Introduction to Wikis

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Revision as of 14:51, 2 February 2006 by Dmoses (Talk | contribs)


Instructional Plan for ED5164 Technology Presentation

Presenter: Don Moses

Date: Feb. 4, 2006

Topic or Theme: Introduction to Wikis

Objectives: Participants will

  • learn about wikis (definition, software, advantages/disadvantages)
  • add and edit text and formatting to a wiki page
  • create a link to another wiki page
  • identify instruction uses of wikis


  1. Welcome and introduction to the workshop. [2 min]
  2. Defining 'Wikis' [2 min]
    1. Play slide three "WikiDefinition" from Brian Lamb's Macromedia Breeze presentation. [1]
  3. Demonstrate a number of different wiki software platforms used in an educational context. [7 min]
    1. Breifly demonstrate the WikiMatrix comparison tool [2]
    2. Demonstrate how educators are using wikis
  4. The evoluation of a Wikipedia page [3 min]
    1. Play a portion of Jon Udell's screencast "Heavy Metal Umlat" [3]
  5. Hands-on Activity using the ED5164 class wiki [4]. [18 min]
    1. create an account on the class wiki
    2. edit/update your user 'profile' page on the class wiki
    3. copy and paste prepared template or create from scratch.
    4. create a link to a non-existent wiki page
    5. create an external link to another webpage or file on the internet (eg. image file, word document, etc.).
  6. Wrap-up: (participants will record discuss/ideas/results to class wiki) [8 min]
    1. Using the definition and participants experiences discuss as a group the advantages and disadvantages of wikis.
    2. Identify potential uses of wikis in participant's instruction.


  1. Whiteboard or Flipchart/markers
  2. Computer station with internet access for each participant
  3. Computer with internet access, LCD Projector, Screen?, Speakers for presenter


  1. Information will be made available on the class wiki and participants will be encouraged to add their own work, edits, discoveries, etc.
  2. Participants will receive a handout with wiki specific editing tips and a list of useful starting points.
  3. Participants will receive a copy of 7 Things You Should Know about Wikis.
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. (2005, July). 7 things you should know about wikis. Retrieved January 13, 2006, from


This session will use a variety of instructional strategies including lecture, visuals, demonstration and hands-on activities.

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