Westboro Baptist Church

From Hate

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An example of WBC's hatred

The Westboro Baptist Church is an extremely right-wing ministry head quartered in the US city of Topeka in Kansas, founded and led by Fred Phelps. It is continually picketing funerals of American soliders slain in combat and of victims of hate crimes, most notably Matthew Shepard. On their notoriously anti-everything-that's-different website, GodHatesFags.com, they ridicule and slander everything and everyone that disagrees with their extremely narrow interpretation of the scripture.

You can see an interview with a member of the church here.


1 God hates fags. (src)

2 Sodomy is an abominable sin, worthy of death. (src)

3 Barney Franks, the famous glibtongued, fat faggot Congressman from same sex marriage Massachusetts (...). (src)

4 Sweden has defied God and embraced sodomy. (After Ake Green was convicted under Sweden's hate crime laws; src)

5 Canada is a homo-fascist state where the filthy fag agenda has become the law of the land. (src)

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