Davian Civil War RP

From Egs Mayhem

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An up and coming RP started by Lohti

In another world similar to our own, the continent of Dava has recently been ravaged by political issues and international mishaps. This, in turn, has lead the people of Dava to split into two factions over the political anarchy as the last chieftain was assassinated during a public speech in the city of Matobav, the current capitol of the alliance. The factions have named themselves after their electives: the alliance of Hythra is headed by Doldov Hythra. Hallit Teruga heads the republic of Teruga, aided by his consulate.



Hythra is a fairly mountainous region, interspersed with some woodland and is mostly covered in plains. The landscape is heavily settled and the capitol, Matobav, is built upon a lake.


Teruga has long since been the heartland of the continent of Dava, situated within a number of rivers and thick woodland. This makes for ideal farmland where cleared. The capitol of the Republic is Dustag, a city built upon a conjunction of three rivers.

1.3 Storyline

part 1: Enlistment

Players will begin within the confines of Shalatad, a Hythra base training camp. Here they will be instructed on their various specialties by a host of staff sergeants. After graduation from base camp, they will be breifed on the mission by the chief staff sergeant.


  • Doldov Hythra
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 43 years of age
  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Head director and joint chief of staff for the Alliance of Hythra.
  • Appearance: Black short hair with virtually no bangs, he stands roughly 5'4", and wears a tuxedo to his public speeches.
  • Hallit Teruga
  • Race: Lizardman
  • Age: 52 years of age
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: head speaker of the consulate of the republic.
  • Appearance: Due to her age, her scales have diminished from a healthy green glow to a pale green. Symbolistic tattoos cover her body, and she wears a robe of the finest silk to meetings.
  • Rook Ikar
  • Race: Dogman
  • Age: 34
  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Senior officer of Shalatad camp.
  • Appearance: The standard Hythra officer uniform, and a cowboy hat.
  • Tal Fahs
  • Race: Catman
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: senior sergeant of camp Shalatad.
  • Appearance: Standard uniform.
  • Pratos
  • Race: Foxman
  • Age: 35
  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Sergeant of camp Shalatad, it is his job to ensure recruits are ready for war.
  • Appearance: Standard uniform.


Players will be assigned weaponry and respective ammunition depending on their specialty upon visiting the armory, but can buy more weapons and ammunition if they so wish.

  • T12 Semi-auto Pistol------------------------- $25 per unit

per round price- $2

The T12 is the preferred sidearm for Hythra forces. It is extremely accurate and powerful, though it has a small magazine capacity of only 5 rounds. One shot to the head can kill most targets instantly, and because of this the pistol can function in place of a sniper rifle, if wielded skillfully. The pistol's stopping power is also ample to put down a target in as little as one to two shots. Despite its accuracy and power, the Hythra pistol is meant to be used as a hold-out, last resort weapon, or if one wants to conserve ammo for other weapons.

  • MD7/MD7-G Assault rifle------------------- $45 per unit

per round price- $4

The standard issue firearm for Hythra regulars, this assault rifle has a slower fire rate and lower magazine capacity than it's Teruga counterpart, but it is both more powerful and accurate. The MD7 also has strong recoil in its primary fire, making it kick upward after every shot. If fired slowly and carefully from a stable position, it becomes extremely accurate. Fully-automatic, its powerful rounds can put down opponents quite quickly. Very effective medium to long range weapon.

The Hythra assault rifle also features an underbarrel grenade launcher, giving its wielder a weapon capable of taking out groups of enemies and even light armor.

  • M52 Shotgun------------------------------------ $50 per unit

per round price- $5

Extremely powerful close range weapon, it can kill most enemies with one well placed shot to the chest. Highly ineffective at long range.

  • MDS-SD Silenced Submachine Gun---- $65 per unit

per round price- $10

Although classified as a SMG, it seems to fire full-size rifle rounds identical to those used in the MD7 rifle. It is a fully automatic weapon with very little recoil. It has an impressive scope and is highly accurate, being designed as a stealth-ops weapon. Use of this weapon depletes the 30 round magazine in seconds, it is recommended to save ammunition as it is scarce for this weapon.

  • M327 Grenade Launcher--------------------- $75 per unit

per round price- $18

This large, bulky grenade launcher can carry six grenades at one time, and fires them via a revolving cylinder. A niche weapon, it is useful for taking out groups of enemies or light armor, but not much else.

  • MF34 MAW--------------------------------------- $95 per unit

per round price- $30

"Medium Anti-Tank Weapon." Shoulder mounted, anti-tank rocket launcher. It can only carry one rocket at a time, requiring the user to reload after each shot. Another niche weapon, it is only really useful against armor.

  • M224-A3 Heavy Support Weapon-------- $125 per unit

per chain price- $100

This weapon is the closest thing the forces of the alliance have to heavy infantry weaponry. Highly innacurate. However, burst fire increases its accuracy slightly. It feeds directly from an ammunition chain and thus never needs to reload, but can overheat. Each chain carries 200 rounds. The chaingun actually uses a heat safety that disengages the trigger mechanism when the weapon overheats. Due to its large bulk, it reduces the user's speed drastically.


2.2 Listings of possibilities


  • Human- the control to base others off of.
  • Catman- Better hearing and aim, not recommended for medical occupations.
  • Ratman- Higher resistance to infection, nightvision, but somewhat fragile. Best used as spies or scouts.
  • Foxman- better hearing and perception, cannot operate artillery.
  • Lizardman- very good strength, but can't ride horses, as they tend to scare them.
  • Wolfman- Socialite, great at commanding. Senses can override logic at times of extreme stress.
  • Dogman- Great tracking abilities, not to be used at the battlefront, strong gunpowder scents could make a dogman go insane.
  • more to come


  • Medic
  • Infantry
  • Cavalry
  • Artillery
  • Spy
  • Scout
  • Rifleman
  • Demolitions
  • Heavy support

Military Etiquette

  • Soldiers are expected to wear their uniforms properly, and inspections to enforce this will be prepared without warning by officers of the Hythrian army.
  • Soldiers are also expected to salute officers present without hesitation. Players do not need to worry about this currently, as in the training camp promotions will rarely be given, so it is advised that players salute everyone wearing any kind of stripes on the uniform.
  • Soldiers will be expected to follow orders, not only in regulation but in times of crises, should anything such befall during camp.
  • Soldiers who do not abide by these regulations will be dealt with swiftly by the commanding seargant.

Pay grades

  • Private ----------$8.00 per week
  • Ensign ----------$14.00 per week
  • Orderly ----------$20.00 per week
  • Seargant ----------$25.00 per week
  • Petty officer ----------$35.00 per week
  • Senior officer ----------$50.00 per week
  • Major ----------$65.00 per week
  • Colonel ----------$85.00 per week
  • General ----------$125.00 per week

Commisioned weaponry

  • Infantry -- MD7/MD7-G, two grenades, 40 rounds ammunition (cartridge)
  • Cavalry --Saber, T12, saddle, horse/ pigfeed, 25 rounds ammunition (note: enlisted must provide the *horse or boar to become cavalry)
  • Artillery -- T12, M327, one grenade, 20 rounds ammunition, 12 grenade rounds.
  • Scout -- MD7/MD7-G, one grenade, 30 rounds ammunition.
  • Rifleman -- Scoped MD7, 20 rounds ammunition.
  • Medic -- T12, medikit, 20 rounds ammunition.
  • Spy -- not supplied by the Hythra army.
  • Demolitions -- T12, MF34, five grenades, 35 rounds ammunition, 5 rockets.
  • Heavy support -- M224-A3, 1 extra chain ammunition.


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