
From Euphro

Revision as of 14:50, 8 August 2006 by Kid-Simple (Talk | contribs)


Kid-Simple is a 9x GC Crusader who enjoys collecting things, exploring new places, having fun, etc. He is usually not in a big hurry to get to the next level. ^_^ Kid enjoys parties when he is invited, but most of the time ends up soloing. The character's name was taken from an awesome play shown at Actors Theatre in Louisville called, "Kid-Simple, A Radio Play In The Flesh". Other characters mysteriously related to Kid are Joe Isuzu, a vend slave, and Lagomorph, a novie who hopes one day to be an aco.

Kid is also a proud member of the guild Xenocide, which has many friendly members!

Stats at 99

  • STR 33+7
  • AGI 9+2
  • VIT 63+7
  • INT 99+13
  • DEX 57+3
  • LUK 1+5

Top 5 Lists

In a tribute to the movie High Fidelity, here are some top 5 lists!
(rich players please refrain from laughing...)

Top 5 Possessions

  1. +6 Immune Manteau[1]
  2. +5 Cranial Shield[1]
  3. +5 Boots of Witch[1]
  4. +5 Double Hurricane Haedonggum[2]
  5. +5 Erudite Helm[1]

Top 5 Desired Possessions

  1. +6/7 Immune Manteau[1]
  2. +X Holy Legion Plate[1]
  3. Erudite Sunglasses[1]
  4. +7 Double Diligent Haedonggum[2]
  5. +6/7 Erudite Helm[1]

Top 5 Activities

  1. Group parties in interesting places
  2. Party with a cute priestess :)
  3. Making bad jokes in guild chat
  4. Collecting stuff while not paying for almost anything
  5. Solo lvling while hunting for rare drops

Top 5 Goals

  1. Get better defense gear
  2. Get to lvl 99
  3. Make a Spore Hat :)
  4. Tank an MVP
  5. World peace in our time


Kid can be reached on the Euphro Forums by sending a PM to "catbus".
(Assuming the forums don't take 5 minutes to load!)

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