Empire:Email Distributions
From Inselkampf
= Mail distribution lists for
the EMPIRE =
The purpose of this site is it to make communication between the different functions of the EMPIRE government easier. If you want to contact all Admins or all Diplomats, Admirals or Senators with a mail, all you've got to do is to copy and paste the provided stings into the "To:" line of the inselkampf mail function.
It's good practice to copy the whole "To: ..." line also into the message body itself, so that all recipients of the mail are aware of all other recipients.
Don't Spam: Please use these distribution lists only if you have an information or an urgent question of general interest to a whole group.
Contents |
Contacting all Administrators of the EMPIRE
To: Toxins; kyledroid; Rupaw
Contacting all Diplomats of the EMPIRE
To: Lockgroove; cl4rk3; crazyguardsman; EnJo_iBOy; summerlong01
Contacting all Admirals of the EMPIRE
To: bbq; JarkEmble; kampf; Kaneda; Me_Grimlock; MonoQwerter; NardoLoopa; PhreighnQ; rhin; road75; Sniper67; Valangar
Contacting all Senators of the EMPIRE
To: Valangar; Sniper67; bbq; kampf; rhin; NardoLoopa; JarkEmble; road75; Theboogieman; PhreighnQ; cl4rk3; MonoQwerter; Lockgroove; pajumed; Burney; hill; Kaboose; RobKohr; aston; Kenor; stupidwej; Me_Grimlock; Frodre; Pille; CaptHappy; darkone_05; CSKat; Silence; Errenden