Nicole DeLuc

From Holwiki

Nicole DeLuc, born Nicole Beaumont, is the mother of Trillian DeLuc and wife of Jocken DeLuc. She is an accomplished Summoner and Mage. Nicole is the unofficial leader of the Legendary Five.



Nicole grew up as part of the wealthiest families in Haven. She was a bit of a tomboy growing up, despite her parent's best attempts to change that. She was the only child in the town that didn't mercilessly tease Devon Pasaer. Her interest in magic started when her parents told her it wasn't "lady-like" to learn how to fight.

The Legendary Five

When Nicole turned twenty she ran from home, taking a large sum of money with her. In a search for more adventure in her life, she met the other four members. She acted as the head of the group, overseeing all business procedures and managing all treasure received.

In her epilogue she married Jocken DeLuc, a childhood friend and occasional teammate.

During RPG

Nicole made her first appearance in the RPG defending Haven from Kemmerich's soldiers. She hasn't been shown much since.

Notable Technques and Abilities

Nicolce can summon various creatures, such as:

  • Thastaer: A Flame Demon who treats Nicole like a mother.
  • Shas Pandryl: A large black Dragon that is usually used to be ridden on.
  • Shol: A giant hawk. Uses Wind Abilities.

She also has the ability to cast various status enhancing magic on her monsters.


  • Nicole is one of the only characters not based on an anime/video game character.
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