Keenan Ketzner
From Fswiki
The character Gamexprt is based off this person.
He is thirteen years old and has helped/helps with scripts for Zach; and usually goes by Gamexprt1 on the internet.
Keenan offers a variety of help, such as:
Graphic Designs: If you want something to look really spiffy such as a document or a picture or whatever, juts send the file and some defining on what you want done.
Sorting: If you want your flash to be neatly sorted and labeled well with fixed Actionscript, it will be $2.50 if it’s a big job, but if its not to big, its usually free.
Site design: Yes, I am a site designer. But I’m not one who remakes a whole site unless needed or wanted; I usually just tidy it up. Its not very expensive, if it's between 1-4 pages needed to be helped with its free. But if its 5 pages its $25 plus $3 each page after that.
Music: I am kind of good at musical scores. I make good background music mostly dark. If the song is shorter than 45 seconds its free, but if it's longer than a 45 second its $2.50 plus $0.20 every ten seconds.
Voicing: Yes I do voicing for free.
Logo Design: I also make logos for free.