Linda Harvey
From Hate
Linda Harvey is the founder and current president of Mission America, an organisation that "focuses on homosexuality from a conservative christian viewpoint". She opposes anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people.
1 [After a parent leaves the family for a same-sex partner], children are left to sort through the wreckage of selfishness and dysfunction. (src)
2 [Homosexuality is] an array of high-risk, abnormal behaviors. (src)
3 [Gay-Straight Alliances are] training groups that prop up the homosexual identities of vulnerable kids by fomenting bias against traditional morality, while concealing the grave risks of homosexuality. (src)
4 Some teens will engage in homosexual or bisexual behavior before they leave high school, and more will surely do so when it's treated with "respect" at their public school. (src)
5 Homosexual activists and their allies are, in case one hasn't noticed, the torch-carriers for a movement to destroy biblically-oriented Christianity and its positive influence on our culture. (src)
6 People (...) can be seduced into homosexual behavior and have their identity molded around the homosexual lifestyle. (src)
7 (...)the promotion of this [gay] behavior to our children has incredibly destructive potential (...). (src)
8 They have decided to alter Scripture or disregard it for their own twisted purposes. (Speaking of Faith in America, an organisation meaning to "educate Americans about the misuse of religious teachings to discriminate and isolate gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people" src)
9 By encouraging people to believe homosexuality is compatible with Christian doctrine, they will lead many people directly into harm's way, into sin, and into believing a deception that may separate them, possibly forever, from Christ ([src)
10 (...) both GLSEN and PFLAG advocate book selections for youth that include positive portrayals of homosexual sex between boys, pornography use, cheating on a spouse with a homosexual lover [and] homosexual sex between underage youth and adults (...). (src)