
From Geofiction

Revision as of 12:26, 10 November 2010 by Tinsky (Talk | contribs)
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Azur is online geofiction and fantasy world created for the fictional Jacmus Universe by T Dubinsky. It is the fourth closest planet to the sun, Realgar in the Shak'ra solar system. Some philosophers believe the planet is Sembiant.

The world Azur was first used as to develop a free online text based role-play game, The Age of Ahnicus which explored the world Azur during a particular time period. Since 2008, the online game has been closed and developed into a living online geofiction where readers are encouraged to direct the stories and development of Azur through interactive polls and choices.

Azur's geographical shape is spherical with a diameter of 4,210 km. The Online Geofiction [1] provides basic statistics about the world as well as background information on races, fauna, flora, civilizations and other geographical considerations including Maps.

--Tinsky 12:26, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

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