Family Policy Network
From Hate
The Family Policy Network (FPN) is a "socially-conservative Christian organization that works to educate Christians and confront the culture on the important moral issues of the day". Its website claims the organisation focuses mainly on sexuality, family values and religious freedom. It is active in the states Alabama, California, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West-Virginia.
1 People who engage in homosexual behavior should be encouraged to stop in order to avoid heartache, disease and an untimely death. (src)
2 It is a sin grievous to God and repulsive behavior because it rejects God's design for mankind as heterosexual beings. (src)
3 (...) the root of homosexuality is a sinful heart. (src)
4 The homosexual political movement is a progressive outgrowth of the sexual revolution of the past 40 years and, if successful, will ultimately lead to the normalization of even more deviant behavior. (src)
5 (...) the efforts of the homosexual movement to force its agenda and sentiments in schools, government, business and the workplace through law, public policy and media. (src)
6 FPN opposes any efforts to convince society that because individuals participate in homosexual behavior, they have earned the right to civil rights protections like racial minorities and other groups. (src)