Concerned Women for America

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Revision as of 10:39, 14 June 2006 by Foeke (Talk | contribs)

Concerned Women for America is a US-based conservative christian organisation with policies opposing same-sex marriage, abortion and anti-discrimination laws. In April 2006, it joined Mission America to undertake the "Risk Audit Project", which aims to identify the "homosexual agenda" in American public schools.


1 Homosexual households are more prone to domestic violence. (src)

2 When government pretends something's a marriage that isn't, children are hurt, society is weakened, and anyone who objects is attacked. (src)

3 It's never been about benefits. It's about destroying the definition of marriage. (src)

4 Society has seen fit to withhold its blessing and special protection from other shared behaviors -- murder, theft and fraud, and "sexual orientations" like necrophilia, bestiality and pedophilia. (src)

5 Homosexual rights ordinances interfere with the right to hire men and women with sound moral principles to teach our children. They threaten the right of schools to to hire teachers of high moral caliber. (src)

6 [Gay rights organisations] have discovered a way around the U.S. objections and we are letting them get away with making their connections [with organisations promoting paedophilia] indirect and hidden. (src)

7 Homosexual marriage is as wrong as giving a man a license to marry his mother or daughter or sister or a group. (src)

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