Cw1:/ 3579

From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:05, 27 January 2006 by Jalcst-3579 (Talk | contribs)
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Ecological Footprint - Ecological footprint analysis approximates the amount of arable and agriculturally or ecologically productive land area it takes to sustain one human or group of humans, say in a family or city, based on their use of energy, food, water, building material and other consumables. It is a way of determining relative consumption for the purpose of educating people about their resource use and, sometimes, triggering them to change how they consume.

Renewable Resources - The International Society of Arboriculture is a worldwide professional, scientific, and educational organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees and to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of arboriculture. The society is a dynamic medium through which arborists around the world share their experience and knowledge for the benefit of society.

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