Black Rose Order

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Guild created in Octuber 5th 2005 by iniciative of John Locke (Whitesmith) and S e r e n a d e (High Wizard), both from old school Power guildmen. Also knows as BRO.

The guild's name was inspired from John's experiences in other servers and the guild's icon creation is attributed to John's friend as well.

John Locke is BRO's guild leader since it's creation. Tought, S e r e n a d e's role as co-leader since the beginning to these days is an arguable subject.

The guild started up completed by the following players:

(Not arranged in any specific order)

Kenshin. Chris (Who left a couple of days later). Senjiko. Deskartes. Crimson. Gadane. Urzaterion. Psycat. Hristo. Hive. Grinch. John Locke. S e r e n a d e.

BRO started being allied up with Cavae Ira and Power. Then later on it allied up Love Beat, Unlimited, Council of God, The Smoke Shack, Valhalla, ViewSonic, Antagonists, Nihil and Sapientes Gladios. Currenlty, it's allied up with Last Wish.

BRO's first WoEs started up at Payon guild castles, where had to fight with relatively older and bigger guilds for controlling an economy, where it got Cavae Ira's and Power's supports during that history's stage.

After a few weeks, BRO and Power merged (event triggered by Genius' lack of desire to keep playing at Euphro). Power disappeared since then, and it's guildmen who stayed after the merging left the newly formed guild eventually except of Genius who left it a month or so afterwars.

For BRO, that's was the beginning of new and higher goals. BRO's first target as a guild with new gotten powers was taking Squagul and make it its official home. This lasted until Cavae Ira broke alliance with BRO, action which triggered as some people knows as "Squagul's Battles" (which lasted a month or so) or the like.

Squagul's Battles are considered by most as the most intense and costly WoEs in Euphro's history - not forgetting funny and dramatic -, those battles were all around fightings between BRO and Sapientes Gladios (and some unexpected Aeterna help) against VULC alliance, which was conformed by Viewsonic, Unlimited, Love Beat and Cavae Ira (VULC was the second most powerful alliance at that time). After a couple of Squagul's takeovers by VULC, BRO managed to recover Squagul and finally drop it before next WoE.

This ended "Squagul's Battles" and, in my opinion, was BRO's finest and highest moment; after this event, BRO guildmen were all around tired and left down in terms of moral even if they significately and slightly "won" in the last stage of those WoEs.

Soon later on, BRO performance at WoE went downgrading. Its role at WoE were all around at spending time in randoming castles and keeping one at WoE's ending.

BRO's most memorable participation at WoE was being part and main organizer of the second and most coordinated attack seen in WoE (April 29 2006): Taking over Hoh, being held by the most powerful and active guild in Euphro - Enchanters. New Aeon, Night Patrol, Antagonists, Plox, Sapientes Gladios, Viewsonic, Ten No Ryu and BRO fought against Enchanters, RAWR, Devotion and Insurrection (RIDE). The battle was intense but the opposing guilds resulted victorious and Hoh was dropped before next WoE.

The same guilds who attacked Hoh the previous WoE, tryed their luck at Byi (being held by Insurrection). However, RIDE full force was more than a challenge for the attacking guilds and RIDE resulted being the winner that day.

Both attacks' iniciatives didn't came from John Locke as most people believes, but by other BRO guildmen.

After that, BRO returned to its old habits before those WoEs.

It was since 3 weeks ago from June 25 2006, when BRO recovered its will and confidence to start building up a strong and high economy at Berigel during the time when other guilds constantly attacked any castle held by BRO. And, hopefully, it will follow the way it's intended since it was created.

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