Conference on Literature and History, Macquarie Univeristy, Thursday 24-Friday 25 July 2008

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  • Conference on Literature and History, Macquarie Univeristy, Thursday 24-Friday 25 July 2008.

-- Debates about the relationship between literature and history have long haunted literary practice, history and criticism. For some, historicism can be seen as a form of hermeneutical aggression, for others it provides the key to the literary representation of psychological and cultural phenomena. The archive, viewed from these diverging perspectives, obfuscates or illuminates. Recent flirtations with reading literally have been equally contentious, shifting the focus away from aesthetics towards the traces of material culture that clutter narrative space with forgotten or repressed histories.

-- Submission Deadline: 30 April - Proposals should be 250-300 words in length and sent via email to:

-- Visit the conference website for full details at

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