
From Egs Mayhem

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Lynxkin, often scientifically referred to as "Wildkin", are a race usually assumed to be related in some way to Catkin. Lynxkin first started appearing sometime after the War! timeline, and weren't noted for what a separate race at first, instead being thought to simply be large catkin.

Even in the era of Frink! and the Thunderchild RP, all Wildkin are still rare by comparison to the other races. By comparison, there's about 1 Wildkin for every 500 members of other races. This is an estimate, however, as most people have never seen more than one or two in their life, let alone in the same place. That, and most Wildkin would rather be busy killing things than standing around being counted... killing the counters, specifically.



For the most part, Lynxkin essentally resemble larger, more well-built Catkin. The average adult Lynxkin ranges from 6' to 7'. They range from the buff to the sleek, but Lynxkin are generally naturally athletic.

Aside from the obvious physical characteristics, Lynxkin also have one other unique ability that sets them apart from ther kin - the ability to enter a feral "rage" upon being angered or injured severely enough. In this state, a Lynxkin's eyes change to look more feral, their claws extract, and they gain almost superhuman strength and ferocity due to a sudden spike in adrenaline. In addition, while in a rage a Lynxkin's metabolism sharply increases, making their wounds heal extremely quickly. Some of this effect carries over while they're not raging, making Lynxkin recover from injuries faster than other races. Normally the rage activates only when a Lynxkin recieves an injury that could be life-threatening (or when you make them just THAT mad), but some Lynxkin actually have learned to train their rage to call upon it when they need it. Others have trained so that they can resist going into a rage unless absolutely necessary.

As for personality, most Lynxkin have a die-hard drive for personal betterment, and usually make the best attempts to be entirely self-sufficient. As such, most Lynxkin tend to be wanderers or loners, often opting for careers as mercenaries or bounty hunters. However, the few Lynxkin that do form ties with allies or friends will defend those ties with their life.

It is often said that Lynxkin have a bloodlust to an almost disturbing level, but in reality they just see everything in life as a challenge on the road to being the best, and the best is what they'll do. Lynxkin have a level of pride that prevents them from backing down from a challenge or threat. However, they aren't as stupid as their large bodies would make others think, and they know the value of "living to fight another day."



A typical Lynxkin has tan fur of one shade or another, and either more brownish or golden colored hair on their head and tufts. About 50% of all Lynxkin have spots on their fur in some pattern, the spots usually being black.

Lynxkin have tufts of longer fur on the tips of their ears and tail that match the color of their hair. In addition, many male Lynxkin have longer fur on their chins and the sides of their head. This fur is usually the color of their hair, but on spotted Lynxkin it is always the same color as their spots.


Unlike their Catkin relatives, a Lynxkin's tail isn't nearly as useful. Despite the 1-2 foot difference in height between them and their Catkkin relatives, a Lynxkin's tail is no longer than a catkin's. In addition, a Lynxkin's tail is thicker and less dextrous than a catkin's, making it more of a nuisance to try to do much of anything with it, and due to its shorter length it isn't useful as a weapon either. It can be maneuvered like a catkin's and it is possible to hold objects with it (though not very tightly), it's just far less useful than a catkin's tail.

Most Lynxkin wear metal tail-rings just below the tuft on the tip of the tail. The rings are often made by the Lynxkin themselves, and the style of the ring is generally made to make a statement about the wearer's personality.


Same as Catkin ears, except slightly larger and with tufts of fur on the tips.


Lynxkin have longer, stronger claws, which are retractable like a cat's. The largest Lynxkin can have claws that are up to nearly 3" long.


Lynxkin live about as long as humans, the catlike aging offset by their natural vitality.


Lynxkin have better senses of sight and smell than both Catkin or Foxkin. A Lynxkin's hearing is slightly better than a catkin's, but still not as good as a Foxkin's.

Varieties of Lynxkin

Though Lynxkin are widely regarded as the base race, there are two other subraces that fall under the "Wildkin" moniker.

Lynxkin - The main type, characterized by the statistics shown above. Lynxkin make up about 60% of all "Wildkin"

Bobkin - Nearly identical to Lynxkin, the only noticable difference is that they tend to be slightly smaller on average, and have greyish shades of fur that are almost always spotted. Their hair and tufts are always white or black. Bobkin make up roughly 30% of all "Wildkin"

Ocelokin - Physically similar to Lynxkin, except their average adult heights max at about 6'6", they almost always have spots, and their tails are essentially identical a catkin's in use and dexterity, except longer to match their comparatively larger size. To go with this, Ocelokin never wear the tail-rings common among the other two subraces, and instead wear a bracelet on their dominant hand that serve the same stylistic purpose. Ocelokin are quite rare, and make up only about 10% of all "Wildkin"

History and Culture

Due to the fact that Lynxkin don't have an established group culture, they don't have a written history either. Currently, they have no real established culture for the same reason.

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