Fi- I Mean, Toxica's Fan Episode

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

The One That Started It All.





Toxica, Jindrax, Zordon, Joel, Rya, Phil, Jessica, Mora, Big Fat Guy, Spongebob, Timmy, Cosmo(The Fairy), Billy(The first Cartoon Boy in Toxica's Bonus Stage), Mandy, Clan rHrN, Spink, Elly, Dinosaur, David Letterman, Phil's Ghost


Toxica, Jindrax, Zordon, Joel, Rya, Phil, Jessica, Mora, Big Fat Guy, Spongebob, Timmy, Cosmo(The Fairy), Billy(The first Cartoon Boy in Toxica's Bonus Stage), Mandy, Clan rHrN, Spink, Elly, Dinosaur, David Letterman, Phil's Ghost


{Eirie Music Plays and Toxica Enters}

Toxica: Now For Ac Magic!

{Jindrax Appears}

Jindrax: Wow!

{New Theme Song: And It Features Toxica and Jindrax Capturing Zordon, And Getting Beaten the Crap Out of!}

{Cuts to Joel and Rya talking in the eShip}

JOEL: Rya.

RYA: We shall name him Rygar.

JOEL: What?

RYA: Sorry. I am stuck in a loop. (Corner Thing)I have been in a loop ever since the day Rygar was born.

JOEL: Oh, Okay!

RYA: We shall name him Rygar. -Mitchell00 21:13, 25 Jun 2005 (EDT)

{Phil enters}

PHIL: What are you two doing?

RYA: Nothing. - Limoman

JOEL: She keeps talking about Rygar.

PHIL: Oh. Fun.


JOEL: Should we kill her off today?

PHIL: Sure, why not?

{insert 3 second scene where a silhouette of Rya drops off a cliff} -Mashi

{Cut to Phil and Joel in Phil's living room. Corner Thing Offline}

PHIL: Well, now that we've killed her, what are we going to do?

JOEL: Wait, aren't we supposed to be in space?

{The scene changes to a room in the eShip.}

PHIL: No, I'm pretty sure we were in Hydrox.

{The scene changes to a room in the Hydrox building.}

JOEL: Oh, look who's talking, Mr. I Hate Space and I Want to Go Home Because I am a Newb!

PHIL: I'm not a newb! --Shim-Sham-Sam

JOEL: Yeah, you are...newbie! Newbie Drewbie...Drew Carey...

PHIL: ...ok, you're done making sense in this episode.

JOEL: Your mom's done.

PHIL: Where is she, anyway?

JOEL: She's in that room {points to somethin offscreen. Pan to an open door.}...because that where it's

{Cut back to Phil and Joel. A pause}

PHIL: ...ok, I'm going to start ignoring you...nnnnnnnnnnow. --Cozza 07:51, 25 Jul 2005 (EDT)

{Jessica slowly appears from the left side of the screen}


{someone who seems to be Mora in a Jessica costume appears from the right side of the screen}

MORA: Who are you?

PHIL: Oh, great. The world definitely needs two of my mother. {Phil takes out a mallet and whacks Mora without looking}

JOEL: So, let me get this straight. This part is supposed to be... funny. --Just Nobody

PHIL: No, I think it was just meant to be something.

JOEL: ...ok...

PHIL: I mean this episode wasn't really going anywhere. That's how crap this show is.

JOEL: That's how crap your mom is.

JESSICA: I'm right here.

JOEL: Oh, yeah...aren't you supposed to be crazy--oh... {pans out to reveal her talking to a lamp} long have we had that?

PHIL: Seven seconds. --Cozza

JOEL: Oh my God, I just remembered something!

PHIL: It's not another Big Fat Guy joke is it?

JOEL: No...

{Cut to white room with Big Fat Gut dressed as a girl. Phil, Joel and Spongebob are seen}

BIG FAT GUY: I'M BIG FAT GIRL! {body slams but then quickly explodes}

{cut to spongebob shaped like a pin}



(Next Time Thingy)

TIMMY: I wish for a cat!

{A cat that looks like gary appears}

COSMO: We borrowed a snail!

TIMMY: Wha!?- AC

(Cuts back to living room with Phil twitching)

Joel: God, you freaking twitch too much... -Somebody forgot their name

PHIL: (stops twitching) Shut up. (Throws axe at Joel) - Psychosomatic

JOEL: Shh! Billy and Mandy is on.

BILLY: Hey Mandy! How's it going?

MANDY: AC Has control. Run.

BILLY: Okay! -AC

(Cut back to Phil, now with Spink and a guy named Clan rHrN)

CLAN rHrN:: Hi. I hate Treelor.

PHIL: So do I, buddy.

SPINK: Lindsay Lohan sucks, bang bang.

CLAN rHrN: Hilary Duff= T3h pwnz.

SPINK: STOP SPEAKING 1337! Bang bang.

PHIL: Cool, cool, 1337, cool. -Clan rHrN 07:53, 21 Jan 2006 (EST)

{The scene pans away, and they're back on Earth}

PHIL: Has this episode spanned... like... three seasons or something?

JOEL: Duh! it's like your mom!

PHIL: Shut up.


PHIL: Shh!


PHIL: Shh!


PHIL: Shh!


{Elly walks in}

ELLY: Have you guys seen Rya?

PHIL: We killed her.

ELLY: But I wanted the last piece of pizza!

JOEL: Why don’t you eat Phil's mom instead?

{Phil looks utterly disgusted}

ELLY: Joel, this is supposed to be like… PG-13 or something… isn’t it?

{Phil dies}

JOEL: Heh…

ELLY: Where is she anyways? --Milan

{A hole is blown through the wall, and a giant mechanical dinosaur plods into the room.}

DINOSAUR: I have destroyed all literary errors within this forsaken document. The one you seek is on David Letterman.

JOEL: Looks like her diabolical plot to appear on daytime television was a success after all.

DINOSAUR: That was not the meaning of my statement.

JOEL: But that means...HOLY CRAP!

{Cut to the set of the David Letterman Show. David Letterman's at his desk, and Jessica is balanced perfectly atop his head, on one foot.}

DAVID LETTERMAN: What're you doing on my head?

JESSICA: I am focusing my inner chakra...or chi. Or something.

DAVID LETTERMAN: Yeah, well, get off. My show's starting in five minutes.

{Close up of Jessica's eyes.}

JESSICA: I will not.

{Cut back to Joel and Elly. Phil's ghost is there.}

PHIL'S GHOST: That was the lamest cutaway yet. -Roboyoshi

JOEL: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...(pause) uhhhhhhhhhhh... potty
Mcharry Potter.

ELLY: Yeah... Craig is so hot.

(Phil's ghost explodes. Enter Toxica)

TOXICA: Grrrrrrrr!!!! (Kills Elly and Gets X-Acid And Places It and Spongebob on the remains of Phil's ghost) Evil Spirits Of Toil and Strife, Give This Fallen Org new Life Kyaaaaaaaa! (Beans Shoot out of Her Wand and a beanstalk grows and Turns Into XTreme Bob Org Pants!) -AC


The Bookmark Continuation

Annoncer: On The next T.B.S. Ac Enters Mount. endtime!

AC: Help! Me!!!

Annoncer: And Finds His First Wu

DoJo: The LV2 Mantis Flip Coin Has More Power Than the Origenal!

AC: I'm Not Afraid of You Anymore!

Annoncer: Witness The Failure! Toxica's Bonus Stage!


  • The Vary First Toxica's Bonus Stage!
  • Sorry About A Bonus Stage Day, Mitch
  • Test subject
  • The Very First Episode!
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