Lecturer - Fulbright Programs - Indonesia - Social Sciences and Humanities

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Fulbright Programs--East Asia and the Pacific--Indonesia--Social Sciences and Humanities

-- Sponsor: Council for International Exchange of Scholars

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides lecturing/research and lecturing awards in the social sciences and humanities at an institution in Indonesia. The award is for five or ten months. Applicants should be fluent in Indonesian if it is needed for research. Approximately two awards will be provided.

-- Deadline: 08/01/2008

-- Contact: Mamiko Hada, 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC 20008-3009, U.S.A.

-- E-mail: mhada@cies.iie.org

-- Web Site: http://www.cies.org/award_book/award2009/country/EasIndID.htm

-- Program URL: http://www.cies.org/award_book/award2009/award/Soc9138.htm

-- OBJECTIVES: The recipient will teach undergraduate or graduate courses in his/her area of specialization. Recipients will also consult on curriculum and program development, supervise theses and conduct staff seminars and workshops as required. Specialization preferences are political science, economics and American studies (including history, literature, politics, society and culture).

-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have faculty rank and a minimum of three years of college teaching experience beyond the terminal degree in their field. Eligible applicants are required to have the following: U.S. citizenship at the time of application; a Ph.D., Master�s, or equivalent professional/terminal degree (depending on the type of award applied for) at the time of application (for professionals and artists outside academia, recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments are required); college or university teaching experience at the level and in the field of the proposed lecturing activity as specified in the award description; foreign language proficiency only if specified in the award description or required for the completion of the proposed project. Previous Fulbright Scholar grantees are eligible to apply only if three years will have elapsed between the ending date of one scholar award and the beginning date of the new scholar award. This rule does not apply if the previous grant was for less than two months.

-- FUNDING: Recipients will receive a base stipend of $2,200 per month and a housing allowance between $1,300 and $1,800 per month, based on location of assignment. Round-trip travel for the grantee is provided as well as an excess baggage allowance of $1,000 to ship books, equipment, or other materials to and from the assignment. For grants of four months or more, round-trip travel for one dependent and a one-time relocation allowance of $750 will be provided. Recipients will receive a local transportation allowance of $500 per month in Jakarta and $400 per month for other areas. Lecturing grantees are encouraged to take a four week intensive Bahasa Indonesia course in Indonesia immediately prior to the start of their grant activities. Grant benefits will be extended to cover this period of study and institution fees will be covered.

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