
From Intelligent Shit Music

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1. King Frederick

2. Being Human

3. Fire Haze

4. Queue Hopping

5. Red and Green Eyes

6. The Water is Flowing

7. Compassion None

8. These here be the sandships

9. Speed booster!


11. The Drifters

12. Streets of Wonder

13. Slicing and Dicing

14. Stable Society

15. Castout

16. Dragonfly

17. Shadow Distance


So after over 4 months I got a new laptop and just went a bit crazy recording stuff in about 2 days and these are the songs I made.

1. King Frederick- I had always wanted to make videogamey stuff and you will hear more later. This one was also a fun chance to mess around with my voice. Not much of a 'song' by any normal definition ....really don't wanna say 'interesting' cos that is code for bad but I guess that's where I'm going with this...

2. Being Human-

a weird case, lyrics a bit nu-metal esque. Maybe the beat isn't really slamming enough but I dunno!

3. Fire Haze

God, what even is this? By far spent the longest on this than anything else here. C glover/Charles Manson samples, maybe a bit forced? Dammit.

4. Queue Hopping

One of my favorite albums of this year is the new Beastie Boys one. I was cranking that on repeat and decided to try to make my own Beasties esque song with multiple layers and call and response style of performing. Maybe hard to hear the influence but that is what I was going for.

5. Red and Green Eyes

I decided to sample a bit from a movie series called UP. Every year 7 years the same group of people are filmed for a documentary. They started at 7 and are now about 55 and the project is still going. One kid was really bright at 7 but unemployed/homeless and ducked in his 20s, However, in his 40s things worked out and he became a politician of all things. Just an amazing story...and so real. The song is not about that really though but yeah.

6. The Water is Flowing- I had this melody in my mind for a long long time. The finished song is a bit abstract though.

7. Compassion None- true story, I saw a man fall off his bike in front of a load of people but they did NOTHING. They just stared at him as blood poured from his hands. I was walking and quite a way away but I was the one who ended up helping him...weird, people are weird and not very nice at all.

8. These here be the sandships-

it is kind of common for me to have NO idea what to sing ABOUT. So I opened up like 10 random books and just read a line from each of them. It is a bit of a variation from the classic thing of just reading from a book, mixing and matching and making things all surreal.

9. Speed booster! I was proud of making this backdrop with good vibes so I just left it, dont need my voice ruining anything else...


recently I really injured my foot when falling over drunk so this song is sort of about that.

11. The Drifters

about some guys I met who just live on the streets and steal to survive

12. Streets of Wonder

emotive streets song

13. Slicing and Dicing

instrumental break

14. Stable Society

I guess a bit influenced by the riots but also the anger and frustration I think most young people sort of have

15. Castout

mellow saddy, not my best...

16. Dragonfly

hah, after hearing 'power' and another song called 'murder to excellence' on watch the throne I felt I had to get some african influences in my ISM. I also realised SO many of my songs are dark/disturbing/depressing so I thought hell, I will make a positive and uplifting song for a change

17. Shadow Distance

Well earlier this year and I even started writing my own novel haha, and this is the title of that book and the song is basically me reading parts of my own novel. I got up to about 16 thousand words which I thought was cool and was kinda done. I got a bit lazy with it but maybe someday....

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(Nothing's gonna ever bring you down!)

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