
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 13:55, 3 April 2006 by Instructor Bob (Talk | contribs)
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a) What are the issues and problems?


The issue is Smarth Growth and Sprawl. Smart Growth gives commuters more transportation choices. Sprawl makes cab drivers of soccer moms and forces families to spend more money on gas. Sprawl occurs when a community fails to plan and gives no thought to the character it wishes to build. Another problem of sprawl include pollution, which negatively impacts the overall environment, and limited housing choices.

b) If this where happening in your community, could you think of any positive or constructive resolutions?


Making better transporation avalible so gas is not a big of a problem

c) What are the positives of the plan?


Save the natural resources andsave indangered species.

d) What are the problems with the plan?


too many animals, so catch the ones taht are running around and then put them in the pound.

e) Do you think this is a possible solution? Why or why not?


Yes it reduces the amount of animals running loose and also provids jobs to peole that need them

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