Featured Quotes

From Hate

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This page lists those quotes from this database that are particularly hateful or insane. On the pages of their individual authors these quotes are marked with a star, which links back to this page.

Top 10 quotes

1 Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals. - Paul Cameron

2 I'd sooner let John Couey, who raped and buried alive little Jessica, I'd sooner let him adopt the kids, than turn them over to these fags and dykes! - Fred Phelps

3 Did I ever tell you you were adopted? (Asked what she would do if a child of hers came out as gay) - Ann Coulter

4 Homosexuals generate not life but death. - Don Feder

5 As soon as the law of islam comes into force in the Netherlands, I will be the first to push every protesting gay head-down off a tower. - Ertan Kiliç

6 [Gays and lesbians are] perverts, whose sexual drive the Devil has used as his strongest weapon against God. - Åke Green

7 I believe no matter how or why you are a homosexual your life should be terminated. - Glenn Bahr

8 How fortunate that gays and lesbians can’t reproduce. - Lech Kaczynski

9 Having talked with hundreds of homosexuals, I have never met one that had not been sexually violated in his or her life. - Melissa Fryrear

10 Homosexuals, on the other hand, are less economically productive, have few children, do not raise them well, are more criminal, and tend to spread disease. - Paul Cameron

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