Asia Rice Foundation: Travel and Study Grant Awards

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  • Travel and Study Grant Awards

-- Sponsor: Asia Rice Foundation U.S.A.

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor will grant up to $3,500 for travel, scientific research, education or artistic work about rice in Asia.

-- Deadline: 06/01/2009

-- Contact: Dr. Russell Freed

-- Address: Michigan State University

                 Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
                 384 Plant and Soil Sciences Building
                 East Lansing, MI 48824-1039

-- E-mail:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides funding for travel, scientific research, education or artistic work about rice in Asia.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be a scholar registered at an accredited institution of higher education or a faculty member at such an university and have a letter of support from your national rice foundation. Creative artists must illustrate their qualifications.

-- FUNDING: The sponsor grant up to $3500 travel, scientific research, education or artistic work about rice in Asia.

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