From Inselkampf
- Prices are in gold.
- If you are purchasing an item that is not never ending, remove it from the listing
- Copy paste this under the server name of choice to create a new listing:
{{Market Item|listing_type=never ending|type=stone|quantity=50|price=50|username=MyUsername|world=1|location=10:10:10}}
listing type
| type
| quantity
| price
| User
| world
| location
never ending
| stone
| 2000
| 500
| RobKohr
| 1
| 5:21:10
never ending
| Stone Thrower
| 2
| 130
| RobKohr
| 1
| 5:21:10
never ending
| stone
| 1000
| 200
| Rupaw
| 1
| 14:54:23
never ending
| gold
| 200
| 260 l
| Rupaw
| 1
| 14:54:23
never ending
| lumber
| 200
| 180
| Rupaw
| 1
| 14:54:23
never ending
| stonethrower
| 1
| 75
| Rupaw
| 1
| 14:54:23
never ending
| catapult
| 1
| 6000 g & 5000 l
| Rupaw
| 1
| 14:54:23
Not really needed since system has a built in marketplace