Demon Outty Takes and the FAKE ep

From Intelligent Shit Music

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DEMON Outty Takes & Ze }fake{ EP

PtONE - Songs Left Off DMAN!

1. OH OMNImpodent WHY(at) ERP... erf! (XMAS Beginnings OH!} (4:04)

2. EMUis (The Death & ReBirth of Jermsy MoonPoop & Ze Monkeys From MN!} - JIBorJIZM - I LIKE THE CUT OF YR (momuuming ism acumom vainisung333) (1:44)


4. Uruguay (Taking The Bridge From The Southern Tip Of South America 2 Antarctica Then Going South To Russia For Lesbian Trance Pop Sex!!) (1:52)

5. Stevie Wonder's Icelandic Turkey's Death Song & A Rippy Rocky Oh Ho Ho (2:17)

6. Brian Eno's DEAD Dad & The Magical Frumpy Trumpet Made By Forrest Gump (BINT!) 4 Cloey Zoey Bowie & ZE MYSTICAL IRISH CREAM OF ZE BARON VON DAILY BALEY (9:54)

7. SMELTERTRON smelter, mr - gigi vs raymond gigi x and gigi the legacy oi oi!!! (2:05)



8. RETAT1 - Ether Binge (17:32) ***AKA Ernie Els Heart Was Removed By A Poodle Witha Boodle Wearing A Turban Saying DMAN! On The Front***

  • i. The Golfer
  • ii. The Removal
  • iii. The Ass Area
  • iv. The Death Dog
  • v. The Evil Turban
  • vi. The Demon
  • vii. The Future (CONAN?)

9. RETAT2 - The Lesbian Chronicles (16:04) ***AKA WheAT EASEr V33T***

  • I. Vancouver's Van of Death!
  • II. Shlocky <-- No (4 KITTY)
  • III. MegoISM / NuISM / oh!
  • IV. Pokolo's Post-Cock Shlong
    • A. NO NO
    • B. CHU R
  • V. Exxy's seX-CELENT Expo!
  • VI. Matty Gets Smoked By A Fattie
  • VII. Viddy Viddy Voom Boom!
  • VIII. Hoodlum Hates Hats... HE DOES!
  • IX. Jerms Iz ChocoTASTIK!
    • A. MAN O MAN
    • B. THE FRO
    • C. DIE!
  • X. Ash Dash A Go Go GOOMBA

10. (5:36)

11. That Las Song Had No Title & Calling It Untitled Wouldn't Really Make It So... And I Guess This Song Doesn't Really Have A Title Either Cuz It's Just Explaining The Last One But I Guess If It DID Have A Title It Would Be Furious Jorgy / BLOODY ORGY (2:34)

12. Mr. E's Mystery - The Hollow Cost of German Death Blurn (DIEVILIVE, OK) [LAUGH HITLER, LAUGH! *BOBO JOINS IN*] {thisisallHISfault!} ///|\\ really, tho... Mt. 2-OH! is actually dead... FUCKING dead 2 B exact... R.I.P. (13:13)


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