Jalassociatecomics:General disclaimer

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All 6 of the Star Wars movies; the Star Wars Expanded Universe; and all logos, characters, artwork, stories, information, names, and other elements associated thereto, including but not limited to the Death Star and Wookiees, are the sole and exclusive property of Lucasfilm Limited.

Jalassociatecomics is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Lucasfilm Limited or any of its subsidiaries, employees, or associates. Jalassociatecomics will take all steps necessary to ensure that any usage of trademarked items in no way confuses the audience of this site as to its origin.

Jalassociatecomics makes no claim to own Star Wars or any of the copyrights or trademarks related to it. Images that are displayed on this site are copyrighted to Lucasfilm Limited or another partner of Lucas Licensing, or to the creator of the image.

HOWEVER, we todally make claim to any and all original elements of the Grand Marshal Trilogy, including but not limited to plotline, individual shots, original characters, original vehicles, original conflicts and original locations. ANY AND ALL unauthorised copying of these elements IS a violation of our intellectual property (IP) and is DEFINITELY NOT APPRECIATED AT ALL!

WARNING: The stories The Remnant Threat, Wrath of the Marshal and tentatively The Fall of Evil and all related properties not already established as canon may or MAY NOT be canon! While extenisve research has proven that this story might exist in the specified time, it equally might not! Do NOT assume ANY event, craft, location, conflict or character not already established in canon TO BE CANON! Okay, that's all.

The content licensing of this website does NOT apply to the original works and trademarked names! The Star Wars titles and associated names are the sole property of Lucasfilm Limited. The administrators of Jalassociatecomics believe that the operation of this website falls under the definition of "fair use" under United States copyright laws.

Although good Jalassociatecomicists make efforts to verify factual accuracy, none of the information on Aleph Base - the Jalassociate wiki is guaranteed to be accurate. It's usually a good idea to check other sources if you want to be sure about something - erm, although, the Grand Marshal Trilogy is like, todally our domain. Yeah. If anything above didn't make sense, it's 'coz we copied it from the Wookiepedia disclaimer. Heh.

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