
From Expanding Your Horizons

hi i'm hales and i have the most adorable dog, he's a tibetan terrier...his name is Garth (from Wayne's world) he looks like this but he has blackish/grey ears!!!


and my bro is really into playing music...(guitar, bass, singing, and playing the drums)

my cooleoist friends r Kamel and Twilight. i also have friends that don't have one of these web sites their names r Frannie-Bananie and Mi-kay-kay!!!

my mom is a travel agent so i get 2 go a lot of places, my favorite tropical places r Grand Cayman in the Carribean and i luv Mexico...


i have a myspace which is called myspace.com/haleyscooleo

i live in S.C. California, i luv going 2 the beach and skim boarding, my bro is going 2 teach me how 2 surf in the summer...


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