a session already in progress.
 tutor 6/4/06 7:41:45 PM EDT: Right now, it is really students of a particular teacher who should join  a session.
 tutor 6/4/06 7:43:02 PM EDT: What we would want in the future to have is  situation where students create their own problem-solving sessions which they ay, if they wish, open to oters. 
 tutor 6/4/06 7:43:18 PM EDT: ay = may, others = others.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:43:36 PM EDT: Sounds great!
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:44:19 PM EDT: Okay I will let you get back to work thanks for the info. Bye
 tutor 6/4/06 7:44:20 PM EDT: We are trying to learn from these sessions how to make them more appealing to students.
 tutor 6/4/06 7:44:47 PM EDT: Glad to be of assistance. See you in other sessions.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:45:25 PM EDT: So the real sessions have not started as for your ultimate goal of random problem solving.
 tutor 6/4/06 7:48:14 PM EDT: These are real sessions. However, in this environment, we have not yet run sessions which are participated in by a truly international group, e.g. participants from Asia, Europe, North America, South America in a problem-solving session.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:50:03 PM EDT: I meant a session where someone comes with a problem and a group takes the problem and helps them solve it. I will not keep you. Thanks
 tutor 6/4/06 7:51:58 PM EDT: This is our dream scenario.
 TBryant 6/4/06 7:52:27 PM EDT: That would be awesome!!
 TBryant leaves the room 6/4/06 7:55:08 PM EDT
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 tutor 6/4/06 9:35:24 PM EDT: Feedback from a tutor.
 tutor 6/4/06 9:36:16 PM EDT: tutor sent an email to room members.

Subject: Feedback Message: Feedback for your group has been posted.

 tutor leaves the room 6/4/06 9:36:18 PM EDT
 Quicksilver joins the room 6/4/06 9:49:31 PM EDT
 Quicksilver leaves the room 6/4/06 9:50:13 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/4/06 10:07:36 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/4/06 10:08:23 PM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/5/06 11:44:54 AM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/5/06 11:47:51 AM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/6/06 2:01:41 AM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/6/06 2:08:05 AM EDT
 jsarmi joins the room 6/6/06 9:54:10 AM EDT
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 jsarmi leaves the room 6/6/06 9:57:10 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 6/7/06 4:15:03 AM EDT
 sophia leaves the room 6/7/06 4:17:31 AM EDT
 EChua joins the room 6/7/06 4:58:05 AM EDT
 EChua leaves the room 6/7/06 4:58:10 AM EDT
 EChua joins the room 6/7/06 5:17:28 AM EDT
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 EChua leaves the room 6/7/06 5:35:13 AM EDT
 rtoledosj joins the room 6/7/06 7:50:04 AM EDT
 Aza2 joins the room 6/7/06 7:57:17 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 7:59:02 AM EDT: Hi Aza2
 Aza2 6/7/06 7:59:26 AM EDT: hi
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 7:59:37 AM EDT: While waiting for the others, you can look at the feedback.
 Aza2 6/7/06 7:59:45 AM EDT: ok
 sophia joins the room 6/7/06 8:00:20 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:00:28 AM EDT: Hi Sophia!
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:00:41 AM EDT: hi
 sophia 6/7/06 8:01:22 AM EDT: hi
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:01:33 AM EDT: how did ur camp go?
 sophia 6/7/06 8:01:42 AM EDT: very fun 
 sophia 6/7/06 8:01:55 AM EDT: it's some promotion camp
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:02:08 AM EDT: roohiya is coming. is xinliang coming?
 sophia 6/7/06 8:02:16 AM EDT: and i'm one of the few awardees
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:02:20 AM EDT: oh she juz came
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:02:22 AM EDT: cool
 sophia 6/7/06 8:02:28 AM EDT: yep, xinliang's coming
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:02:46 AM EDT: roohiya is coming. she's juz late i think
 sophia 6/7/06 8:03:20 AM EDT: yep
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:04:15 AM EDT: Since there are already two of you here, you can begin.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:04:35 AM EDT: do we continue with the same ques as the last session
 sophia 6/7/06 8:05:12 AM EDT: eh, i think we continue with the qn
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:05:26 AM EDT: You can click 'View Topic', and scroll it up to see your task for Session 2.
 sophia 6/7/06 8:05:32 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:05:35 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 joins the room 6/7/06 8:08:12 AM EDT
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:08:18 AM EDT: hi xinliang
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:08:37 AM EDT: Hi Xinliang
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:09:01 AM EDT: hi!!
 sophia 6/7/06 8:09:22 AM EDT: hihihi
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:09:32 AM EDT: gd roohiya is here too
 Roohiya2 joins the room 6/7/06 8:09:38 AM EDT
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:09:48 AM EDT: hi roo
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:10:18 AM EDT: To see what has happened before, you can click on the 'double arrow' icon at the upper right corner of the chat box.
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:10:27 AM EDT: Hi Roohiya2
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:10:36 AM EDT: hello
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:11:09 AM EDT: do we have a new topic?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:11:17 AM EDT: the feedback is tt we should have a formula applicable to all values of N is it?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:11:44 AM EDT: scroll down
 sophia 6/7/06 8:11:50 AM EDT: er,i think so
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:11:51 AM EDT: in the view topic
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:12:07 AM EDT: the instructions for session 2 and 3 are there
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:12:16 AM EDT: do we start a new topic
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:12:22 AM EDT: no
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:12:29 AM EDT: actually.... im not sure
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:12:37 AM EDT: then we continue on the same one
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:12:37 AM EDT: coz i dont understand wat they mean
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:12:55 AM EDT: the dunno wat new patterns etc
 sophia 6/7/06 8:13:10 AM EDT: we are to consider other polygons to do patterns
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:13:19 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:13:26 AM EDT: i think we have to group similar numbers together
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:13:30 AM EDT: but we have to discuss feedback first right
 sophia 6/7/06 8:13:37 AM EDT: i understand-- to form patterns with other types of polygons
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:13:38 AM EDT: so tht it won't look so complicated
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:13:56 AM EDT: omg
 sophia 6/7/06 8:14:02 AM EDT: then, to get fomula for the patterns
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:14:11 AM EDT: ppl i dun understand wat's going on
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:14:13 AM EDT: the no. of sticks is so simple
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:14:34 AM EDT: its juz N(N+3)
 sophia 6/7/06 8:14:49 AM EDT: really?
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:14:55 AM EDT: really?
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:15:00 AM EDT: how do u do it?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:15:18 AM EDT: see when n is 1
 sophia 6/7/06 8:15:18 AM EDT: yep, how do you do it?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:15:30 AM EDT: its 1 times (1+3) which is 4
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:15:43 AM EDT: yes.go on
 sophia 6/7/06 8:15:53 AM EDT: yep...
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:16:06 AM EDT: that's ok but how did u go abt finding the formula
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:16:07 AM EDT: and for N=2
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:16:14 AM EDT: 2 times (2+3)
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:16:17 AM EDT: which is 10
 sophia 6/7/06 8:16:31 AM EDT: N os the munber of squares isit?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:16:44 AM EDT: no the pattern no
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:16:47 AM EDT: N is the pattern no.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:16:53 AM EDT: i got the formula by guessing
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:17:00 AM EDT: ooooooooh
 sophia 6/7/06 8:17:02 AM EDT: oh..
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:14 AM EDT: i did like 4=2 times 2
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:18 AM EDT: or 2+2
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:17:20 AM EDT: so is tt how we go abt doing in exams
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:27 AM EDT: or 1times 4
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:34 AM EDT: and 1 times 4
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:39 AM EDT: is actually
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:44 AM EDT: 1 times 1+3
 sophia 6/7/06 8:17:45 AM EDT: er...
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:17:48 AM EDT: so yah
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:18:07 AM EDT: i feel so...
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:18:11 AM EDT: nvm
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:18:20 AM EDT: so my point is 
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:18:25 AM EDT: anw wat do we do next
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:18:30 AM EDT: there has got to be a simpler way for no. of squares
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:19:10 AM EDT: i have a really weird formula for no. of squares
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:19:32 AM EDT: i thought we already found the formula
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:19:43 AM EDT: its N times (N-1)(0.5)
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:19:51 AM EDT: they think its too complicated
 sophia 6/7/06 8:20:17 AM EDT: wait your that one cannot work for 1 square
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:20:17 AM EDT: they want a COMMON formula for ALL values of N
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:20:28 AM EDT: ur formula iirds kinda we
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:20:38 AM EDT: but let's try it out!!
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:20:38 AM EDT: i noe...
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:20:49 AM EDT: but i THINK it works
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:20:53 AM EDT: nvm
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:21:11 AM EDT: actually
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:21:15 AM EDT: c'mmon don'y give up
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:21:16 AM EDT: i made an error
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:21:29 AM EDT: let's continue to try!!!
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:21:47 AM EDT: ok wait
 sophia 6/7/06 8:21:52 AM EDT: the last number to add is the pattern no.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:21:53 AM EDT: ill tell u the pattern
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:22:12 AM EDT: for N=2, the no. of sticks is N times 1.5
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:22:21 AM EDT: for N=3, its N times 2
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:22:33 AM EDT: for N=4, its N times 2.5
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:22:35 AM EDT: etc etc
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:23:56 AM EDT: so do u mean for every pattern, we have to add 0.5 to the previous no.?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:24:25 AM EDT: yup
 sophia 6/7/06 8:24:39 AM EDT: but fot N pattern, you wont know when the adding of 0.5 will end
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:24:40 AM EDT: but tt still doesnt gv a COMMON formula
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:24:51 AM EDT: exactly
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:24:56 AM EDT: the number of squres increases by 1 every time
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:25:17 AM EDT: so we can TRY to get a formula from this....... i guess
 sophia 6/7/06 8:25:31 AM EDT: wat is the formula for the no. of sticks?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:25:44 AM EDT: tts wat im trying to figure out
 sophia 6/7/06 8:25:48 AM EDT: isit N(N+3)?
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:25:49 AM EDT: the one we got is too long
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:25:59 AM EDT: oh for sticks yah
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:26:10 AM EDT: why its tt way, dont ask me
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:26:11 AM EDT: tt's the no. of sticks
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:26:15 AM EDT: coz i really dont noe
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:26:29 AM EDT: so the formula 4 sticks is N(N+3)?
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:26:37 AM EDT: yes 
 sophia 6/7/06 8:26:37 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:26:45 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:27:02 AM EDT: now we have find the formula for the sq.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:27:13 AM EDT: its frustrating right? we tried so much and we figure it out now...
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:27:15 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:27:21 AM EDT: yah...
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:27:26 AM EDT: but dun give up
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:27:31 AM EDT: we can do it!!
 sophia 6/7/06 8:28:18 AM EDT: yep
 sophia 6/7/06 8:28:19 AM EDT: 
 sophia 6/7/06 8:28:22 AM EDT: haha
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:28:36 AM EDT: yes ppl can we go on
 sophia 6/7/06 8:28:46 AM EDT: i agree man!
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:29:39 AM EDT: is it (n+1)
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:29:43 AM EDT: is the formula right?
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:29:54 AM EDT: can the formula on the whiteboard work?
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:30:05 AM EDT: sorry is it n
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:30:19 AM EDT: sorry tt's wrong too
 sophia 6/7/06 8:30:25 AM EDT: nope, i think the formula shld be 'longer'
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:30:30 AM EDT: i so wish i could write, its so much easier
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:30:39 AM EDT: mine is adding the consecutive no together
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:30:42 AM EDT: is the formula in the square right
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:30:46 AM EDT: the one i juz added
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:30:46 AM EDT: yeah
 M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:31:19 AM EDT: wats sophia doing
 sophia 6/7/06 8:31:36 AM EDT: er, some error
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:32:07 AM EDT: the whiteboard is so messy
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:32:10 AM EDT: i dun see anything
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:32:14 AM EDT: u know the formula we got the previous time?
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:32:19 AM EDT: it works
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:32:19 AM EDT: yah
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:32:29 AM EDT: they said u need a common formula
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:32:49 AM EDT: as in 
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:33:08 AM EDT: the formula shouldn't be like dependant on N
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:33:20 AM EDT: as in u noe wat is in between
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:33:26 AM EDT: do u get wat i mean?
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:33:37 AM EDT: no
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:33:37 AM EDT: 
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:33:38 AM EDT: u should noe all the values u r using
 sophia 6/7/06 8:33:39 AM EDT: i think couldit be (N+1)(N/2)
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:33:53 AM EDT: why
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:33:59 AM EDT: lets try
 sophia 6/7/06 8:34:10 AM EDT: er, i got that thing from pattern 3
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:35:04 AM EDT: ya but 4 pattern 1 u get a dec.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:35:07 AM EDT: i think it works
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:35:16 AM EDT: yay!
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:35:20 AM EDT: it works
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:35:23 AM EDT: gd job sophia
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:35:32 AM EDT: it works!!!
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:35:43 AM EDT: how do u get tht sophia?
 sophia 6/7/06 8:35:46 AM EDT: really?
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:35:48 AM EDT: how
 sophia 6/7/06 8:36:36 AM EDT: coz in pattern 3 rite, there is a odd number, which is 2, which is half of 1+3, so i got it
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:36:45 AM EDT: ppl can it work for pattern 1
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:36:57 AM EDT: yah its 2 times half
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:37:11 AM EDT: oh yes
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:37:35 AM EDT: WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:37:41 AM EDT: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:37:46 AM EDT: yay!!
 sophia 6/7/06 8:37:48 AM EDT: it works for the pther pattern too!
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:37:49 AM EDT: thnks sophia
 sophia 6/7/06 8:37:56 AM EDT: bwahahaha
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:38:15 AM EDT: so are we done?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:38:16 AM EDT: y couldnt u get in for the last session
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:38:17 AM EDT: so now we haf to make changes in the whiteboard
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:38:17 AM EDT: sigh
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:38:20 AM EDT: yup
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:38:29 AM EDT: its done
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:38:39 AM EDT: ill erase the old one
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:39:04 AM EDT: (sigh) xinliang all our hard work
 sophia 6/7/06 8:39:23 AM EDT: how to'write on the board?
 sophia 6/7/06 8:39:25 AM EDT: wait
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:39:33 AM EDT: the textbox
 sophia 6/7/06 8:39:36 AM EDT: dont erase the tavle
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:39:37 AM EDT: haha
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:39:41 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:39:44 AM EDT: ppl i forgot how to erase
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:39:50 AM EDT: at least we improved it
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:39:58 AM EDT: yup
 sophia 6/7/06 8:40:18 AM EDT: just add a new colum to write thenew fomulas for the sticks and the squares
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:40:19 AM EDT: u cant erhinkase anything i t
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:40:30 AM EDT: *u can erase anything
 M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:41:29 AM EDT: there's no eraser
 M M M
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:41:45 AM EDT: how do u erase
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:42:01 AM EDT: u dont need to erase
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:42:04 AM EDT: the previous time we ersed it
 M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:42:43 AM EDT: juz click on the box to edit the text
 M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:43:55 AM EDT: oooh
 M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 8:44:24 AM EDT: i see
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:44:25 AM EDT: im juz copying and pasting for the no. of squares
 M M M M M
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:45:28 AM EDT: so aren't we done with this question
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:45:46 AM EDT: yes but we have to make the changes
 M M M
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:46:06 AM EDT: where
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:46:19 AM EDT: done
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:46:24 AM EDT: the table has been edited
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:46:38 AM EDT: yah
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:46:48 AM EDT: so less complicated
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:46:58 AM EDT: i noe
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:47:19 AM EDT: who's mrt?
 M M
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:47:41 AM EDT: mrt is another facilitator.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:47:52 AM EDT: oh
 sophia 6/7/06 8:47:56 AM EDT: wat do we do next?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:48:08 AM EDT: discuss probs related to matchsticks?
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:48:26 AM EDT: At ths point, you can begin to think in terms of other patterns that you might want to explore.
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:48:38 AM EDT: we haf to work on qn 2 of section 2
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:48:46 AM EDT: is this the only question we are going to do?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:49:23 AM EDT: u mean like pyramids etc made from matchsticks?
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:50:04 AM EDT: and polygons
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:50:16 AM EDT: so like pyramids using triangles
 sophia 6/7/06 8:50:36 AM EDT: wat do we do? isit think of the other pattern for other polygons?
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:50:55 AM EDT: maybe we should juz look through our primary sch problem sums
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:51:05 AM EDT: they ALWAYS used to give patterns
 sophia 6/7/06 8:51:24 AM EDT: haha 
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:51:33 AM EDT: and the legs one was another favourite
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:51:56 AM EDT: ppl do not digress
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:52:06 AM EDT: ok ok
 sophia 6/7/06 8:52:14 AM EDT: arh, the cow and the chicken legs...
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:52:21 AM EDT: yah 
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:52:26 AM EDT:  i know this qn
 sophia 6/7/06 8:52:26 AM EDT: ops sory
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:52:38 AM EDT: do we wrap up this session
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:52:49 AM EDT: it's about time already.
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:52:55 AM EDT: no we're supposed to discuss other patterns
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:52:59 AM EDT: i think
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:53:26 AM EDT: maybe a rectangle would be good
 sophia 6/7/06 8:53:41 AM EDT: hey, cool
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:53:44 AM EDT: u noe it is the same as a square
 sophia 6/7/06 8:53:46 AM EDT: lets try on that
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:53:55 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:53:57 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/7/06 8:54:19 AM EDT: a rectangle made up of 6 sticks
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:54:23 AM EDT: or a parrellologram
 sophia 6/7/06 8:54:52 AM EDT: yep, but both of them has similar concepts
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:54:54 AM EDT: ppl.... did u see the VMT Wiki link
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:54:57 AM EDT: its freaky
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:55:13 AM EDT: the explanations they have there are so... complicated
 sophia 6/7/06 8:55:21 AM EDT: as in the number of sticks and no. of shapes
 sophia 6/7/06 8:55:38 AM EDT: you mean the pattern qns?
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:55:51 AM EDT: oh i understand
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:56:03 AM EDT: im sorry but i need to go already
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:56:09 AM EDT: we have to use sq. but in diff patterns
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:56:13 AM EDT: its ok
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:56:16 AM EDT: bye
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:56:37 AM EDT: ok xinliang but r u going tomorrow for lessons
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:56:44 AM EDT: (gulp) wats recursion?
 sophia 6/7/06 8:56:45 AM EDT: yep, bb to xin liang
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:57:01 AM EDT: im going 4 lessons tmr
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:01 AM EDT: and induction
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:57:02 AM EDT: c ya
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:57:04 AM EDT: (:
 sophia 6/7/06 8:57:05 AM EDT: wats that?
 Xinliang2 6/7/06 8:57:06 AM EDT: sorry
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:08 AM EDT: bb
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:11 AM EDT: its there
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:24 AM EDT: read in the session II and III section
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:26 AM EDT: Q 2
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:32 AM EDT: the last part
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:57:38 AM EDT: no prob
 sophia 6/7/06 8:57:43 AM EDT: ok... wait
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:58:06 AM EDT: so do we wrap up this session
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:58:32 AM EDT: hang on
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:58:32 AM EDT: is anyone listening to me?
 sophia 6/7/06 8:58:33 AM EDT: eh, its some form of ways to present your workings
 sophia 6/7/06 8:58:52 AM EDT: yep, i here
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:58:58 AM EDT: the other team is still there
 sophia 6/7/06 8:59:01 AM EDT: we need to wrap up the session 
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:59:13 AM EDT: maybe we should try to start on question 2
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:59:21 AM EDT: hello ppl i exist
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:59:26 AM EDT: or else session 3 will be a mad rush
 sophia 6/7/06 8:59:31 AM EDT: hi roohiya
 Aza2 6/7/06 8:59:32 AM EDT: we noe tt roo
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 8:59:34 AM EDT: You can always agree among yourelves to continue this session on your own.
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 8:59:53 AM EDT: lets continue for little more time
 sophia 6/7/06 8:59:59 AM EDT: ok
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:00:08 AM EDT: on a different qn pls
 sophia 6/7/06 9:00:16 AM EDT: we've decided to do on rectangles rite?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:00:20 AM EDT: truthfully, i still dont understand wat they want from us... as in do we concentrate on a prob of our own or many problems
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:00:21 AM EDT: Are you all working from your homes?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:00:30 AM EDT: yup
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:00:34 AM EDT: yes
 sophia 6/7/06 9:00:35 AM EDT: er, ya
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:00:46 AM EDT: y?
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:01:26 AM EDT: If somebody still has to go home from school, that may mean that we really need to end soon.
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:01:48 AM EDT: sorry?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:01:55 AM EDT: its actually our holidays so i dont think any1 would stay till so late in sch
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:02:02 AM EDT: The idea is for you to come up with your own problems to explore.
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:02:12 AM EDT: and it is 9 at night now
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:02:14 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/7/06 9:02:21 AM EDT: yep, i agree too
 sophia 6/7/06 9:03:06 AM EDT: anw, shall we try those qn that is non pattern?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:03:14 AM EDT: we could get started on the rectangle and the next session try something else, like 3d
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:03:36 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/7/06 9:03:42 AM EDT: hmmm, i dont mind that
 sophia 6/7/06 9:03:59 AM EDT: a rectangle has 6 sticks
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:04:11 AM EDT: ya
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:04:13 AM EDT: so that will be fig. 1
 sophia 6/7/06 9:04:26 AM EDT: 2rectangles have 10 sticks 
 sophia 6/7/06 9:04:36 AM EDT: they are stacked 
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:04:47 AM EDT: we need more space in the whiteboard
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:04:53 AM EDT: actually they would have more
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:05:01 AM EDT: coz they need to look similar
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:05:10 AM EDT: if u stack them, they wont look similar
 sophia 6/7/06 9:05:18 AM EDT: can we draw on the board?
 sophia 6/7/06 9:05:31 AM EDT: oh, i see
 M M
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:05:42 AM EDT: tt's why there i s no space
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:05:45 AM EDT: c wat i mean
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:05:50 AM EDT: they dont look similar
 sophia 6/7/06 9:05:57 AM EDT: or we make like the sq thingy?
 M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:06:09 AM EDT: shouldnt it be like this
 M M M M M M M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:07:16 AM EDT: wat i mean is... fig 1 should have a similar shape to fig 2 and fig 2 to fig 3 etc
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:07:23 AM EDT: ppl wat r we doing
 M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:07:42 AM EDT: i c....
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:08:52 AM EDT: You can erase some of th drawings that you have on the whiteboard to have more space for new drawings.
 M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:08:58 AM EDT: something like tt
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:09:09 AM EDT: u guys wanna erase the old drawing
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:09:14 AM EDT: more space 
 M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:09:25 AM EDT: yep
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:11:15 AM EDT: You can always look at what the whiteboard was like by using the whiteboard scroll button at the left of the screen. It's that thing which is close to '2005-2006 fraunhofer' at the lower left of the screen. 
 M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:11:35 AM EDT: oh
 M M M M M M M
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:12:19 AM EDT: You move that thing up and you see what the whiteboard looked like before you changed it.
 sophia 6/7/06 9:12:19 AM EDT: did you see that?
 M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:12:39 AM EDT: c wat?
 M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:13:16 AM EDT: by scrolling the round buttons, you can see the changes
 sophia 6/7/06 9:13:20 AM EDT: done b4
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:13:29 AM EDT: oh
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:13:38 AM EDT: cool
 M M M M M M M M M M
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:15:25 AM EDT: ok ppl i need to go now
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:15:34 AM EDT: ok bye
 sophia 6/7/06 9:15:38 AM EDT: ok bb
 Roohiya2 6/7/06 9:15:41 AM EDT: bye
 sophia 6/7/06 9:15:43 AM EDT: cya
 Roohiya2 leaves the room 6/7/06 9:16:01 AM EDT
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:16:23 AM EDT: btw, wat are all those questions in your rooms for?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:16:33 AM EDT: i mean my rooms
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:16:33 AM EDT: To know the other cool features of this environment, you can click on the tab with the '?/ mark beside the 'Send Mail' tab.
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:18:51 AM EDT: the fomula for that one is 6+5+4+3
 M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:19:01 AM EDT: that one?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:19:04 AM EDT: which one?
 M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:19:37 AM EDT: for ther picture you drew for fig 2
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:19:46 AM EDT: oh
 M M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:20:25 AM EDT: the no of rectangles is N^2
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:20:27 AM EDT: the no. of rectangles is simple
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:20:31 AM EDT: yup
 M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:21:31 AM EDT: but i fig 3, the no of sticks is funny, as in the pattern
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:22:06 AM EDT: i noe the pattern is very weirdly drawn but i did it in a hurry
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:22:11 AM EDT: can u count the no of sticks and check
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:22:20 AM EDT: i might have counted wrongly
 sophia 6/7/06 9:22:28 AM EDT: i mean the pattern for the number of sticks
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:23:07 AM EDT: oh tt
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:23:29 AM EDT: u want me to draw fig 4 so tt its easier to spot a pattern?
 sophia 6/7/06 9:23:46 AM EDT: yep you can try
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:26:10 AM EDT: all are multiples of 6
 sophia 6/7/06 9:26:12 AM EDT: for fig 3 rite, it's 42sticks
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:26:19 AM EDT: really
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:27:43 AM EDT: im still getting 36... how?
 M M M M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:27:55 AM EDT: the formula is 2(N)(N+1)+(N)(N+1)
 M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:28:25 AM EDT: isnt tt the same as 3(N)(N+1)
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:28:55 AM EDT: oh, ya
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:30:15 AM EDT: so wats the right no. of matchsticks in fig 3?
 sophia 6/7/06 9:30:33 AM EDT: er, i got 42
 sophia 6/7/06 9:31:13 AM EDT: theres 4 of the 6 sticks and 4 of the 3sticks
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:31:29 AM EDT: u still getting 42... im still getting 36
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:31:35 AM EDT: wait lemme count again
 sophia 6/7/06 9:31:53 AM EDT: wait i got 36 too
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:32:01 AM EDT: u did?
 sophia 6/7/06 9:32:10 AM EDT: sry
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:32:24 AM EDT: u noe wat
 sophia 6/7/06 9:32:26 AM EDT: i sort of counted wrongly i think
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:32:32 AM EDT: its similar to our prev pattern
 sophia 6/7/06 9:32:47 AM EDT: in what way?
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:33:02 AM EDT: wait
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:33:07 AM EDT: ill show on the whiteboard
 M M M M M M M
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:35:03 AM EDT: the pattern for the no. of matchsticks is simply the (no. of squares in the other one) times 6
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:35:45 AM EDT: so we have two formulas
 sophia 6/7/06 9:36:00 AM EDT: and they are...
 sophia 6/7/06 9:36:12 AM EDT: coz i still dont gettit
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:36:19 AM EDT: 3(N)(N+1) and 6(N+1)(N/2)
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:36:31 AM EDT: which is the same thing
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:36:36 AM EDT: nvm
 sophia 6/7/06 9:36:40 AM EDT: yep
 sophia 6/7/06 9:37:13 AM EDT: any, i got to go now, sry......
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:37:26 AM EDT: wat i meant was tt the no. of squares is equal to the no. of GROUPS OF 6 matchsticks
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:37:26 AM EDT: ok
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:37:31 AM EDT: then even i better go
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:38:03 AM EDT: np bb
 M M
 sophia 6/7/06 9:38:16 AM EDT: bb
 sophia leaves the room 6/7/06 9:38:16 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/7/06 9:39:30 AM EDT: Ok. Aza2, bye.
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:39:50 AM EDT: yup
 Aza2 6/7/06 9:39:54 AM EDT: bye
 Aza2 leaves the room 6/7/06 9:39:58 AM EDT
 rtoledosj leaves the room 6/7/06 9:41:28 AM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/7/06 4:32:28 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/7/06 4:40:39 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/7/06 10:03:06 PM EDT
 M M
 tutor 6/7/06 10:58:10 PM EDT: tutor sent an email to room members.

Subject: Session 2 feedback Message: We have looked at your Session 2 work and we have put our feedback on the whiteboard.

 tutor leaves the room 6/7/06 10:58:19 PM EDT
 rtoledosj joins the room 6/8/06 7:50:19 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 joins the room 6/8/06 8:02:32 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 6/8/06 8:03:06 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 6/8/06 8:04:21 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:05:40 AM EDT: where is aza?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:07:08 AM EDT: i tried to call her but i cant reach her
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:07:30 AM EDT: oh...then how?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:08:52 AM EDT: eh,im not sure leh, as in they are not in school today, so its difficult to contact them
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:09:42 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:09:56 AM EDT: so we continue with session 3 ok?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:10:04 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:10:13 AM EDT: alright
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:10:40 AM EDT: so wad did u discover in the no. of rectangles n sticks
 rtoledosj leaves the room 6/8/06 8:10:59 AM EDT
 sophia 6/8/06 8:12:06 AM EDT: the no. of sticks for the rectangleis 3N(N+1)
 sophia 6/8/06 8:12:27 AM EDT: and the no. of rectangles is N^2
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:13:05 AM EDT: how do u test it out?
 nan joins the room 6/8/06 8:13:06 AM EDT
 sophia 6/8/06 8:13:31 AM EDT: we saw the pattern
 M M M
 jsarmi joins the room 6/8/06 8:14:09 AM EDT
 nan 6/8/06 8:14:12 AM EDT: hi, i joined because i noticed ramon left
 nan 6/8/06 8:14:22 AM EDT: hi jsarmi
 sophia 6/8/06 8:14:24 AM EDT: er, ok...
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:14:29 AM EDT: hi 
 nan 6/8/06 8:14:31 AM EDT: we're here in case you have any questions
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:14:50 AM EDT: thanks
 nan 6/8/06 8:14:58 AM EDT: sure
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:15:14 AM EDT: so now we are going to work on triangles
 sophia 6/8/06 8:15:38 AM EDT: orshall wetry with 3D shapes?
 jsarmi leaves the room 6/8/06 8:15:44 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:16:09 AM EDT: hold on 
 sophia 6/8/06 8:16:31 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:19:13 AM EDT: im back
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:19:19 AM EDT: i went to take a phone call
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:19:21 AM EDT: sorry
 sophia 6/8/06 8:19:37 AM EDT: its alright
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:19:40 AM EDT: the 3d figures are much more challenging 
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:19:50 AM EDT: can we try the triangles?
 rtoledosj joins the room 6/8/06 8:19:52 AM EDT
 sophia 6/8/06 8:19:58 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:20:50 AM EDT: so now we find the pattern for the no. of sticks use alright?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:21:03 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:21:15 AM EDT: do u know how to extend the whiteboard space?
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:21:15 AM EDT: Sorry, my Internet connection disconnected. 
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:21:26 AM EDT: it's alright
 sophia 6/8/06 8:21:39 AM EDT: eh nope.\\
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:21:41 AM EDT: there's no space on the whtieboard left
 sophia 6/8/06 8:21:56 AM EDT: we can erase the board
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:21:59 AM EDT: Thanks! My connection went down.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:22:33 AM EDT: rtoledosj and nan, do u know how to extend the whiteboard?
 nan 6/8/06 8:22:34 AM EDT: no problem. i will stay in case:-)
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:22:46 AM EDT: Thnaks.
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:22:53 AM EDT: Thanks!
 sophia 6/8/06 8:23:25 AM EDT: so howdo we extend the board?
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:23:45 AM EDT: is nan teaching us how to extend the whiteboard?
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:24:02 AM EDT: The board cannot be extended. :-(
 sophia 6/8/06 8:24:26 AM EDT: eh, can we erase the stuffs on the board?
 nan 6/8/06 8:24:27 AM EDT: you can't extend the board
 nan 6/8/06 8:24:44 AM EDT: what you can do is to delete things or rearrange
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:24:46 AM EDT: Yes, you can erase the whiteboard.
 sophia 6/8/06 8:25:03 AM EDT: ok, thannks
 nan 6/8/06 8:25:08 AM EDT: you can always use the bar on the left to scroll up to see the history of the board
 nan 6/8/06 8:25:16 AM EDT: every step is preserved
 sophia 6/8/06 8:25:16 AM EDT: ok
 nan 6/8/06 8:25:23 AM EDT: you're welcome
 M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:26:53 AM EDT: ohhhh
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:26:55 AM EDT: thanks !!!
 M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:27:23 AM EDT: then are we supposed to erase the feedback too?
 M M M
 nan 6/8/06 8:27:39 AM EDT: you certainly can
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:29:47 AM EDT: sophia, are we erasing the rectangle diagram?
 M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:31:46 AM EDT: sophia, are we going to erase the rectangle diagram?
 nan 6/8/06 8:35:41 AM EDT: hi sophia, are you there?
 nan 6/8/06 8:36:30 AM EDT: i suspect if she's having technical problem
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:36:43 AM EDT: nan, how come i cant seem to write on the whiteboard?
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:36:53 AM EDT: i'll go and call her
 nan 6/8/06 8:37:21 AM EDT: can you check if the history bar on the left is scrolled all the way down to the bottom?
 nan 6/8/06 8:37:33 AM EDT: which means the status is current?
 nan 6/8/06 8:37:52 AM EDT: if it's not, you cannot perform actions on the board
 nan 6/8/06 8:37:57 AM EDT: ok
 sophia leaves the room 6/8/06 8:39:58 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:40:22 AM EDT: sophia tries to come in again
 nan 6/8/06 8:40:39 AM EDT: i see. what was the problem?
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:40:45 AM EDT: i see a nice clean whiteboard
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:41:05 AM EDT: she cant seem to get the latest message
 nan 6/8/06 8:41:13 AM EDT: hmm
 M M M M M M
 sophia joins the room 6/8/06 8:41:58 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:42:03 AM EDT: The rectangle problem is still on the whiteboard.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:42:20 AM EDT: i think it's alright 
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:42:25 AM EDT: there's still space
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:42:29 AM EDT: (:
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:42:31 AM EDT: (:
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 8:42:40 AM EDT: ok.
 nan 6/8/06 8:42:44 AM EDT: hi sophia, sorry we lost you for a little while
 nan 6/8/06 8:42:52 AM EDT: is it working for you now?
 M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:43:26 AM EDT: sophia can you see the message and the drawing?
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/8/06 8:43:54 AM EDT: hihihihihihi my board takes such a long time to load
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:44:04 AM EDT: hi
 M M M M
 sophia 6/8/06 8:45:20 AM EDT: yep i can see 
 M M
 sophia 6/8/06 8:45:40 AM EDT: i think it sldbe likethat
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:45:41 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:45:42 AM EDT: 
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:45:47 AM EDT: let's start the discussion
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:45:50 AM EDT: it's rather late 
 M M M M M M M M M M M M
 nan 6/8/06 8:46:15 AM EDT: sorry about the problem
 M M
 nan 6/8/06 8:46:21 AM EDT: i will report that
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/8/06 8:47:55 AM EDT: i think the pattern sld be like that, to have similar figures while increasing the number
 M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:48:27 AM EDT: oooh
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:48:33 AM EDT: i tink you are right
 M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:48:41 AM EDT: cos my diagram seems so easy 
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:48:42 AM EDT: haha
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:50:47 AM EDT: is the pattern for the no. of triangles N^2?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:50:55 AM EDT: yep
 sophia 6/8/06 8:51:27 AM EDT: anw, despite my ugly diagram the pattern sld beclear
 M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:51:44 AM EDT: it's not that ugly la
 M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:54:16 AM EDT: sophia, are you finishing the 3rd pattern?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:54:28 AM EDT: eh, trying, 
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:54:38 AM EDT: i help you!!!
 M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:55:21 AM EDT: is it like that?
 sophia 6/8/06 8:55:29 AM EDT: ahhhh, herecomes our pattern 3
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:55:37 AM EDT: it looks kind of unproportional
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:55:38 AM EDT: hhaha
 sophia 6/8/06 8:55:59 AM EDT: anw, as long as it is clear, will do
 M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 8:56:35 AM EDT: yup
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/8/06 8:58:40 AM EDT: i think the board is slow
 M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:00:06 AM EDT: yeah
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:00:11 AM EDT: it's not responding
 nan 6/8/06 9:00:41 AM EDT: or very slow
 nan 6/8/06 9:01:11 AM EDT: we'll check what the problem could be
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:02:47 AM EDT: alright
 sophia 6/8/06 9:03:05 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:03:16 AM EDT: sophia, we can also draw out the 4th pattern
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:03:23 AM EDT: XInliang and Sophia, are you using a dial-up line?
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:03:42 AM EDT: no, im not using
 sophia 6/8/06 9:03:50 AM EDT: nope, its ADSL cable broadband
 M M M
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:04:42 AM EDT: You're using broadband, too?
 M M
 sophia 6/8/06 9:04:51 AM EDT: yep
 M M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:05:30 AM EDT: i think im using wireless
 M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:05:37 AM EDT: im not very sure too
 M M M M M M M M M M M M
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:07:05 AM EDT: We are trying to find out why you are experiencing a slowdown.
 M M
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:07:18 AM EDT: Thank you for the information.
 M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:08:12 AM EDT: you are welcome!!
 sophia 6/8/06 9:08:32 AM EDT: welcome
 M M
 sophia leaves the room 6/8/06 9:10:00 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:10:24 AM EDT: what happened to sophia?
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:11:13 AM EDT: I don't know. Did she mention anything about having to leave early?
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:11:38 AM EDT: nope
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:12:09 AM EDT: Oops! It's not early! It's 9:10.
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:12:31 AM EDT: Sophia's back!
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:12:36 AM EDT: what country are you from
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:12:41 AM EDT: yeah it's late
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:13:00 AM EDT: u are in  the same timezone as singapore?
 sophia joins the room 6/8/06 9:13:05 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:13:07 AM EDT: No.
 sophia 6/8/06 9:13:27 AM EDT: sry, got connection problem
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:13:28 AM EDT: It's 9:14am here.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:14:01 AM EDT: oooh
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:14:02 AM EDT: hi sophia
 sophia 6/8/06 9:14:14 AM EDT: and, the board is very slow to load
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:14:30 AM EDT: i got to go very soon
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:15:16 AM EDT: Okay. our final session will be tomorrow, same time.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:15:44 AM EDT: is it alright if i leave early?
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:16:30 AM EDT: We are actually running late. We should have ended 15 minutes ago.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:17:21 AM EDT: alright, then i should get going already
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:17:34 AM EDT: You might want to make a brief summary of what you did and learned during this session. You can post that on the whiteboard.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:17:37 AM EDT: are we supposed to send our discussion?
 sophia 6/8/06 9:17:47 AM EDT: ok, nvm, we can try tmr, earlier 
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:17:55 AM EDT: That would help the mentors.
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:18:05 AM EDT: ok
 rtoledosj 6/8/06 9:18:13 AM EDT: Bye, Xinliang!
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:18:18 AM EDT: sophia, tmr we try to log on 15 min earlier kae?
 sophia 6/8/06 9:18:28 AM EDT: ok
 nan 6/8/06 9:18:44 AM EDT: that was a great session
 nan 6/8/06 9:18:50 AM EDT: thank you guys for coming
 nan 6/8/06 9:18:54 AM EDT: and have a good night
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:19:26 AM EDT: good night
 sophia 6/8/06 9:19:36 AM EDT: ok bb
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:19:36 AM EDT: sophia, is that considered a summary?
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:19:40 AM EDT: you can edit it.
 sophia leaves the room 6/8/06 9:19:40 AM EDT
 rtoledosj leaves the room 6/8/06 9:21:06 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 6/8/06 9:21:29 AM EDT: Xinliang2 sent an email to mentors.

Subject: session 3 Message: can you give us some feedback on today's session. im sorry we didn't finish a lot 'cos there's some technical problems going on. thanks anyway!!! (:

 nan 6/8/06 9:21:50 AM EDT: great
 Xinliang2 leaves the room 6/8/06 9:21:54 AM EDT
 nan leaves the room 6/8/06 9:21:58 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 6/8/06 9:21:58 AM EDT
 sophia leaves the room 6/8/06 9:25:06 AM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/8/06 10:34:37 AM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/8/06 10:35:06 AM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/8/06 10:35:11 AM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/8/06 10:35:41 AM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/8/06 10:42:55 AM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/8/06 10:48:01 AM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/8/06 9:42:01 PM EDT
 M M M
 tutor 6/8/06 10:51:36 PM EDT: tutor sent an email to room members.

Subject: Feedback for Session 3 Message: Feedback for Session 3 has been posted on your room's whiteboard.

 tutor leaves the room 6/8/06 10:51:46 PM EDT
 sophia joins the room 6/9/06 6:46:48 AM EDT
 rtoledosj joins the room 6/9/06 7:40:05 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:42:22 AM EDT: Hi Sophia!
 sophia 6/9/06 7:43:14 AM EDT: hello
 sophia 6/9/06 7:43:31 AM EDT: i went for dinner just now
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:44:59 AM EDT: You were having technical problems before. Everything ok now?
 sophia 6/9/06 7:45:21 AM EDT: yep its ok now
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:45:46 AM EDT: While we're waiting for the rest, can you describe what happened?
 sophia 6/9/06 7:46:54 AM EDT: er, the board seems to be lagging and it took about a few minutes to see teh changes like erasing stuffs from the board
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:49:31 AM EDT: What about the text box? Was it also lagging?
 sophia 6/9/06 7:49:41 AM EDT: yes
 sophia 6/9/06 7:49:54 AM EDT: er, as in the chatbox
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:51:08 AM EDT: Was the lag worse as you stayed longer in the session or was it about the same throughout?
 sophia 6/9/06 7:51:33 AM EDT: as i stayed longer in the session
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:52:57 AM EDT: Yesterday, you had to log out or got logged out several times. Everytime you re-entered did the system become better compared to when you logged out?
 sophia 6/9/06 7:53:49 AM EDT: yes, the system became better when i re-entered 
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:55:50 AM EDT: Can you say then, that the earlier session, I mean Session 2, had less lag compared to Session 3?
 sophia 6/9/06 7:56:30 AM EDT: yes
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:57:41 AM EDT: That's very interesting. Now we have a better idea of what seems to be happening.
 sophia 6/9/06 7:57:59 AM EDT: er, ya
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 7:59:02 AM EDT: Do you know if your companions were having a similar experience with the system?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:00:04 AM EDT: erm i'm not sure, but i'm sure that they had technical problems yesterday, as in their board were lagging
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:00:56 AM EDT: Were you using the same computer for all the sessions?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:01:30 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 joins the room 6/9/06 8:02:03 AM EDT
 sophia 6/9/06 8:02:13 AM EDT: hi
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:03:01 AM EDT: I recall that you had serious technical problems during the first session, but very few during the second session. Did you make any changes to your computer between the first and the seconsd session?
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:03:11 AM EDT: Hi Xinliang!
 sophia 6/9/06 8:03:55 AM EDT: hang on, i used my home computer in the first session but for the rest ofteh sessions, i used my tablet pc
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:04:48 AM EDT: it takes so long to load the whiteboard
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:04:49 AM EDT: Which is the newer PC, the home or tablet?
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:05:07 AM EDT: You were having problems, too?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:05:35 AM EDT: the tablet is newer
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:05:57 AM EDT: Is it also a more powerful machine?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:06:26 AM EDT: er, i'm not sure
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:06:44 AM EDT: Is the home computer at least three years old?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:06:53 AM EDT: yep
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:07:09 AM EDT: And the tablet is less than a year old?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:07:16 AM EDT: yep
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:07:32 AM EDT: Both are running Windows XP?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:07:45 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:07:47 AM EDT: hello!!
 sophia 6/9/06 8:07:57 AM EDT: but different edision
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:08:02 AM EDT: I guess, we can start.
 sophia 6/9/06 8:08:11 AM EDT: ok
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:08:14 AM EDT: oh.
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:08:29 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/9/06 8:08:44 AM EDT: so,shall we start?
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:08:48 AM EDT: Ok, Sophia, thank you for the info regarding the computers.
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:08:54 AM EDT: Yes, you can start.
 sophia 6/9/06 8:09:04 AM EDT: aha
 sophia 6/9/06 8:09:08 AM EDT: *haha
 sophia 6/9/06 8:09:30 AM EDT: anw, we stopped on the part where we were doing the triangles
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:09:43 AM EDT: finding the no of sticks used
 sophia 6/9/06 8:10:19 AM EDT: yep
 sophia 6/9/06 8:10:34 AM EDT: but i cant see the connection between them 
 M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:11:12 AM EDT: sophia do u know where's roohiya and aza?
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:11:22 AM EDT: didnt' see them in school today too
 sophia 6/9/06 8:11:28 AM EDT: i saw aza in the online list
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:12:22 AM EDT: i asked her to go to our room
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:12:34 AM EDT: then how about roohiya?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:12:43 AM EDT: ok, but she seems not reacting
 sophia 6/9/06 8:12:55 AM EDT: shes not online yet
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:13:05 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:13:11 AM EDT: let's go back to the topic
 sophia 6/9/06 8:13:20 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:13:27 AM EDT: the no of sticks are in the multiples of 3
 sophia 6/9/06 8:13:36 AM EDT: yep
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:14:32 AM EDT: we have to find a connection between 3 and the pattern no
 sophia 6/9/06 8:14:55 AM EDT: yep
 Roohiya2 joins the room 6/9/06 8:18:10 AM EDT
 sophia 6/9/06 8:18:19 AM EDT: i still cant geddit
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:18:20 AM EDT: hi
 sophia 6/9/06 8:18:29 AM EDT: hi
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:18:41 AM EDT: Hi Roohiya.
 Roohiya2 leaves the room 6/9/06 8:20:16 AM EDT
 sophia 6/9/06 8:20:27 AM EDT: the difference in the no. of sticks increases by 3 as the pattern increase
 Roohiya2 joins the room 6/9/06 8:20:29 AM EDT
 M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:21:16 AM EDT: we have to find a simpler method
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:21:34 AM EDT: has it got to do with the no of triangles?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:21:53 AM EDT: yep, should be
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:23:37 AM EDT: may i know wat is happening
 sophia 6/9/06 8:24:15 AM EDT: eh, we did the pattern on rectangle and triangles and technical problems happened
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:24:18 AM EDT: by the way how did u ppl know tt there was a session yesterday?
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:25:11 AM EDT: we are finding the no of sticks used for triangle
 sophia 6/9/06 8:25:28 AM EDT: coz we went to sch yesterday and ms chua told us of the session for yesterday
 sophia 6/9/06 8:25:49 AM EDT: then we cant reach aza yesterday
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:27:41 AM EDT: the fig so u r trying tiangles
 sophia 6/9/06 8:27:53 AM EDT: yep
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:28:27 AM EDT: do we hv to use the same no. of triangles for each fig.
 sophia 6/9/06 8:28:58 AM EDT: eh what do you mean?
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:30:47 AM EDT: roohiya i don't understand too
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:31:57 AM EDT: no of triangles will be n^2
 sophia 6/9/06 8:32:12 AM EDT: er, ya
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:32:26 AM EDT: yes
 sophia 6/9/06 8:32:50 AM EDT: 3N+3(N+2)
 sophia 6/9/06 8:33:40 AM EDT: could be the fomula for the triangle
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:33:51 AM EDT: let's try out
 sophia 6/9/06 8:34:13 AM EDT: but it does not work for pattern 1
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:35:00 AM EDT: we are always stuck at 1st patterm
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:36:09 AM EDT: 3(n+1)(n/2)
 sophia 6/9/06 8:36:12 AM EDT: as in can that formula work for the rest of the patter?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:36:20 AM EDT: is it right
 sophia 6/9/06 8:36:28 AM EDT: huh?
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:37:10 AM EDT: do we need to draw the 5th pattern?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:37:24 AM EDT: is tt the right formula
 sophia 6/9/06 8:37:28 AM EDT: noneed, its clear enough  to spot the pattern 
 sophia 6/9/06 8:37:50 AM EDT: i think the formula works only at figure 4
 sophia 6/9/06 8:38:08 AM EDT: the rest of the patten does not work in that formula
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:38:11 AM EDT: NO IT DOESN'T          IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:38:24 AM EDT: it doesn't work for 3rd pattern 
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:38:47 AM EDT: it doesn't work in odd no. 
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:38:53 AM EDT: it will  give a decimal
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:38:57 AM EDT: CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 sophia 6/9/06 8:39:09 AM EDT: really?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:39:09 AM EDT: IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:39:41 AM EDT: try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 sophia 6/9/06 8:39:51 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/9/06 8:40:13 AM EDT: anw, since it works, shall we try other patterns? like 3d figures 
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:40:30 AM EDT: congrats roohiya!!!
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:40:32 AM EDT: yay!!
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:40:51 AM EDT: 3(n+1)(n/2)
 sophia 6/9/06 8:40:53 AM EDT: er, which fomula are you using?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:41:05 AM EDT: it is aza's formula
 sophia 6/9/06 8:41:18 AM EDT: oh, i see
 sophia 6/9/06 8:41:25 AM EDT: it really works anw
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:42:11 AM EDT: so wat should we do now
 sophia 6/9/06 8:42:49 AM EDT: lets try 3Dfigure, shall we?
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:43:02 AM EDT: i wrote it down
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:46:17 AM EDT: so wad are we doing now?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:46:32 AM EDT: lets try 3d figs
 sophia 6/9/06 8:46:46 AM EDT: like cubes
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:47:10 AM EDT: for the 3D fig. we find out the no. of faces and wat?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:47:43 AM EDT: 
 sophia 6/9/06 8:47:50 AM EDT: and theno. of cubes and sticks used
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:48:31 AM EDT: ok but do we need to do a summary on the triangle problem firsst?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:48:39 AM EDT: so we which fig. do we use?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:48:50 AM EDT: i tot we did the summary?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:49:19 AM EDT: tot we did
 sophia 6/9/06 8:49:22 AM EDT: erm i think we use the sq
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:49:49 AM EDT: draw a sq. using a cube?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:50:19 AM EDT: i mean draw cube using sqs
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:50:38 AM EDT: hahaha
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:50:52 AM EDT: so i erase the board?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:51:06 AM EDT: yep
 sophia 6/9/06 8:51:14 AM EDT: wait, i go to pee first
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:51:14 AM EDT: hold on
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:51:26 AM EDT:  ask the facilitator
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:51:26 AM EDT: yay!!
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:51:37 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/9/06 8:52:28 AM EDT: huh?
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 8:52:51 AM EDT: You can do with the whiteboard as you please.
 sophia 6/9/06 8:53:01 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/9/06 8:53:10 AM EDT: so, i erase the board
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/9/06 8:56:07 AM EDT: oh no, the board's lagging again
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:56:52 AM EDT: the board is clear
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:57:37 AM EDT: anyone there?
 sophia 6/9/06 8:57:46 AM EDT: my board is not clear
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:57:59 AM EDT: mine is clear
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:58:21 AM EDT: my board too
 sophia 6/9/06 8:58:22 AM EDT: mine's not
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:58:31 AM EDT: oh
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:58:35 AM EDT: mine's now
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 8:58:46 AM EDT: sophia u haf to drag it to the bottom
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:58:48 AM EDT: try clearing it
 sophia 6/9/06 8:59:21 AM EDT: ok, my board's clear now
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 8:59:37 AM EDT: lets continue
 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:00:39 AM EDT: ok
 M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:00:59 AM EDT: are we supposed to stack the squares up?
 M M M M M M M M M M M M
 sophia 6/9/06 9:01:55 AM EDT: yep, stsck them up into big and bigger cubes
 M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:02:27 AM EDT: is that the formula for the no. of sticks used?
 M M M
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 9:02:47 AM EDT: ppl the formula n^3
 sophia 6/9/06 9:02:56 AM EDT: i tot that is forthe one for the very very fitrst type?
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 9:02:59 AM EDT: ppl i need to go now
 sophia 6/9/06 9:03:05 AM EDT: ok
 sophia 6/9/06 9:03:12 AM EDT: bye roohiya
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 9:03:19 AM EDT: bye
 M M M
 Roohiya2 6/9/06 9:03:31 AM EDT: try the formula -n^3
 M M M M M
 sophia 6/9/06 9:03:42 AM EDT: ok
 M M
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:03:50 AM EDT: Oh, we only have a few minutes left, so before you go, I want to ask you some questions.
 M M M
 sophia 6/9/06 9:04:02 AM EDT: ok
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:04:03 AM EDT: ok
 M M M M
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:04:20 AM EDT: Would you like to continue working with your team after tonight?
 sophia 6/9/06 9:04:31 AM EDT: well, i dont mind
 M M M M M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:06:02 AM EDT: yes 
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:06:03 AM EDT: yes
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:06:12 AM EDT: (:
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:06:12 AM EDT: Xinliang, are you having technical problems?
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:06:22 AM EDT: you mean now?
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:06:34 AM EDT: yes.
 M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:07:41 AM EDT: no, im not.
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 sophia 6/9/06 9:08:00 AM EDT: not me too
 M M
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:08:10 AM EDT: What did you notice during these sessions that seem most interesting to you as far as doing math in a group is concerened?
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:08:12 AM EDT: ok.
 M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:08:55 AM EDT: the questions that we encountered are much challenging than those we faced in school
 sophia 6/9/06 9:09:02 AM EDT: we seems to be able to come up with the solutions faster for questions like these
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:09:15 AM EDT: cos in school, we only deal with the concepts and applying it to problems
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:09:42 AM EDT: but these sessions let me face more challenging questions that you at first thought are easy
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:09:44 AM EDT: yupp
 sophia 6/9/06 9:10:32 AM EDT: yep me too
 M M M M
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:11:35 AM EDT: haha
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:11:45 AM EDT: i have to go 
 sophia 6/9/06 9:12:30 AM EDT: haha, ok anw, bye xinliang
 sophia 6/9/06 9:13:08 AM EDT: well i've got to go too bye!
 sophia leaves the room 6/9/06 9:13:11 AM EDT
 Xinliang2 6/9/06 9:13:24 AM EDT: bye!!!
 Xinliang2 leaves the room 6/9/06 9:13:26 AM EDT
 sophia joins the room 6/9/06 9:13:46 AM EDT
 sophia leaves the room 6/9/06 9:14:38 AM EDT
 rtoledosj leaves the room 6/9/06 9:15:43 AM EDT
 jsarmi joins the room 6/9/06 9:19:16 AM EDT
 jsarmi 6/9/06 9:19:53 AM EDT: Hi, Roohiya!
 jsarmi 6/9/06 9:20:04 AM EDT: Is your team done?
 nan joins the room 6/9/06 9:20:24 AM EDT
 nan leaves the room 6/9/06 9:21:52 AM EDT
 rtoledosj joins the room 6/9/06 9:22:47 AM EDT
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:23:40 AM EDT: My computer got disconnected.
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:24:08 AM EDT: Roohiya left earlier.
 rtoledosj 6/9/06 9:24:30 AM EDT: I wasn't able to finish interviewing them.
 rtoledosj leaves the room 6/9/06 9:28:21 AM EDT
 jsarmi leaves the room 6/9/06 9:39:07 AM EDT
 Roohiya2 leaves the room 6/9/06 9:53:15 AM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/9/06 7:04:22 PM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/9/06 7:06:06 PM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/10/06 6:36:24 PM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/10/06 6:38:00 PM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/12/06 4:41:46 PM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/12/06 4:43:38 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/12/06 10:56:02 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/12/06 11:03:36 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/13/06 9:00:04 AM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/13/06 9:01:14 AM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/13/06 9:05:38 AM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/13/06 9:07:30 AM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/13/06 9:44:15 AM EDT
 tutor 6/13/06 10:11:30 AM EDT: tutor sent an email to room members.
 Subject: Feedback for Session 4 Message: Feedback has been posted in your room.
 tutor leaves the room 6/13/06 10:11:30 AM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/13/06 6:52:00 PM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/13/06 6:53:48 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/14/06 1:08:44 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/14/06 1:20:14 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/14/06 1:50:06 PM EDT
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 tutor joins the room 6/14/06 2:11:02 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/14/06 2:24:43 PM EDT
 TBryant joins the room 6/14/06 2:27:12 PM EDT
 TBryant leaves the room 6/14/06 2:37:24 PM EDT
 tutor joins the room 6/16/06 9:21:46 PM EDT
 tutor leaves the room 6/16/06 9:26:09 PM EDT
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