Empire:Passed Senate Measures

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Administrator of the [Empire]
Administrator of the [Empire]
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Revision as of 21:55, 20 December 2006

Announcement from Monday, December 18th 2006

Introducing a Senate

Citizen of the [Empire]!

The committee of Administrators has decided to introduce democratic structures into the government of our great nation. With this step we follow the tradition of the antic empires of the Romans and Greeks. At the beginning of every month we will select a Senate who decides about key strategic questions concerning the future of our state. The Senators will be determined strictly by their points and rank within the [Empire]. Only the top ranked 15 % of our members will earn the right to call themselves Senator on their personal page.

The first Senate will be formed on the basis of tomorrows (Tuesday) end-of-the-day ranking. This Senate will be active until the end of the year when a new Senate will be determined and be put in place for the whole month of January.

Here are the basic Senate rules:

  • Diplomats and Admirals can become Senators but not Administrators.
  • The Administrators submit important strategic questions about the future of our [Empire] to the Senate to decide.
  • For each decision we will open a new thread in the Forum. Senators will cast their vote by posting “YEA” (for Yes) or “NAY” (for No) messages. Debates about the topic in question should be held inside of that thread only. Admins can participate in that debate but can’t vote!
  • The Administrators retain the power to VETO senate decisions in rare circumstances (The majority of Administrators must agree to Veto)

In less than 24 hours we will post here the names of the first Senators.

Long live the Empire!

Rupaw Administrator of the [Empire]

[Empire]</td> This page is related to the Empire alliance.
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