Director: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University

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Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

-- DIRECTOR: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, effective 1 July 2008. Northern Illinois University is seeking a Director of its Center for Southeast Asian Studies. The position is at a senior rank, either full professor or senior associate professor (with promotion to full professor anticipated in the near future).

-- Qualifications: Ph.D. in a Southeast Asian field; discipline open. Candidates must possess dynamic leadership and people skills; administrative experience preferred. Applicants should have a comprehensive and clear vision for the maintenance and enhancement of the center�s excellence and reputation within Northern Illinois University, the nation, and the world. Candidates must have experience in successful grant writing and must be able to work in the multi-disciplinary environment of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies across departments and in cooperation with various NIU units such as Center for Burma Studies, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and International Programming.

-- Duties: The Director, in collaboration with the Assistant Director, Center Staff and Center Associates,:

  • should be a person of vision who possesses leadership qualities that will advance the excellence and reputation of the Center locally, nationally and internationally;
  • represents the Center at occasional scholarly conferences and oversees weekly Center forums;
  • is responsible for promoting and encouraging Southeast Asian studies, including the recruitment of undergraduate minors as well as graduate students seeking degrees related to Southeast Asian topics;
  • creatively seeks external grants for Center programs, projects and activities;
  • oversees the writing and submission of Department of Education, Title VI grant proposals as well as coordinating and implementing associated projects that assist in maintaining the Centerâ��s National Resource Center status;
  • oversees the daily management of the Center, including the direction of its website, the preparation of budgets, allocation of the budget and presentations of annual reports, assessments and expenditure summaries;
  • oversees the Centerâ��s publications program, with the assistance of an editor and a publications committee;
  • promotes and enhances the University Librariesâ�� Donn V. Hart Southeast Asia collection;
  • teaches one course per semester in his/her home department, preferably related to Southeast Asian studies;
  • will be involved in fund raising, improving contacts with alumni, and promoting the visibility of the Center.

-- The Center. The Center for Southeast Asian Studies was established in 1963 at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. Located 65 miles west of Chicago, Northern Illinois University is a comprehensive undergraduate and graduate university with approximately 25,000 students. NIU is included in the Doctoral/Research Universities-Extensive category of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and is a member of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. The center is a unit within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the director reports to the dean of the college.

-- A federally funded National Resource Center since 1997, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies provides leadership, focus, and coordination for Southeast Asian studies at the university. It also provides outreach and K-16 teacher training for communities throughout northern Illinois. One of its most unique resources is SEAsite, a comprehensive and varied set of interactive learning resources for studying Southeast Asian languages, literatures and cultures on the world wide web. SEAsite was developed by faculty and students and accessible from the center�s home page ( The Donn V. Hart Southeast Asia Collection in the NIU library maintains strong collections on Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The Center has 27 Faculty Associates who teach and research primarily about Southeast Asia with expertise in Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and East Timor (

-- Application Process: Candidates must send their statement of interest, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to Kenton Clymer, Search Committee Chair. Electronic submissions are preferred and must be sent to: Applications may also be submitted to Kenton Clymer, Chair of the Search Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. Review of complete applications will begin on 15 February 2008 and will continue until the position is filled. AA/EEO Institution.

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