Debra Dorward's Vodka Slush

From Eliafamily


  • 1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice
  • 2 (6 oz.) can frozen limeade
  • 3 1/2 c. water
  • 2 (6 oz.) cans frozen lemonade
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 2 c. vodka
  • 2 (28 oz.) bottles lemon-lime carbonated beverage, chilled


Combine the orange juice, limeade, water, lemonade, sugar, and vodka; mix well. Freeze 48 hours, stirring occasionally. To serve, put 3/4 of a cup of the frozen vodka mixture in a tall glass and fill rest of the glass with the carbonated beverage.


Submitted by: Debra Dorward for the 2004 Elia Family Recipe Book.

Notes on attribution: Debra likes this during the summer, sitting by the pool. Uncle Frank took this drink straight. Steven St. John notes this is a popular recipe when the Barbarossa sisters get together.

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