Traditional Values Coalition
From Hate
The Traditional Values Coalition or TVC is an American christian right-wing organisation that claims to represent 43,000 churches throughout the United States. According to their website, they focus on combatting the "homosexual agenda", abortion and pornography among other things.
The TVC and its representatives - among them Louis Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty - have repeatedly cited studies linking homosexuality to paedophilia.
1 statistics indicate that homosexuals pose a far more serious threat to children than do heterosexuals. (src)
2 Homosexuals seldom openly admit that they want to sexually assault children, but their literature and their actions tell another story. (src)
3 Homosexual activists are now beginning to openly admit that they don't want to marry just to have a normal home life. They want same-sex marriage as a way of destroying the concept of marriage altogether- and of introducing polygamy and polyamory (group sex) as "families." (src)
4 (T)here is sufficient scientific research to show that children who are brought up in homosexual homes are far more likely to express stresses and potential physical harm. (src)
5 GLAAD and groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Student Education Network have done their job well in censoring accurate information about homosexual behavior in the media. (src)
6 Homosexuals recruit public school children. (src)