Wiki Resources

From Hc Edtech


History, Definitions, Concepts

Example Wikis

Wikis in Educational Settings

Recreational Wikis with Learning Potential

Wikis for Enterprise

Personal Wikis

  • TiddlyWiki A reusable, non-linear personal web notebook
  • TagglyWiki a taggable, reusable, non-linear personal web notebook
  • Backpack Organize to do lists, notes, images, and photos
  • WikiWeblogPIM Thoughts and links about the merger of three formats
  • VoodooPad - VoodooPad is a wiki software that runs on your computer. Localized, offline knowledge management.

Wiki Platforms

  • is a handy wiki comparison tool
  • WikiSpaces Cleanly designed free wiki space with discussion groups
  • SeedWiki - SeedWiki provides free wiki hosting. Have your own wiki within minutes.
  • SeedWiki How-to's
  • PBWiki Make a free, password-protected wiki as easily as you make a peanut butter sandwich
  • Schtuff Another free wiki host.
  • MediaWiki - The wiki engine that runs Wikipedia and this Incubate Wiki
  • PmWiki - This wiki software does not need any database. Relatively easy to install. Used on EdGames, and CompsWiki.
  • TikiWiki - Wiki with CMS features like bulletin boards and blogs. Dan's choice for the WWI sim.
  • DokuWiki - a standards compliant wiki, also with no database.
  • JotSpot - Jot is a commercial product with word-like editing features.
  • EditMe - EditMe is a new service that empowers non-technical users to quickly and easily build and host irresistibly editable web sites. Unlike existing web hosts, EditMe includes powerful features to enable multiple contributors to collaborate on the site's content. EditMe is great for use as a personal web site, company intranet, collaboration site, blog, or wiki.
  • Web Collaborator - A free site for setting up collaborative writing among multiple participants. Looks very promising!
  • Placeopedia - A bridge that ties Wikipedia entries to their location on Google Maps. Search for "San Diego".

Post-Wiki Collaboration Tools and Platforms

  • Writeboard - Free collaborative text space with rollbacks.
  • Writely - Collaborative web-based document software
Personal tools