
From Inselkampf

Popular</td> This page is a guide to playing Inselkampf.
This is proberbly a popular page and should be edited with care.

Delete</td> This page has been proposed for deletion. Project:Policy.
Users may want to speak on the talk page in support of Deleting or Keeping.

Guide</td> This page is a guide to playing inselkampf.
Attacking, Colonization, FAQ, First Steps, Geography, Inselkampf, Terminology.

Lightish IK blue: #CCCCFF Bright Green: #00FF00 Black: #000000 White: #FFFFFF

This is the list of known spies for the US world(s). Administrators of all alliances are encouraged to add to this list. If a player has not been confirmed to be a spy, then they should not be treated as one.

World 1:
text text text text text
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