Joshua Hart

From Euphro

Revision as of 19:47, 20 July 2006 by (Talk)

A player of International Ragnarok Online (iRO) who has run away from home to play approximately three years ago. GOD POING broadcasted in game about the concern of his parents. This incident was deemed laughable to many, although sad to some, but what happened that day will always be carried in the hearts of players in RO, whether it be iRO or EuphRO, or any server and MMO game.

GOD-POING: Dear Joshua Hart from Sacramento CA, GOD-POING: Please contact you Mother,Mrs. Jeniffer Hart or your father GOD-POING: They are so much worried about you, GOD-POING: Please contact your parents soon as you can GOD-POING: that you haven't called or contacted your parents for 2 days

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