
From Euphro

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Revision as of 20:09, 18 July 2006

SaiRyo is one of the lesser-known EuphRO players, and lurks/talks on @main a lot. Known for his army of characters, he usually plays with his Knight (Sai Ryo), Bard (Sonata), Star Gladiator (Keevsa), and Priestess (Clarine). A not-so-often played character is his Rogue (Farina), who is still in the base level 50s. His interests are Fire Emblem, video games in general, drawing, Ests, and provoking people.


He usually creates controversy and enemies for himself by hating all things popular on the internet, such as 4chan memes and smilies. He is currently trying to let up on this.

blah blah

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