Rose Murray

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Rose Elia Murray

Rose Murray
Fact File
Birth Date: 1938
Family Information
Lineage: Angelo Elia Lineage
Parent: Angelo Elia
Siblings: Mary Murray
Rose Murray
Children: none

Rose Murray, the last child of Angelo and Katherine Elia, was born in Hoboken, NJ on February 15, 1944. Her fondest memory of Norwich and her grandparents was them sharing with her a hot cherry pepper, winking, and telling her it was good for her.

Rose went to public schools in Hoboken, NJ and three years of high school, finishing her last year at North Bergen after her parents moved to that area. While in high school, she was the President of the Future Nurse’s of America club. After graduating, she worked as an operating room technician to the doctors at St. Mary’s hospital in Hoboken. After three years, she decided to go to Nursing school and graduated from Jersey City Medical Center Hospital school of Nursing, receiving her LPN degree in 1969. She returned to St Mary’s and worked until 1980.

Rose moved to Whiting, NJ, with her parents, in 1980. She was a nurse to a local doctor until she met and married Peter Murray, brother to John Murray, her sister’s husband. They rekindled their romance after not seeing each other for more than 20 years. The couple then moved to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, and stayed for 18 months before moving to Maryland. The next 12 years were spent in Gaithersburg, MD, while Peter was working for the Federal Government. They left in 1997 to retire in South Carolina, where they built a beach house near the ocean.

Peter Murray

Peter A. Murray, the fourth child and "the baby" of Peter and Lena Murray, was born in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY on March 26, 1938. He attended schools in Brooklyn until he enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1955. He spent the next 29 years traveling around the world to different duty assignments. During this time he earned a college degree in Digital Equipment Technology. His assignments overseas took him to Japan, England, Germany, Canada, Taiwan, Thailand, Italy and Guam. He retired from the USAF in 1984 and went to work for the Federal Government in Washington, DC until 1997 when he retired again. Rose and Peter now live in South Carolina, where he enjoys saltwater fishing 3-4 times a week.

Synopsis of Dates

Rose's Birthday: February 15, 1944
Peter's Birthday: March 26, 1938
Anniversary: September 17, 1983

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