Deletion log
From Ius
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.(Latest | Earliest) View (newer 50) (older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).- 15:05, 13 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Gewalten"
- 14:59, 13 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Kirchenrecht"
- 11:27, 7 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Kausalitätslehren"
- 11:04, 7 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Bedingunstheorie" (content before blanking was: 'Obige Definition ist Grundlage der '''Bedingungstheorie''' (Äquivalenztheorie).Probleme der Bedingungstheorie:Bejahung der Kausalität bei Mitver...')
- 11:03, 7 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Relevanzthorie" (content before blanking was: 'Sie trennt Kausalität und objektive Zurechnung, indem sie für die Kausalität die Äquivalenztheorie und für die Zurechenbarkeit die kriterien der ...')
- 16:49, 6 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Category:Fälle" (content was: 'category: Dogmatik' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 16:25, 6 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Delikt" (content before blanking was: ''''Definition:''' Das Delikt ist eine Unrechtstat.Der Gehalt eines Delikts ergibt sich aus:a) dem '''Erfolgsunwert''' (Tatbestand)b) dem '''Hand...')
- 15:51, 6 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Category:Definitonen" (content was: 'sdf' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 15:21, 6 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Einverständnis" (content was: 's' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 12:38, 6 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§228 BGB" (content was: ''''Notstand'''Wer eine fremde Sache beschädigt oder zerstört, um eine durch sie drohende Gefahr von sich oder einem anderen abzuwenden, handelt ni...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 16:35, 1 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Völkerechtsverträge" (content was: 'Durch § 23 GG steht dem Bund die Verbandskompetenz für die Außenpolitik und internationalen Veträgen zu. Die Organkopmetenz steht allerdings dem B...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 14:11, 1 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Verwaltungskompetenzen"
- 14:10, 1 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Verwaltungsvorschriften" (content was: 'Verwaltungsvorschriften (u.a. Richtlinien, Erlasse) sind kein Recht, da sie lediglich verwaltungsinterne Anweisungen ohne Außenwirkung darstellen.[[...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 13:45, 1 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "1. Gliederung des Bürgerlichen Rechts" (content was: 'category: Stichworte des Bürgerlichen Rechts'''Quellen:'''BGB'''Teilgebiete:''' Internationales Privatrecht'''Grundlagen:'''[...')
- 13:43, 1 November 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "1. Gliederung des Öffentlichen Rechts" (content was: '0. GrundrechteAllgemeine Persönlichkeitsrechte1. Staatstrukturprinzipiena) Demokratie: Direkte Demokratie, Parteien, Wahlb) F...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 16:24, 30 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Gegenstand"
- 15:31, 27 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Juristische Personen des Privatrechts"
- 17:15, 25 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Tel" (content was: '07071-148786' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 12:58, 24 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Sache" (content was: 'category: Stichworte des Bürgerlichen Rechts')
- 11:44, 24 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Wohnsitz" (content was: '== § 7 BGB ==Der Wonsitz ist im Regelfall gewillkürt, für nichthandlungsfähige Personen und Soldaten ist er gesetzlich festgelegt.Relevant...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 16:26, 23 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "75 GG" (content was: '----category: Paragraphen des Öffentlichen Rechts' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 13:35, 19 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§ 30 GG" (content was: ''''Vorrang des Bundesrechtes'''Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht.----category: Paragraphen des Öffentlichen Rechts' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 12:39, 17 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§§ 56-58 StGB" (content was: 'Strafaussezung zur Bewährungcategory: Paragraphen des Strafrechts')
- 12:13, 17 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§§ 61-72 StGB" (content was: 'Maßregeln der Besserung und der Sicherungcategory: Paragraphen des Strafrechts' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 12:12, 17 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§§ 38-39 StGB" (content was: 'Freiheitsstrafecategory: Paragraphen des Strafrechts' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 11:12, 17 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Öffentliches Recht"
- 11:12, 17 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Privatrecht"
- 10:35, 16 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Bürgerliches Recht" (content was: 'category:Allgemeines' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 14:11, 13 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§1 GG" (content was: 'category:Paragraphen des Öffentlichen RechtsMenschenwürdeGrundrechtsbindung')
- 13:25, 13 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Unrecht" (content was: 'Der Gehalt eines Unrechts ergibt sich ausa) dem Erfolgswertb) dem Handlungswert (Rechtswidrikkeit wird aus Erfolg und Handlung begründet.)c) de...' (and the only contributor was ''))
- 20:26, 11 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "§1 ÖR" (content was: 'category:Paragraphen des Öffentlichen Rechts' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 15:54, 9 October 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Befehle" (content was: '1. #redirect Kleingartengesetz2. Metaphysik des Rechts3. {{Zitat|''Wer an der Europäischen Union zweifelt, soll einen...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 16:56, 30 September 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Arbeitstechnik" (content before blanking was: '1. Lektürea) Vorlesungb) Lehrbuchc) 2. Notizen 3. Reinschrift a) aus Notizenb) aus Lexika(Stichwörter); aus Komm...')
- 13:16, 27 September 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image logo url" (content was: ' 2/6/6.2/justitia.jpg')
- 13:09, 27 September 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "XY" (content was: '#redirect Kleingartengesetz' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 13:07, 27 September 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Kleingartengesetz" (content was: 'Category: Stichworte des Bürgerlichen Rechts' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 13:07, 27 September 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Vertrag" (content was: 'category: Stichworte des Öffentlichen Rechts' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 12:56, 27 September 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Category:Entscheidungen" (content was: 'category:Dogmatik' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 13:10, 21 February 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "BGB AT" (content was: 'Allgemeine Rechtsätze über Personen, Sachen und Rechtsgeschäfte.' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 12:20, 21 February 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Schuld" (content was: 'category: Stichworte des Strafrechts' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 11:10, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Dekalog" (content was: 'Ich bin das Ius, dein Gott.1. Du sollst keine anderen Dokumente neben mir haben.2. Speichere den Quellcode unter Artickelnamen. Das ist eine doppe...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 11:10, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Hilfe" (content was: 'On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo.Please see the [ User's Guide]...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 11:09, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Spielwiese" (content was: '<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>Mein erster Artickel.Hilfe----[ Google]== Überschrift ==(im Aufbau beg...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 11:00, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Jura" (content was: 'Rechtsmetaphysik "Was ist eine Norm?"Rechtsethik "Was soll Norm sein?"Rechtsdogmatik "Was ist als Norm festgelegt?"Rechtssozi...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 10:47, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Category:Stichworte des Bürgerlichen Recht" (content before blanking was: 'category:Stichworte')
- 09:50, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Category:Des Öffentlichen Rechts" (content was: 'category:Stichworte' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 09:49, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) restored "Category:Des Öffentlichen Rechts"
- 09:46, 19 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Category:Des Öffentlichen Rechts" (content was: 'category:Stichworte' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 14:53, 18 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Konstruktionsprinzipien" (content was: 'Ich bin das Ius, dein Gott.1. Du sollst keine anderen Dokumente neben mir haben.2. Speichere den Quellcode unter Artickelnamen. Das ist eine doppe...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
- 14:42, 18 January 2006 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Robert Hartmann" (content was: 'Robert Hartmann, geboren: 31.01.1987' (and the only contributor was 'Robert'))