Sexuality, Textuality, Image the Second CISSGE Postgraduate Conference - University of Exeter - 12th September 2008

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  • "Sexuality, Textuality, Image", the Second CISSGE Postgraduate Conference University of Exeter 12th September 2008.

-- The University of Exeter is delighted to host "Sexuality, Textuality, Image": the second postgraduate conference of the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe (CISSGE). Sexuality, Textuality, Image will provide a forum in which researchers can explore the aesthetic, theoretical and cultural issues of representation which are at play in texts and images, with a particular focus on the concept of sexuality. We welcome papers which explore the tensions of representation in a variety of texts - including art, film, photography, drama, literature and media forms - in order to address some of the key questions surrounding textuality and imagery. To what extent can images be read as texts, and texts as images? What discursive and iconographic issues can be said to surround specific texts? Suggested topics include: * Intertextuality and adaptation * The politics and poetics of pornography * The relationship between the high and the popular * Masculinity/male studies * Depictions of normative and non-normative sexualities * The processes and pedagogies of reading images as texts, and texts as images We hope to contextualise these questions in relation to contemporary culture, art history, performativity, queer theories, feminist theories, transgender theories and approaches which may fall outside this aegis - including bisexuality studies, masculinity studies, and heterosexuality studies.

-- Please send expressions of interest/ abstracts (200 words max.) to Michelle Parslow ( by 31 May 2008.

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