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Revision as of 10:26, 20 October 2006 by Jepley (Talk | contribs)

Hello and welcome to Indopedia, the Indonesian Studies Wiki! This is a dynamic website based on the well-known Wikipedia, but specifically devoted to Indonesian Studies. It is meant to help foreign and domestic scholars who research Indonesia. Indopedia is especially meant to be a repository of the collective wisdom of those who have researched or are currently researching in and about the country. This is essentially an effort to minimize the reinvention of the wheel, so to speak, and keep people informed about what’s what in and about Indonesia – past, present, and future. Please contribute to Indopedia under the different headings and feel free to add your own headings. In the spirit of collegiality and professionalism, I ask that all contributors respect norms of politeness, privacy, and copyright when providing information about the various peoples, places, and things related to Indonesia. Where possible, please also include complete source information and citations. For licensing and legal issues, please note that "By hitting Save Changes you put your changes into the public domain." Questions, concerns, and suggestions related to the site may be sent to

Salam hangat,

Jennifer L. Epley

(University of Michigan)

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