
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 13:46, 2 September 2011 by Mandros (Talk | contribs)

Pony Name: nod

Gender: male

QT Mark: a pillow (he gained this for being able to lucid dream)



Friendship element: honesty

Grade: freshmen

Fluff: nod is a narcoleptic. in other words he can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. he has a habit of falling asleep in strange places and can even sleep while standing. When he is awake he is a rather quiet guy. never shying from the truth. When he need to make a point he makes it clear. being an earth pony he is quite strong and is a hard worker .... when he is awake that is.

History: nod was a pony who had a problems falling asleep at strange times. this annoyed other ponies so much that during recess they would never pick him to play. in the end he would just trot off to the library to sleep. this happened so often that his minor sleep problem blew up in to full blown narcolepsy and the library ended up practically being his second home. he practically was never seen and was always ether in class or asleep in the library. it grew to a point where no one even knew he existed.

dreams: as a lucid dreamer being the cause of his cutie mark to him his dreams are important ((ok realy im just just wanting a place to put these))

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