Graboid Hunter

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Graboid Hunter

[[[ The 666 Degrees of Kevin Bacon LP ]]]

SIDE A DI(s)K - ISMisms & The HungRRR 4 OhGrPAYCHEKKK (file under: crap)

B-SIDE DISK 2 - X Pair &/or ORChy SpAArow MENtal Bach MANg? u must!

GHIII.../3 - Audiobook, Bonus Shite, Longest Song, NRML FNCTR & Moe!

(feat. Cornelius Zape, The Glandular Hobo, Teh Smarmy Argie, Ze Monkey Solo, Ashoodlum Goodoko, & THE COPYWRITTEN NEGROID |||...)


aka HC LPzero (Hoodash Kitty Pr0n (LP -1) ii [revenge[)PRE-KWULL & LP101 (teh finyl lp)

aka HC LP58pt2 (the ? LP) and HOODASH kkkat pornography iii

plus an mp3 cd that never should have existed... JUSt! LI©K[e]! Mmeeeee! EEE!




2. Ash In Micro

3. do sheep dream of organik robo-bots? / ][phantomIV ::: Z6 [][][]

4. put food here )- BwhutKS3 -( - - - phnatuMMyEllieV

5. APES ::[[[FUKdisSIG]]]::[GORLAX]NVR STP[/lorax]DNCN?erp!|||...UContfeeheMIallhe lsthtyFDiyoref[0]00]ASH= ICOETHSy metBEWARETHEMONKS948 (*&^&%(()%$KES ft 2cha0] [0.0% tednedwrewardarsk |||...0.0%Jordy?boxboxboxboxash is wound up and irritated, like a monkey in a microwave...! (USA 2DAY 2MORROW ZE WORLD [theylive!])

6. POTA Japa-p0p-Noize (:::F.O.H.gODeOHbrook::[(sent while offline) [Mr. pink] what the HELL [cornelius_zape] what? [cornelius_zape] i didn't restart yet i keep forgetting what i am ... [cornelius_zape] to do

[cornelius_zape] ^if that makes sense (9:56) [Mr. pink] it doesent

[cornelius_zape] damn it! sleep is wrong! (9:57) [Mr. pink] ha it aint (9:57) [Mr. pink] waste of time tho

[cornelius_zape] 1/4 - 1/3 of yr life yo (9:58) [Mr. pink] its daytime now tho!

[cornelius_zape] here it is too what?

[cornelius_zape] THE SMARMY ARGIE > JAMASH > THE MONKEY SOLO >>>> MDUO > THE CHOCO DUO > CHOCsoloX2 [cornelius_zape] yo! (9:59) [Mr. pink] did the chocoduo ever happen? (9:59) [Mr. pink] hoodlum made a chco duo LP but it made no sense to have as an lpname [cornelius_zape] why can't people just not be here so i can record that damn crappy 80min album? not an AUDIOBOOK... too shitty to be good ISM but also bad ISM or real music [cornelius_zape] just... bad music... not music [cornelius_zape] MR PINK!

[cornelius_zape] i'm talking to YOU! [cornelius_zape] so asks my mum! [cornelius_zape] "some guy from england" "mr... pinK? why is he called pink?"

[cornelius_zape] "oh from reservoir dogs"

[cornelius_zape] "that song?"

[cornelius_zape] "WHAT?!" (10:00) [Mr. pink] Lol you shoulda recorded that! [cornelius_zape] i'm typing before i'm t alking! [cornelius_zape] "what song?" (10:00) [Mr. pink] she meanns the artis t pink? [cornelius_zape] "why did you say from rez dogz" "cuz that's the movie its f rom" [cornelius_zape] i don't know! (10:01) [Mr. pink] you see if I said I was talk ing to some dude on the internet my parents just dont accept it....they'd think I was talking to some dodgy guy no matter WHAT [cornelius_zape] oh mang this is too weird... all while listening to deerhoof [cornelius_zape] EP from 05 = 9.7! [corn elius_zape] oh mang [cornelius_zape] yet their new album was boring! on one list en... i dunno any more (10:02) [Mr. pink] you listen to the bit i sampled! [corneliu s_zape] you can't make yourself think anything (10:02) [Mr. pink] deerhoof i dont listen too much [cornelius_zape] or you CAN (10:02) [Mr. pink] mostly classical m ang lately [cornelius_zape] JAPA-POP-NOIZE! >:o (10:03) [Mr. pink] im just adding some electronics to drown out some of the carpy vox on plant mang (10:04) [Mr. p ink] ah that made it better! (10:04) [Mr. pink] how can people rank lovekrap so hig h (10:04) [Mr. pink] HOW (10:04) [Mr. pink] HOW (10:04) [Mr. pink] HOW (10

04) [Mr. pink] just listen to the album...i dont even like zoom that much

[cornelius _zape] zoom doesn't like you because you are dead [cornelius_zape] FREE GURN F~!) [MrsphiNXkkk] nvr! (i'm dead!)] {curious jorgy pez dispense & or pants you h8 (& verse visa!)} (this title was a bad idear ] er uh oh i mean uh no one reads thishit so [[[[[horizon wireless {the lazy perfectonist}]]]]] - unfinished... sorry, MANG! so it goes...

- &:yar!!!a taste of yr own pundit smith THE MORE I SEA hateismedicine@@!!!!!

7. monkey fuck muffins (& sometimes ze muffin scru YOU mister smitty .5) [circle circle]

8. BATTOMS NOT HANKS (tom thanks lieut. dan for magik PING PONG can LEGS &jesus)

9. illogical [uncommon nonsenz] stupid annoying shite (you are this is) [indie pen dance ray]

10. 11 prefekt action - foresth goth lemmingprefekt action / foreth gothpull 2: lemming crimes / durnk

11. jub jub jerome u-turng baley 2

12. lalademon...()_-|||///-_()... oh!LALAdemon

13. A Lie / Jah's Wood Ed Entry Cosmik Future Pretense Primer 2 Seconder Korpus Com


15. I Fought Dr Claw (& Dr Claw Won) [feat. Gidget $$${penny} & The Brains]3minSONG

16. the pink who got a bum i think i've gained my lost headache from yesterday (CH)ake in ze pant-ache and accidently destroyed the world! (BIRDI COWWY SFORKee)

17. Tremors IV: In Space (It Shoulda Been)

i. Kevin Carter & Aaron Bacon Naked 2 Get Her is Hot! Hot! Sheet! (ah!)

ii. Can U Fly U Mutta Fukalar? CAN U FLY?! (talkin 2 a graboid yo)

iii. Fred Ward Stole Ma Pants! (and was dj white shquall's dad in road trip!)

iv. Assblasters My ASS! (they killed the mexican guy in pt3 and asian dude in 1... racist!)

v. Stefan Izza Geffen! (and this makes no senz... V! cokewerk stole de gas 2 make ze van go! GO CLOCK GO! )

x. Tremors IV: In Space (It Shoulda Been) [but this is part ten!]

7. My God The Series Sucked (i didn't even watch 'em all)

eight. But They Had Doc From Black II Tha Futures! (i'm back doc... i'm back FROM the future! ... & crispin glover is no longer my real dad! [but michael BURTY gross is! but he got younger and likes 2 super bomb bomb his way to the don't shtop the pole vault bop)

NINeVr. DIE! (alright?)

X2. alright?!!!! (MOE!) [just ask KEVlar...]

xiuX2. Teh Last Song (of this thirteen ghost song suite [bad movie] but matt L in SLC = commie on jew punx let's 'ave sum AFX pigeon street ashid for the sexual song titles of teh good so lump)

( ) days of xxx-mas(turbatoryREQUIEMMMM!). No Really This One Is (ze blast from the past starring dave foley who may or may not be (partly/mostly) homosexual but DID get in a fight with some dude @ first ave in MN after seeing spiritualized... he made fun of some guys teeth and got punched... kids and the hall did some thing that nite and dave had a fat lip [like teh sum of 42 and 1] {minus too<tsie & zar glow wah fish>} 13XXX. What A Liar I Am (and i didn't end this or the last with the other required parent orthesis of malcontent conckeR shmegal bonky buru [& abu! ... .. . ..... † ..... . .. ... sif3 ®ë: ¾ of a souless evil demon animal in monkey bondage DYING of young age - how is death treating you? how aren't you doing? yeah yeah yeah IMDO... ? i'm dead! {J!L!Y! will pay for the evils that you sew so S.O.H. yr gwyld OATS gavin... you big gay calcuator you] and this is just getting fucking stupid [sqwee!] /// and R.A.Y. will... nvr dye... his hair... flamin'-puke-colourDDD blue... like the ocean... HOM... where the heart is of cookies and crusty asians that are sensations of blush green gluey glow(AH!)stikkk gooNES (th3 wiz... ard... starring JIMMY! and beau bridges... christian slay(!)TR... that girl from the postal service album and her own band... fred savage (same year and rating as little monsters starring bobby's world noncartoon dad as a BLUE monster like BLUE as in HOUSE of gLEAVES kraker haus NICk in the street coming onto a lean machinist of gay psycho batman) and many others... like LUCAS... &his pow(d)er glove... [it's so bad!] but in my top 100 that i COULD list here but that would be redickulous spelled wrong! JUST! LIKE! [ _ _ _ ] <--- figure out with hangman! you've already guessed R L S T N E & A wrong and Y and U write back soon YR PEN PAL, aaron C D baley / AC/DB / dj corny ashole / "ash" / skippy / bubba cheeks / kevin bacon / ewok / ducky / spoony / jesus2 / MONKEY!



1. [empty]

2. die muntie invishorizon wiremoK

3. 6566 (NEINTENNbfh) and and and andy Aarows... (CALL...ME?)

4. Z4iweareThis is the place you face the music IN WITH thee OUT KROWD

5. Z5: marcell PHoney

6. Z2: Judgement Nite (starring Emilo, The Ref, Marko Summers, & DorfBLOODgod)

7. Z8: ZATE

8. Z3 - black 2 mee (tom york sculpture is /// drunk austrian band prty . )

9. DOOMED 2 FAIL arkanoid

10. 0

11. 1

12. 2

13. 3

14. 4

15. 5

16. sixXx3sitch (KEN WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! b4 & after)

17. 7

18. 8

19. 9nazi foppish runts (? mistitled ? ) little miss tit... leading / on

20. X-19

21. 1920 (PLUS 84 + 21 [MINUS 13])

22. MONTANA 1948 (2084 = i'm dead!)

23. END OF DAYS (CHRIST IN NEW YORK OR CHRISTINE YORKE{and the shire of shMEgoROKU!} T.C.P.I.S. w h e r e TIM k a n t E R A S e... or talk to truffles & organge juice! or dat ghey goose! [falls over & dies])

24. one two 3 (evol buru bonk

25. Z1: the one that got away... hey

26. farmers field (BENCH, kindaYE)

27. smarmy dead well stone



01. audio ball

02. ROBOinterdue

03. druk sid DRUG SKID or DUCKY PUNK: THE LOST EPISODE / the A.D(erGROOVIE). H.D(oktorb).evil's dance - DELIVER ANTS from THE GOOD (r/d/2D/NORM jMORONwalkenHEAR)] & I NEED! 2 C! a dr...spucky doony! can pongo pi(n)g may us spoon the duks is dux?

04. jesus! kray z kryste a jzunz! ginterdu personification i need mah medication things gettin blurry no fucking hurry quite essential quintuplet quaintie muddled dodgy IS IT SAFE? moe!

05. zzzhey post man pat lets rock electro version.wav genderFUCKif(K)FUSION glandy bumix

06. zzzBOPATVCrXxandy VENETIAN VERTIGO vernal spring version (haloashigo[undead!])mix

07. reawrrr!

08. SAPMULER Z7 halloween weirdo shit wired oh shit!(re-treddd,,shMIXolaKOLArFLAREszz)

09. NUCLEAR DISCIPLES (& teh hunters of ze revolution SOLUTION! [re-hASH!))

10. lala kulintr Everytime You Concentrate, God Creates A Mitten so Please, Drink To The Mittens! ASH REPLY - 1. but yr ablum... it's over 80min?cannotBE! (3:33) 2. (60:01) 3. APPLE RESHY (0:07) TRT - 63:41 (LIES)


11. wavEParT 1 - GWAI: ash does not fear red silky panties & woody satan satin (that garmy/garby mooch fukk) (2:07:22)

12. wavEParT 2(rev) 3(fin) & 4(spa) GWA = ZERO eye is one jew tree poor III II I 0h! [these times they are ac hangin!][GWAI234]]] (32:10)

[12 / 012] wavPT V-X i will stop @ nothing |||... i will make it ...||| this is the end of a road and i am justa mang monk key melody muZAK FUCK (who luvs ya, baby?) (0:00) [negative 6.66 seconds]

13. NRML FNCTR 0 prelude upbeat happy (The Last Few Moments After Your Life Ends And Death Begins... )))

14. NRML FNCTR 1 - LAZY SHEEP SLEEPING ALL THRU LIFE ON ALIEN WORLDS Wrong (OverGrown Evil No M(idjit GnomoShixx) [] [] also know as [] [] there IS no more helper monkeys that's why! i finally got the plangi'm a mang! man witha plan... BALEY x2my son's nameaka"LITTLE JERRY"and tho my name is not jerry it is of no consequencehe is my SONBUT his initials being JUBand times 2he IS jub jubthe lizard KINQ/GUEEN!and shiteand we shall fuck shit up the new world order yo ho hobut first i must spread the glove / evil seed / of deathfor a minion in training is of no consequenceafter dumping the body who is to be the vessel (kinda like mary mother of god)but i am not godi'm justa mangmang witha plangbut i don't wanna reveal moreNOT YETyule seeinyeahJEROME U-TURNG timeahhahahhahaahhahaha

15. NRML FNCTR 2 - Quaslandice Collectiv Voice Of Reason [HE-P] Speaks! (stolen!) h pi tools of the 2nd version will tell dewalt to sing his monkey monkey blues and Rrrrrrrrrrrrecharged gunnerFUCKERs with the groucho 4000 will mark up the p.i.t. and XX will end up in the hellfiremegoburn with the blurn and the upchuck #8 u gate and the || | || J / powder of clam chowder power will go back black to where the boiling is be shPOP shPOP sha BANGgger ultra boom and the vance golfer create and destroy and escape the little boy of und death march oh ho ho for in 7 seven days time the stars will align and the 5 jameses will glo no mo and the ash of the pocket of lips POW! will blow up in their faces where the groovy devil! kant erases and the BAM! "bitch!" bo of mink, inc. will flow to the river we don't shNO of 2004 years of ironic irony of the iron sorts of a metalurgy mettalikking (ah!) and the hypnotika will enthrall y'all ha and the crippy crapples will rise up against the flaming flame of a damn once dead beyond the words of neutered recognition so that we can turn that fucking shit off oh yeah it's the hidden cow machin of a hotel so gruff that the lemon will sip from the gutter and give his regards to the hummingbird of a bee nature for that is the scratch of every ear bleeding every knee bowing every tongue confessing that we will truly DIE and in the fuckin' sky we see the lopez and the climax and the antics and the glee trance of a once golden howl and the complete collection of blinks oh they will surely end as naked negroids and glowing dust particles in the paco bell tram line of mYO ho ho and a bottle a room boom the danger boom the danger jam dat fruit i sed u jam dat gah damn mutta fuckin fruit dammit or else milosh will call upon his fake prussian tennis wife to cry out for big baby birds that will grab yer shorts for it's time 2 die DIE DIE DIE and 260 people will claim that seven ate nine NEIN! and that the backSLOdown methodology is an atrocity of light and sense beams forth for the revenge of trains and plains and hottie mobiles on pones of x and stencils of grace & lace cocktails gory vista eels again on yer eye and in yer mind iminent like the falldown messing with yer mind al l of the time oh such a crime as this or that tit for tat and you just fuck them goats and steal them mines for they be bines and merlin shrines and 2 Fiddy 4 Biddy Biddy Bum Bum is that too much to ask from one who has foxy boxing and sexy stockings? of a para?lyzed? glit?cho?GRAPHY computer sales and bales of hay will bail of sleds with ex-presidents wives where ruski gum and bitter hummers will drive in skies of DEATHcarp and neon money monkeys (in space) where whiskey is a walkie and bitch chaz is a talkie film and dogs walk on their legs like they have no variety of spice or lice and ba ba ba dum ZA! die dog die for yer hidden desires are of no consequence of yore ken shire puppie love and they called it previously half-finished for it was finished by a DJ who was rolling over like a jet plane game of poker with felines playing polyrhythmic scales in jails of explosional offerings and the sudden german death blurn of locusts and everyone's shoe size will show rubezahl and rory just how far bitter apples will be eaten by even toads and rubber turtles of wax and bronze toxic hello operator give me numbe r sixty two twenty six six six and tell that raging alcoholocaust to kill the idahoans for their wheelchair mockery knows no bounds and the dormant muddy caged appetitual zombie gumbo sharky sharp party favors for flavours of wheat and sheets of shit and semantics of lower-formed goons and duties that bloom in the nite of fly skying kites that are electric honey-covered dwarves in a rage that only a person of short size would know not of and the SPINDERdogHoofSOORS will tell us the one unbelievably horrific truth that no man woman child demon angel monkey point 5 shant know ho ho HO: 1!

16. NRML FNCTR THREE httf:/!shopic=6.66 Lets say you hang out with someone who is just...well the biggest moron you've ever seen in your life. Eventually some you will begin thinking about the stuff he says, and you will start trying to jusify his Idiological Verbal rants in your head, and in the proccess you will retard your thinking, and become a Viral contagion with no cure, you will be and Idiot. It's happened to me, i used to be able to do alot of things, my friends are learning about Theoratical Physics and Temporal Mathematics, in their classes, but i on the other hand, am in pre-algebra with a homo, a ree' a HYPO-Thy' and a kid who laughs at anything you say! You can say, hey billy how's it going, and as soon as your words reach his hearing Aid, he bursts out in laughter as if too mock you. My principal was tackeled by a fat Phsycotic kid who said "I'm gonna bring a fucking gun to fucking school and fuck up everyones shit!" (i quote) and the Neo-Nazi just made it into the student counsil and is making us into Hitler Youths, we have hall passes for christs sake. A kid just got suspened for masturbating while he was in speech group, another kid comes up to you and makes homo erotic stretches and then talks to you in his best impression of Dennis Deyoung. Theres a kid who pisses on the cieling in our bathroom, and i come to this cyboard to releive some stress and this is what i get? Well i got some news for you happy people who live good lives, i go to a fucking social institue so don't fuck with me because i'm in the verge of going insane and being thrown in the rubber room! I don't beleive in god because he never does anything good to me, just when he feels that i like something, he takes it away, so as far as i am concerend, to all you people with girlfriends who don't all go to an all boy program for the Mentally Ill, good for you, but don't twist the knife when you stick me with it because i got enough fucking problems in my life, and the last thing i need is for some lady threatening to show us her breasts in one of her posts, to be telling me what the fuck i am, i get enough of this fucking stuff from my cult leader shrink!

17. NRML FNCTR IV - Are You Listening? But That Would Be An Error... Up Is The New R U Down Wit Teh Unrecognizable Sound Of? ... VIX3 (it starts HE SPEAKS!) in a drunk en fight with a stripper who looks like an underage irish girl dating a ******** fang DIE jane part 4: jangle goes on a space race (with a ducky ewok spoon )and geo beardstrokin' deeks tokin>beagle Watchin' coffin in teh coffin 2 / disturb gorwah ah ah 4. Giftbox Zenith13. F*** Stonehedge13. Neon HarmonicaWind Chimes [With No Wind] i kept thinking it's you but no it's not it's you it's always you! ICY EYE SOUNZ but "go back doggi! GO BACK! i'm a little nigger from lost! i'm a lost doggi! go back nigga!" ned geo & his fucking farm of sisterX2 [pi = ~22/7]

18. ACDBefgHazIJlmnoPOMEqrSTUvfwxxyzandohahoohahthisdoesntmakeanysenz (the missing 8 or 14 seconds & moe!) [have an ice day day!]]]


the idear of making 80min albums gone way too damn far

an ultra low point in a what was he THINKING kinda way

3 disks... 2 79:57 ones... then the 3rd 4.5 hours... (7.15 total)

maybe a good solid 20min EP in thar somewhere!

audioball was a hit tho!

666 degrees of kevin bacon is just a few too damn many D greez!



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