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Revision as of 11:31, 8 May 2008 by (Talk)
  • The First International Graduate Conference on Indonesia 2009

-- Dear Colleagues of the Centers of South East Asia Studies and Programmes in Asia,

We are very pleased to inform you that the Academy Professorship Indonesia in Social Sciences and Humanities (KNAW-AIPI) and the Graduate School of Gajah Mada University Yogyakarta will organize the First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia. The international conference will be held on December 15-18, 2009 at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with the theme entitled as follows: "(Re) Considering the Contemporary Indonesia: Striving for Democracy, Sustainability and Prosperity".

The Steering Committee of the international conference are glad to invite the Indonesian/foreign graduate students to participate by submitting their abstracts by the end of November, 2008. Please find enclosed the concept and schedule of the international conference on Indonesia for your reference.

The Steering Committee will do review on the abstracts related to the theme of the conference from various disciplinary backgrounds with the focus on social-cultural-humanities dimension of the contemporary Indonesia. The information and the form for abstract submission can be downloaded at

We would appreciate any collaborative assisstant from your behalf, in particular in assisting and facilitating your graduate students to participate in that conference. Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us at the address bellow. Thank you very much for your kindly thought and collaboration

Sincerely yours, Director, The Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University, Prof.Dr. Irwan Abdullah and Academy Professor in Social Sciences and Humanities, The Graduate School, Gadjah Mada University MA. Yunita T. Winarto, Ph.D.

-- Email:

-- Website:

  • 5th International Symposium of Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia

-- Contact:

-- Herewith I inform you the information of the 5th International Symposium of Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia which will be held in Banjarmasin on 22-26 July 2008. Feel free to visit the website at or you can click this link:

  • The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) is preparing its Ninth International Conference in Palembang, South Sumatera, on July 30-31, 2008, titled "The Current and Future Issues of Regional Development, Energy and Climate Change".

-- The conference is intended to be a media for scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to discuss and exchange theoretical and empirical findings on the issues of regional development, energy and climate change with particular emphasis on the aspects of governance, public services provision, natural resource and environmental management, investment and business climate, tourism, trade and informal sector, regional growth, poverty and inequality. It is hoped that through this conference participants will exchange experiences and build strong networks for future research, policy discussion, and practical collaboration. Deadline for abstract/paper submission: April 30, 2008.

-- To submit your abstract, please send your abstract via e-mail to and

-- Website:

  • Indonesia's Decade of Democratisation: The rise of constitutional democracy

21 - 22 May 2008 Venue: Seminar Room Widya Graha Building LIPI 1st floor, Jl. Gatot Subroto No.10 Jakarta Selatan

The conference is conceived of as being a serious academic undertaking, and therefore will involve critical reflection and some critique. Nevertheless, it is also intended that the conference capture the interest of a broader audience beyond academia and that it focus attention on the many positive advances and achievements that constitute the remarkable story of Indonesia�s democratic transition.

This conference is partly inspired by and modelled upon the very successful conference Indonesian Democracy, 1950s and 1990s held by the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at Monash University in December 1992 in honour of Herb Feith who had retired from the politics department at Monash University

Indonesian democracy conference, like the one in 1992, is also inspired by Herb Feith's seminal work The Decline of Constitutional Democracy, published in 1962 and republished in 2007 by Equinox Publishing in Jakarta. Just as the 1992 Indonesian democracy conference resulted in a significant academic book (edited by David Bourchier and John Legge) it is intended that this 2008 Indonesian democracy conference will also result in a landmark publication.

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