Lennard Lewskin III
From Egs Mayhem
Name<u>: Lennard Lewskin III
<u>Age<u>: 46
<u>Gender<u>: Male
<u>Eyes<u>: Hard gray
<u>Hair<u>: His hair is coated with smart pigment dye and changes Hair color in a matter of seconds when being treated with a special UV-light. Original color is brown.
<u>Build<u>: 6'1", 170 lbs, well-shaped.
As rich man he could surely effort the best cosmetics and thus look rather appealing, but instead he insists that he has a 'natural charisma', which surely he has not. He wears dark brown, red or green with black. Heavy boots and long black Leather cloaks inspired by an old Movie. He usually wears his gun openly in a holsters, thinking in addition to the reflecting shades this looks very cool.
It is very hard to put him in one of the traditional human races.
Lennard is a bored Multibillionaire in a mild Mid-life crisis. His dream to own his own Explorer fleet to send to unknown star systems is advancing slowly and he recently withdrew from making too much of an effort, feeling a little bit trapped by work.
Lately he is more often seen in his yacht, hopping from Colony to Colony with his Bodyguard in the search of rare collector Items, visiting dubious scientists and corrupt politicians.
What he plans? He probably doesn't really know himself.
He is open minded and accepting, though hardly respectful for other people's opinions and believes.
Excellent Businessman, accouter, market analytic and negotiator. He is decent diplomat, persuader and psychologist. He knows his Strategies, small tactics and how to scrounge stuff.
He knows how to shoot a gun, was actually going through Earth's Military basics during War. But he was assigned a job in Logistics and never had to fight. He probably would rather spray and pray when forced to use his weapon against real enemies.
He's good at steering a small ship and at Navigations, knows some basics about most Ship systems, but hardly could count as Technician. He is also up to date in most current affairs from politics over trade, Technology and law down to pirate gossip and smugglers.
He's rather lucky if he could land an effective fistful against an Enemy in close combat.
Lennard is second son to a Weapon Companies CEO. During War his Parent's became darn filthy rich, so rich actually that they started to give loans to some of the smaller Colonies.
Lennard himself is claiming often that if it had been left to him, his Family would own all Colonies by now, not that he'd have any reason to want something like this to happen... but it is true, he is far more skilled than his Parents and older Brother, still his Parents did not sought to include him into the Family business.
Through courts and shady tactics Lennard succeeded in taking large parts of the Family wealth for himself, then went independent five years ago.
He used his Military Contacts to cheaply obtain a Modern Juggernaut class Battle ship (without most weapons, though) ... one of 20 ever issued. He refitted the ship to his liking, automated Factories, Most modern facilities, complete Live support for the few employees, a 26 ships prospecting fleet and almost 120 Mining ships make sure the refineries on the 'Goliath' never stand still.
In the past five years he made allies and enemies in most of the Colonies bureaucracy without becoming overly public... though a few weeks ago, a Documentary about the Goliath was published, which caused Lennard to install a few more defense Lasers and Missile launchers along with Issuing two Modern Space fighters... though those two are not yet registered/approved by the government.
He also hired a Bodyguard for himself. A younger woman who looks rather competent.
'Skadi' is the name of his 32 yard long yacht which he recently uses much less for official occasions and more for private stuff.
'Goliath' + fleet
'Skadi' (Fast (Sub light and FTL), very modern ship with ECM and Automated Evasion, Decoil launchers, a hidden Laser Cannon, Reflective Surface, EM-shielding and Complete Life support, good navigation tools and highly sophisticated Computer and long range Communications as well as excellent sensory. It's the kind of ship which makes old Military Pilots sigh and smile.)
A very modern Electro-mag Gun. This gun has a cartridge with a liquid plastic with metallic traces. This liquid is then squirted through a nozzle where strong UV-light is hardening the liquid into a needle like projectile. This light weighted Projectile is then propelled by strong Electromagnetic impulses to very high velocity.
This gun wields low Armor Penetration, but a very high Rate of Fire, low Signature and recoil while possessing still a good man stopping power against unarmored or lightly armored persons.
And it fires in any environment imaginable.
There are also two Expensive Pistols, a Hunting rifle and a Plasma rifle on board of the Skadi as well as four armored Vacc suits, Survival packs, first aid kits, an automated Medical System...
to make it short this ship has been equipped by an Ex-Military with a knack for Logistics... if it could be useful, it probably is available. And if it is not, the Goliath can produce it.