July 31st, 2011 - Underground

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 22:33, 31 July 2011 by Binarywraith (Talk | contribs)
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[15:27] <NiteBrite> So last time, Nod, Whiteout, and NiteBrite were feeling the side effects of being healed by the time reversing waters of the Time Stream. Nod and NiteBrite are basically reverted to young colts in size but their minds are unaffected.

[15:27] <NiteBrite> Only WO’s wing came in contact with the timestream so it is half size while the rest of him is normal. The group went to the mountains to find DrMoons ‘friend’ who could help.

[15:27] <NiteBrite> The doctor wants the group to climb the mountain where his friend lives as a courtesy, but MI and Anthrax have other plans. They trick him and lock him out of the TARDIS then have sweetness fly it to the cave at the top.

[15:27] <NiteBrite> Marissa uses her horn to light the way into the dark cave. The giant cave has a narrow rock bridge across a seemingly bottomless pit from which a rather warm breeze rises. On the other side there is a door warning trespassers to beware.

[15:28] <NiteBrite> This door was a fake door with a trap. It set off a bunch of church bells that nearly collapsed the bridge and cave with their loudness. Rocks fell etc.

[15:28] <NiteBrite> Once the bells quieted, the warm draft from below stopped too. The pegasi decided to go check out the pit since that was the only place left unexplored.

[15:28] <NiteBrite> And that is the basic recap.


[15:34] <NiteBrite> Then let us begin:

[15:34] <NiteBrite> I wanna gow wif the owther pwegasi.

[15:35] <nod> zzZZzz

[15:35] <Anthrax> No way short stuff, you might shrink too young to fly back up

[15:36] * SolidGear looks down at both Nod and NiteBrite, "That's a good point, there's no telling how long it takes to go all the way to being a filly."

[15:36] <Sweetness> *gives a nod to WO and Dusty, they will go explore the pit below, unless WO wants to sit it out*

[15:36] <NiteBrite> I'm a colt >_<

[15:37] <NiteBrite> *is not a filly*

[15:37] * Whiteout shakes his head. "That's a heck of a question, Solid. My flight surfaces are lopsided enough already!"

[15:37] * Whiteout isn't planning to let that stop him, of course.

[15:37] <SolidGear> Dusty: grins lightly at Sweetness, taking off instantly into the pit, "I'll be fine, Whiteout, hon. Just sit tight and help the others."

[15:38] * SolidGear looks at NiteBrite a while, "Well...filly is a generic term for a younger colt or mare..."

[15:38] <SolidGear> "or...I think it was?"

[15:38] <Sweetness> I'm coming with you, *follows Dusty*

[15:38] * SolidGear has confused herself on the issue.

[15:38] * Whiteout flops down at the edge of the pit. "Alright, Dusty. I'll just.... er... sit here and watch you?"

[15:39] * nod starts shuffiling forward if you look closely you would notice he is still asleep

[15:39] <NiteBrite> *kicks at a rock* *looks adorable*

[15:40] <SolidGear> Dusty: looks aside to Sweetness as the lop-eyed Pegasus joins her, then to the group behind, "We'll be back as fast as we can fly."

[15:40] <Anthrax> Woah there nod. *stops him from going over the edge*

[15:41] <Sweetness> Nar: It is too dark at the bottom of the pit without Marissa's horn light. They rushed in without thinking.

[15:41] <Sweetness> I can't see a thing, maybe we should have grabbed that torch from the back of the cave?

[15:42] <Sweetness> ( its what lit up the trespasser warning sign on the door from last time)

[15:42] <Anthrax> @nod: you awake? *shake shake*

[15:42] <nod> *wakes up* whoa what happened. was i sleep walking i havent done that since i was .... oh right

[15:43] <SolidGear> Dusty: blinks at the sudden darkness, "Yeah...I think we should have. Why don't we go back and grab some light?"

[15:43] <Sweetness> Okay. *they fly back up to the group*

[15:43] * SolidGear snickers lightly at Nod's sleepwalking and looks to Nite as he's being cute and simply D'awwwwws.

[15:43] <nod> *walks away from edge* stupid reverse aging

[15:44] <NiteBrite> What are yow dwoing back so swoon?

[15:44] <Anthrax> @WO: maybe we should take the kids outside were there isn't a deadly pitfall?

[15:45] <SolidGear> Dusty: "Uhm...well, we kinda need some light."

[15:45] * SolidGear nods to Anthrax, giving her silent agreement on such a sound idea.

[15:45] <NiteBrite> Are you going to carry marissa down thewre?

[15:46] <Sweetness> No, we're going to grab that torch back there *points with hoof*

[15:46] <Whiteout> Probably not a good idea to split up, if you're going back down there.

[15:46] <SolidGear> Dusty: "Yeah...it should help." and she thusly flies over to the torch, grabbing the handle with her mouth.

[15:47] <NiteBrite> Be caweful. Wast time the door was booby twaped.

[15:47] <NiteBrite> *is too late to warn Dusty*

[15:48] <SolidGear> "We can stay here, Whiteout...but..." she trails off upon watching Dusty go through the door again.

[15:48] <nod> *cant help but chuckel at NB's voice*

[15:48] <Anthrax> Nar: Removing the torch opens a hidden door next to the trap one.

[15:49] <SolidGear> Dusty: blinks at a new door opening up, nearly dropping the torch but quickly biting into it to keep a hold on it.

[15:49] <Anthrax> DrMoon: *is climbing the mountain the old fashioned way* grumble grumble lousy young whippersnappers running off without him

[15:50] <SolidGear> "Uhmm.....well, that's a nifty new doorway."

[15:50] * Whiteout shrugs, having now found a handy rock to rub his shrunken wing against with every evidence of bliss. "Goooood."

[15:50] * SolidGear wanders over to the new opening and looks in, Dusty moving behind SG to provide aa bit more light.

[15:55] <NiteBrite> Whats gowing on owver there? *indicates the secret passage that dusty opened*

[15:55] <nod> *stairs at the new door* was that always there?

[15:55] <Sweetness> *Flys over to Dusty*, got the torch?

[15:56] <SolidGear> Dusty: *nods*, lightly showering SG with a few sprinkles of ash.

[15:56] * SolidGear coughs a bit, looking up at Dusty, "Hey, watch it...I'm lookin' down this hall..." she mutters.

[15:57] <NiteBrite> *walks over to the door with Marissa*

[15:58] <NiteBrite> It seem thewre are two paths we can go explowre, down the pit or through the doowr.

[15:58] * nod fell asleep again

[15:59] <Anthrax> *Is keeping an eye out for nod, making sure he doesn't walk into danger*

[15:59] * Whiteout shrugs, still scratching his wing. "Weird as it is to suggest the easy road, but I'm thinking the door's our best bet."

[15:59] * SolidGear continues to stare down the doorway, hoping to see something down it.

[16:00] <Anthrax> I guess, we should split up. Sweetie and Dusty, you ladies take the pit. The rest of you with me.

[16:01] <SolidGear> "So, we get to use Marissa's horn and the Pegasi get a torch? Laaaaaame."

[16:01] <Anthrax> Marissa: >:|

[16:01] <SolidGear> Dusty: glares a little at SG, but shrugs and flies back towards the pit.

[16:01] * nod walks towards the door. not cause of anthraxes idea he just happened to be facing that way

[16:01] * SolidGear blushes a little, "Uhm...not that your horn is bad at lighting things up, Marissa..."

[16:03] <Anthrax> Nar: The two groups split up. The door leads to a narrow passageway wide enough for two ponies to stand side by side and just short enough that WO and the taller ponies will have to duck a little

[16:04] <Whiteout> *waits until Dusty and Sweetness are out of whispering earshot* Solid, just something to consider later. *wiggles a wing at the earth pony* Feathers burn. Hornlight would be much better than a mouth held torch.

[16:04] * SolidGear grins lightly to herself, ducking just the right way to crawl through at normal speed, "Feels like wandering into a machine..."

[16:04] <Sweetness> Nar: Once again, Sweetness and Dusty head down into the depths of the pit. As the get closer to the bottom the light shines on what appears to be a pile of gold and jewels.

[16:05] * SolidGear looks aside to Whiteout, "Yeah, I know....but still, I'd like to be like Indie and have a torch and whip at mouth's reach for these things."

[16:05] <Sweetness> Ooo shiny ^_^

[16:06] <SolidGear> Dusty: blinks, carefully looking around as she's rather aware such shiny things don't come without a dragon, "Yes...shiny indeed..." unfortunately, a rather beautiful-looking mirror catches her eye and she HAS to go look at herself in it.

[16:06] * Whiteout eyes the tunnel, sighs. "Why does everyplace we go have to be tiny and undergound..."

[16:07] <NiteBrite> I'm just glwad this tunnel swops downhill gentlwe. It is a welcome rewief from all that exercise earlier.

[16:07] <SolidGear> "Just your bad luck, Whiteout. Hey, if anything, you can join me at the back end of the group." she winks coyly, obviously teasing him.

[16:08] <Sweetness> Nar: the pit is rather large, the torch light doesn't reach it's farthest expanses.

[16:08] * Whiteout just shakes his head. "Oh, it'll be fine. Just millions of tons of rocks hanging around, waiting for an excuse to fall and kill us all. What could possibly go wrong?"

[16:09] <Sweetness> *picks up jewels and wears them* This is so cool. Maybe I could fly the TARDIS down here later and stock up on these riches

[16:10] <Anthrax> Did you have to ask that WO?

[16:10] <Anthrax> Seriously, stop tempting fate.

[16:11] <NiteBrite> Youw're almost as bad as me with that WO.

[16:11] <Anthrax> Marissa: *Doesn't want WO to be the new NB.*

[16:12] <Sweetness> What do you think Dusty? Do we plunder the riches?

[16:12] <nod> *random mumbles* no more asparagus please *random mumbles*

[16:13] <Whiteout> Let's just get where we need to go. Once we get back home, I swear I'm gonna go find a nice quiet cloud and not come down for a week.

[16:13] * nod is now sleep talking and sleep walking

[16:13] <SolidGear> Dusty: looks around at all the golden stuff, blinking a little as she feels herself muttering, "Yah...we could...no-pony seems to be here..."

[16:13] <Anthrax> *Pokes nod* You okay there?

[16:14] <Sweetness> Cool. Wait here while I go get the TARDIS

[16:14] <Sweetness> *flies off still wearing the gems, leaving Dusty at the bottom of the pit*

[16:15] <nod> *wakes up ... again* hun wha dang it i did it again dident i

[16:15] * SolidGear is continuing down the hallway, trying to keep fairly quiet.

[16:15] <SolidGear> Dusty: glances around nervously, mildly worried something will come out of the shadows.

[16:15] <Sweetness> Nar: As Dusty sits there alone at the bottom of the pit, she will hear strange noises, sort of like a giant breathing quietly.

[16:16] <SolidGear> Dusty: goes to slowly investigate the breathing, mildly wondering what could cause it.

[16:18] <Sweetness> Nar: As she gets closer, she will see random unidentifiable bones poking out of the gold. Probably animal bones. They become more and more dense as she gets closer

[16:19] <Anthrax> Are you okay nod? you seem to be falling asleep more than usual

[16:19] <SolidGear> Dusty: gulps softly at seeing the various bones, eyes getting wider as she sees it increase. The only thing keeping her going is that she wants to know what it is that eats so much...

[16:20] <Anthrax> Nar: The tunnel leads to a room of doors marked with roman numerals I through X

[16:20] * SolidGear looks around at the room, blinking lightly then sighing as she sees the doors, "Oh good, thought we were stuck for good here."

[16:21] <nod> well judging by my current age. this was about the time my narcolepsy was at its peak.

[16:21] <nod> translation back in the day this was normal for me

[16:22] <Whiteout> *behind Solid, a very unhappy Whiteout is trying not to let his feathers stand on end at that* Can we please not talk about being stuck down here? I'd really appreciate it...

[16:22] <Sweetness> Nar: By the time the light reveals the awake blue dragon, Dusty is practically in its lap. It's ominous glare is fixated on her. He's probably been watching them the whole time they've been down there.

[16:22] * SolidGear blinks and blushes, moving aside to look at Whiteout, "Ehehe....right, sorry about that."

[16:22] <NiteBrite> So which way do we go? I knew ditching the Dwoctor was a bad idea.

[16:24] <BlueDragon> *Its eyes glow a dim blue as icy stare remains transfixed on dusty*

[16:24] <SolidGear> Dusty: stares up at the blue dragon, then slowly replaces the few things she'd picked up out of the gold pile, "Uhm....hi there. S-sorry to interrupt your nap, sir or madam...I'lljustbegoingnowbye!" she squeaks out, going a little faster than she should be with torch in mouth again.

[16:24] <SolidGear> Dusty: is making a beeline back for where she was originally.

[16:25] <BlueDragon> Sweetness: *arrives at the TARDIS* Okay, now to fly down there and collect more treasures ^_^

[16:25] <BlueDragon> DrMoon: *arrives at the cave entrance with the TARDIS* huff, puff, huff, finally

[16:26] * Whiteout hangs his head. "Sorry. So, how 'bout those numbered doors, eh?"

[16:26] <BlueDragon> *moves quickly infront of Dusty, cutting off her retreat*

[16:26] * SolidGear looks at the numbered doors, "I have no clue...anypony else?"

[16:27] <BlueDragon> What's the rush? It's not often I have visitors for dinner.

[16:27] <SolidGear> Dusty: stops abruptly, trying not to stare up at the blue dragon, though winds up doing so anyways.

[16:27] <Anthrax> *shrug* Lets just pick one and go.

[16:27] <SolidGear> Dusty: "D-don't you mean....as dinner?" she asks, worried she'll get eaten.

[16:28] <BlueDragon> Sweetness: *sees the doctor* Oh! Doctor, you've made it. Sorry about leaving you behind.

[16:29] <Anthrax> *walks to a door number V* This one looks good enough, *opens it*

[16:30] <Anthrax> Nar: There is another tunnel behind door V. It looks like a normal tunnel.

[16:30] <Anthrax> Anypony want to go this way?

[16:31] <nod> umm well whats behind the other doors?

[16:31] * SolidGear stares at door V and the following tunnel, "Uhm...well let's see." goes to open another door at random.

[16:31] * Whiteout shrugs, turns to Marissa. "Any suggestions, oh finder of things?" Clearly bad humor is a coping mechanism.

[16:33] * SolidGear blinks lightly, "Okay, how are we to tell where each one goes?"

[16:34] * SolidGear opens all the doors, just because it suits her whim!

[16:32] <Anthrax> Nar: Another nondescript tunnel that leads in a different direction lies behind the other doors.

[16:41] <BlueDragon> What do you mean to imply asking "as dinner".

[16:42] <DustyFeathers> "Well, um... I'm not completely sure what I meant either to be honest. I guess I was just startled by seeing you here... Even if this might be, your home... Sorry if I'm intruding, by the way."

[16:44] <DustyFeathers> Solid: "Well, I'm not quite sure what to make of this."

[16:45] <Anthrax> Marissa: I could use my finding magic if I knew what exactly we were looking for.

[16:45] <Anthrax> Marissa: Why couldn't the doctor have been more specific about this "treasure"

[16:45] <Anthrax> Marissa: >:|

[16:46] <Anthrax> I say we just pick a door and if it's wrong try again.

[16:46] <Whiteout> Hey Marissa?

[16:46] <Anthrax> Marissa: yes?

[16:46] <Whiteout> Find Dusty.

[16:46] <DustyFeathers> Solid: "But I've already opened them all."

[16:47] <BlueDragon> Oh, no intrusion at all. I like being woken up by loud bells and having rocks dropped on my head.

[16:48] <BlueDragon> DrMoon: @sweetness- >:| You ditched me and stole the TARDIS, what gives?

[16:48] <DustyFeathers> "Ehehe, yeahhh, sorry about that." Dusty smiled nervously.

[16:49] <Anthrax> Marissa: Why?

[16:50] <BlueDragon> Don't mention it.. So what brings you all the way out here. I'm curious. *his tone seems to be that of a trick question*

[16:50] <Whiteout> Well, if nothing else, it should show us where that pit and this meet up, right? I don't know, ceiling's too low for good ideas.

[16:51] <Anthrax> Marissa: Oh, right that makes sense. But to do it, I'll have to turn off the light. ((only one spell at a time))

[16:52] <NiteBrite> I'm afwaid of the dark. :(

[16:52] <DustyFeathers> "Heh, I don't suppose you happen to know a friend of mine? Kind of eccentric, likes travelling in a big blue boxy thing?"

[16:52] <NiteBrite> *is somewhat smaller*

[16:53] <DustyFeathers> Solid: "Surely we can find a torch somewhere?"

[16:54] <nod> *de ages a bit as well* we better find a solution fast

[16:54] <BlueDragon> *The dragons eyes flash, its muscles tense. But only for a moment, then it relaxes* Yes. I may know someone fitting that description.

[16:55] <Anthrax> It's okay, these tunnels seem pretty straight and narrow. We'll be fine without the light once inside.

[16:55] <Anthrax> Marissa, do your thing.

[16:57] <BlueDragon> Sweetness: sorry doctor, we really didn't want to climb all that way. I mean marissa is still on a (ponified)-wheelchair.

[16:57] <DustyFeathers> Dusty sensed the tense reaction from the dragon. "Yes, well, he wanted me, and some other friends of mine, to seek out his friend who would be around here... I suppose we might need some help finding that friend?"

[16:58] <BlueDragon> Is the doc... is that man here?

[16:58] <BlueDragon> The one with the blue box? *very interested*

[17:00] <Anthrax> Marissa: Okay, everyone line up and grab the tail of the pony infront of you. I'm turning out the lights so don't get lost.

[17:01] <Anthrax> Nod, do you think you'll be able to stay awake long enough to hold on until we get to Dusty in the pit?

[17:02] <nod> ummm ... i hope so

[17:02] <Anthrax> *is worried he might let go*

[17:02] <nod> *focouses* yes i can

[17:02] <Anthrax> Maybe you should take the back of the line and hold on to me. I'll know if you let go and stop the others.

[17:02] * Whiteout nods. "Anywhere but here sounds mighty fine just now."

[17:03] <DustyFeathers> "I'm not completely sure, good sir. I don't see why he wouldn't be joining us shortly, if it helps."

[17:03] <NiteBrite> agweed

[17:03] <nod> good idea *grabs anthraxes tail*

[17:03] <Anthrax> Alright, on the count of three. 1, 2, 3 *lights out*

[17:03] <NiteBrite> Wah, its dark.

[17:04] <DustyFeathers> "But what is a man?"

[17:04] <Anthrax> calm down NB

[17:05] <BlueDragon> Its a cross species general term for what you ponies call.. oh what is it, oh yes, A stallion.

[17:06] <BlueDragon> DrMoon: You are grounded young lady. No TARDIS piloting for you.

[17:06] <BlueDragon> DrMoon: Where are the others?

[17:07] <DustyFeathers> "Ohhh, well, learn something new everyday!" She kept smiling, slowly wondering if anyone was going to help her.

[17:07] <Anthrax> Marissa: *leads the group through the tunnels slowly*

[17:07] <Anthrax> Sweetness: Well we were exploring the-

[17:08] <Anthrax> DrMoon: *sees gems on Sweetness* Where did you get- no, don't tell me the dragon pit

[17:08] <Anthrax> Sweetness: O_O the what now?

[17:08] <DustyFeathers> Solid: "I wonder what Feathers is even doing now..."

[17:09] <NiteBrite> Pwobably bored out of her mind in an unintwesting empty pit.

[17:10] <Anthrax> DrMoon: No time, get into the TARDIS now. *rushes her inside*

[17:10] <DustyFeathers> Solid: "Eh, come to think of it she's probably trying to spruce the place up."

[17:11] <DrMoon> *pilots the TARDIS into the pit near Dusty*

[17:12] * Whiteout is not talking just now. Too busy not getting lost in a pitch black tunnel shorter than he is under a mountain with one working wing.

[17:12] <NiteBrite> Nar: The group in the tunnels arrive at the exit to the pit bottom. Marissa's light shines on some gold. In the distance, Dusty and the dragon can be seen but not the TARDIS or Sweetie

[17:13] <DrMoon> *steps outside with a flashlight*

[17:14] <DustyFeathers> Dusty turns her head away from the dragon briefly looking at the light.

[17:14] <DrMoon> *whispering* psst Dusty, are you down here?

[17:14] <NiteBrite> *sees dragon* O_O

[17:15] <DustyFeathers> Dusty slowly slinks over to DrMoon, hoping the dragon doesn't notice.

[17:15] * nod is in the back of the line. cant see a dang thing

[17:15] <DrMoon> You have to be very quite. The tardis noise might have already woke up the dragon. Lets get out of here.

[17:17] <DustyFeathers> "He kind of is already awake..." Dusty whispered, glancing back at the dragon.

[17:17] <DrMoon> Marissa: who had turned her horn light on when she saw dusty's torch light, now dims it so as to not attract the dragon's attention.

[17:17] <DrMoon> What.

[17:18] <DrMoon> *looks up*

[17:18] <BlueDragon> *roar laughs loudly*

[17:18] <BlueDragon> RAHAHAHA

[17:18] <Whiteout> >_<

[17:19] <nod> O . O

[17:19] <DrMoon> *face hoof*

[17:19] <DrMoon> This is why you should have listened to me and climbed the mountain quietly.

[17:20] <DrMoon> *2x facehoof combo*

[17:20] <nod> i told you ditching the doctor was a bad idea

[17:22] * NiteBrite closes the RP, cut log here.

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