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http://www.greenfacts.org/endocrine-disruptors/endocrine-disrupter.htm Endocrine Disrupter (EDC) refers to a chemicals, either natural and man-made, which can interfere with the endocrine system, its hormones or where the hormones act. In many cases, it is not yet clear exactly how an Endocrine Disrupters acts, even in some cases where a link has been shown between Endocrine Disrupter exposure and an adverse effect. More...

Ecotoxicology.Org Ecotoxicology.org is your source for information on environmental toxicology and risk assessment. www.ecotoxicology.org/ - 23k - Feb 1, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

http://www.aehs.com/journals/humanandecojournal/ Human and Ecological Risk Assessment is the first journal devoted to providing a framework for professionals researching and assessing developments in both human and ecological risk assessments. The journal was created to enhance the communication and cooperation of professionals working on human risk assessment with those in the ecological risk assessment domain. Given the rapid development in these respective disciplines and their unique potential interrelatedness, efforts to directly enhance technical information transfer will markedly benefit each field. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment is a bimonthly, international, peer-reviewed publication.

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