July 12th, 2011 - Bridge Antics

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 22:46, 19 July 2011 by Binarywraith (Talk | contribs)
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[19:04] <NiteBrite> Then I will recap, while we wait

[19:06] <NiteBrite> Last time, everyone got their element necklaces. Twilight ghost disappeared after summoning them. There was a debate on time paradoxes. Powers seemed to be activating but it wasn't clear under what conditions for some.

[19:07] <NiteBrite> The group found the bridge from the castle cut and fallen. Whiteout fixes the bridge, but finds a note warning him of treachery written on shadowbolts stationary

[19:09] <NiteBrite> He goes to the others to let them know the bridge is back and they start walking across. While on the bridge, they discuss the note, and WO necklace destroys the note. This seems to indicate it was an illusion of some sort

[19:10] <NiteBrite> Shortly after, a shadow pony is spotted through the fog cutting at the bridge ropes again. This time dusty goes to confront it.

[19:11] <NiteBrite> She spooks it off, but the rope is frayed and about to snap so she doesn't give chase. She grabs the rope just as it snaps, her strength bolstered by her courage element

[19:12] <NiteBrite> The sudden jolt knocked three-leg SG sideways and pushed MI, who was supporting her, over the edge of the bridge.

[19:13] <NiteBrite> NB dove after her, and Anthrax ran off the bridge without really hanging around to help anypony but herself.

[19:14] <NiteBrite> Sweetness is still on the bridge with SG and Nod. Dunno about WO's last location.

[19:14] <NiteBrite> and that is the basics of last session.

[19:14] <NiteBrite> Any questions?


[19:42] <~Anthrax> *Runs to safety, leaving the others on the bridge to save themselves*

[19:43] <Sweetness> Marissa!

[19:43] * MarissaInaba fell off the bloody bridge last we saw her

[19:43] * MarissaInaba is presently in a state of raw panic oh god someone help!

[19:43] * Whiteout is currently in the air just above the bridge, trying to make sure that Solid doesn't fall as well and praying that Dusty can hold out.

[19:44] <NiteBrite> *Dives after her, using his wings to propel himself downward faster than gravity.* I've got you

[19:44] <NiteBrite> *Reaches for MI with his hooves, ALMOST! ALMOST GOT HER!*

[19:45] * DR_Nod runs to dusty inorder to help hold the bridge up

[19:45] * MarissaInaba flails about in a blind panic.

[19:45] <NiteBrite> *Is hit in the face* OW OW OW! *grabs her* Stop!

[19:45] <NiteBrite> *still falling*

[19:46] <NiteBrite> *but slower*

[19:46] * MarissaInaba grabs at NB as best as she can

[19:47] * Whiteout hovers down to lend Soild a hoof getting off the bridge so Dusty can let it go.

[19:47] <~Anthrax> Nar: Dusty's grip is slipping. It has slipped.

[19:48] <~Anthrax> Nar: Nod and Sweetie were still on bridge.

[19:48] * DR_Nod nod grabs rope

[19:48] <Sweetness> *flys*

[19:48] <Sweetness> Now Nod is falling!

[19:50] <NiteBrite> *huffs and puffs*

[19:50] <MarissaInaba> *grabs on as tightly as she can*

[19:51] * Whiteout yelps as he feels the bridge go out from under him, and ducks under SG before snapping open his wings with a grunt. "I. Hate. This. Bridge."

[19:51] <NiteBrite> I real- *huff* wish I wa *puff* better shape. *Starting to rise a little*

[19:52] <MarissaInaba> I'm sorry I'm so fat, but we don't have much of a choice here!

[19:52] <nod> oh crudohcrud ohcrud

[19:53] <NiteBrite> Not what I meant *falls a little as he expends energy on talking*

[19:53] <MarissaInaba> Heeeeeeeeelp!

[19:54] <Sweetness> Huh? Oh right! I've got you two. *flys to them*

[19:54] <~Anthrax> Man, my ability to beat things up is pretty useless today.

[19:54] <nod> oh man i wish there was somthing i could do to help to.

[19:55] <Sweetness> *Helps Stabilize NB and MI*

[19:55] <Sweetness> Up we go ^_^

[19:55] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[19:55] * Whiteout works his way up the side of the chasm to the edge, and settles down next to Dusty and the others, panting. "Not that you're heavy, Solid, but I think I'm done with air rescue for today..."

[19:55] <Sweetness> *Is somewhat upsidedown*

[19:56] <NiteBrite> Otherwayotherway!

[19:56] <MarissaInaba> ._. *is perfectly stock still at this point; she does not want to accidentally destabalize the pegasi*

[19:57] <~Anthrax> 9_6 "huh? Oh right!" *Performs a loopty loop*

[19:57] <MarissaInaba> Ack!

[19:57] <~Anthrax> *Is Sweetness*

[19:59] <Sweetness> Weeeee! *flight of the bumblebee! :DDD*

[19:59] <Sweetness> *and lands on the cliff safe and sound*

[19:59] <MarissaInaba> NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GO WEEEEE!

[19:59] <nod> this has been one disaster after another

[19:59] <NiteBrite> @_@ Sooo dizzy.

[20:00] <Sweetness> Lets do it again!

[20:00] <MarissaInaba> No!

[20:00] <nod> NO

[20:00] * Whiteout is catching his breath. "I think I'll pass, Sweetness. That bridge can stay down there."

[20:00] <MarissaInaba> >:|

[20:01] <NiteBrite> @_@ The bridge is not your friend

[20:01] <nod> i dident even fall and i was scared

[20:01] <NiteBrite> *collapses huffing and puffing*

[20:01] <MarissaInaba> One day I will come back here. And when I do I will SET THIS BRIDGE ON FIRE.


[20:02] <~Anthrax> I approve of this plan!

[20:02] <nod> okay marissa come back from crazy town

[20:02] <MarissaInaba> >:|

[20:02] <~Anthrax> That's no way to talk about your friend!

[20:03] <~Anthrax> I agree, this is one bridge I won't mind burning (( 8) YEEEEAH!))

[20:03] <MarissaInaba> I am not in a happy place.

[20:05] <NiteBrite> *pooped... err exhausted that is* Well at least it can't get any worse.

[20:05] <MarissaInaba> *glare*

[20:05] <Sweetness> *facehoofs*

[20:05] <nod> oh great you had to say it

[20:05] <MarissaInaba> Oh you did not just invole Murphy's law on us.

[20:05] <~Anthrax> MUST you always tempt fate NB?!?!

[20:07] <NiteBrite> Oh poo poo. After that bridge and the spiders/manticore, I doubt this forest has much more to offer.

[20:07] * Whiteout shakes his head. "I sure hope you're right."

[20:07] <Sweetness> Anywhoof, we should probably get back to the TARDIS.

[20:08] <Sweetness> I'd like to fly us as far from here as possible.

[20:08] <nod> yea

[20:08] <Whiteout> I'm in favor. Starting to think zombies are the easy thing to deal with!

[20:09] <Sweetness> Marissa, lead the way?

[20:09] <NiteBrite> @_@ Somepony carry me?

[20:09] <~Anthrax> *sore shoulder* Yea, no. We're all sore NB. Tough it out.

[20:10] <nod> im still good

[20:10] <nod> not like i could help much during the rescue

[20:10] <~Anthrax> SG needs you then, NB's just being laaaazy

[20:10] <MarissaInaba> *somewhat caustically* I'd love to, but I've got to help SG.

[20:11] * Whiteout offers Nite a hoof up. "That was a good catch, by the way. Good job."

[20:11] <NiteBrite> @_@ but- but- *is offered a hoof* *takes it* Thanks.

[20:12] <MarissaInaba> *goes back to the lead with SG* Come on, let's get going. I want to leave this place as soon as is possible.

[20:13] <NiteBrite> I've never run, flown, and paniced so much in all my life combined. My everything is on fire. *follows the group slowly*

[20:13] <Sweetness> The exercise is good for you.

[20:13] <MarissaInaba> I hate everything now.

[20:14] * nod follows along

[20:14] <Sweetness> Nar: the group approaches the river.

[20:14] * Whiteout chuckles. "I bet. If it helps, it gets better the more you keep doing it. I thought my wings were going to fall off after the first time I delivered a package through a storm."

[20:14] <~StevenMagnet> *was waiting for the group to return*

[20:14] <MarissaInaba> Mrmblgrmbl.

[20:15] <MarissaInaba> *more incoherent muttering*

[20:15] <~StevenMagnet> Hiiiii~ *wavesies*

[20:15] <nod> hey hope you had a better day then we have

[20:15] <NiteBrite> O_O *big serpent is biiiiig*

[20:15] * MarissaInaba is not in the mood to brown nose. "Mrmblgrmbl"

[20:16] <~StevenMagnet> Did you ponies find what you were looking for?

[20:16] <MarissaInaba> *tersely* Yes.

[20:16] <nod> sort of

[20:16] <Whiteout> Hopefully.

[20:16] <NiteBrite> *Points with hoof* N-necklaces

[20:16] <MarissaInaba> We also got DROPPED OFF A BRIDGE, but hey? I can live with that.

[20:17] <~StevenMagnet> *Supper happy eyes* NECKLACES! OOOH Lemme see lemme see! *move in real close to Marissa and NB with his huge eyes for a better look*

[20:18] <NiteBrite> O____O *frozen*

[20:18] <MarissaInaba> >:| *clearly not pleased with this but choses not to complain*

[20:18] <~StevenMagnet> Oh my~ these are different from the originals.

[20:19] <nod> we even got a few of ours to glow

[20:19] <MarissaInaba> ... wait, really?

[20:19] <MarissaInaba> *suddenly distracted by a conundrum!*

[20:20] <MarissaInaba> *why are our necklaces different?*

[20:21] <~StevenMagnet> Oh heavens yes! The old ones were shaped like a balloon, diamond, apple, butterfly, rainbow and the tiara was Star shaped, not bubbles.

[20:21] * Whiteout blinks.

[20:21] <~StevenMagnet> Though, I must say, the bubbles are simply marvelous my dear. You look smashing

[20:21] <MarissaInaba> ... Huh.

[20:21] <Sweetness> D'aww shucks ^_^

[20:21] <MarissaInaba> ... what were the original Elements' cutie marks?

[20:22] <~StevenMagnet> Oh those tattoo things you ponies have? Similar shapes as their necklaces I suppose.

[20:23] <MarissaInaba> Huh. And ours are roughly the same as our cutie marks.

[20:23] <nod> well that explanes why mines a pillow

[20:23] <~StevenMagnet> So what elements are you?

[20:24] <nod> dont know

[20:24] <MarissaInaba> We... uh...

[20:24] <MarissaInaba> We have a vague idea, but I don't think anyone knows EXACTLY what theirs is.

[20:24] * Whiteout shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine?"

[20:25] <MarissaInaba> *her necklace is glowing again*

[20:26] <nod> i thought mine was going to be honesty but i have been honest all day and no glow

[20:26] <NiteBrite> *is distracted from fear* Y-you were friends with the original elements right? What were theirs?

[20:27] <Sweetness> Ooo, Marrisa! Yours is doing it again.

[20:27] <MarissaInaba> ... huh. It is.

[20:27] <NiteBrite> Maybe ours will be similar?... Its worth a shot.

[20:27] <MarissaInaba> ... maybe it has something to do with working out problems?

[20:29] <~StevenMagnet> Hmm... now it has been a long time. My how the years have past. Lets see, there was the appley one. Honesty. And the bubbly pink one was laughter.

[20:30] <~StevenMagnet> *taps his forehead. Think think think*

[20:31] <~StevenMagnet> Oh! The rainbowy one was loyalty. And sweetest Rarity, I could never foreget her and what she did for my fabuloous moustache *flicks the purple part of mustache playfully*

[20:31] <MarissaInaba> Take your time. I'd rather you remember right than quickly but inaccurately.

[20:31] <~StevenMagnet> She was generosity

[20:33] <~StevenMagnet> The unicorn with the tiara... was.... Magic. And that should be all six right?

[20:33] <MarissaInaba> ... wait, what does Magic have to do with friendship?

[20:33] <NiteBrite> *counts 1,2,3,4,5* that was only five

[20:34] <~StevenMagnet> I don't know-ho that. Silly pony.

[20:34] <~StevenMagnet> Are you sure it was only five?

[20:34] <NiteBrite> Yes

[20:34] * Whiteout hrms.

[20:34] <MarissaInaba> Yeah, that was five.

[20:35] <MarissaInaba> Honesty, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, and Magic.

[20:35] <~StevenMagnet> *Thinks really hard* Hrrrm

[20:35] <MarissaInaba> Only five.

[20:35] <~StevenMagnet> *Thinks harder* Oh, the quiet one.

[20:35] <~StevenMagnet> Hardly ever said a thing.

[20:36] <~StevenMagnet> ....

[20:36] <~StevenMagnet> Shyness maybe??? *asks the group. As if the know*

[20:37] <~StevenMagnet> No that's silly

[20:37] <MarissaInaba> No more silly than Magic.

[20:37] <~StevenMagnet> Oh, kindness. She was kind to the animals.

[20:37] <MarissaInaba> Ah. That makes sense.

[20:38] <~StevenMagnet> There was this baby manticore she once raised. It was a good friend of hers. Perhaps you've seen his son about these parts?

[20:38] <Whiteout> ....

[20:38] <NiteBrite> Ummm

[20:38] <MarissaInaba> Oh you're kidding.

[20:39] <nod> .... oh

[20:39] <Whiteout> You know that manticore? He decided ponies looked tasty, and ended up running off with our friend here's leg.

[20:39] <Sweetness> You might say we've met ^_^;;

[20:39] <MarissaInaba> I hate everything again.

[20:39] <nod> that one did not enharit her kindness

[20:39] <~StevenMagnet> Oh, I'm sure he meant no harm. Playful little scamp just doesn't know his own strength.

[20:40] <~StevenMagnet> Here. I'll call him over.

[20:41] * nod was on his guard

[20:41] <~StevenMagnet> *calls into the forest* YOOOO~HOOO~ Little Manny~

[20:41] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[20:41] <MarissaInaba> D:

[20:42] * Manticore circles in the sky. His shadow sometimes visible across the moon

[20:42] <Manticore> *SG's leg drops to the ground with a loud THUD*

[20:43] <~StevenMagnet> Oh Look! That must be him now~

[20:43] <MarissaInaba> ._.

[20:43] <~StevenMagnet> *Gasps* And he look! He brought friends! How fun.

[20:44] <NiteBrite> O_O!!!!!!

[20:44] <MarissaInaba> ...

[20:44] <NiteBrite> *hungry growls*

[20:44] <NiteBrite> ((derp!))

[20:44] <MarissaInaba> *makes an attempt to stay calm and leavel-headed; her necklace remains glowy*

[20:44] <LotsOfManticores> *Hungry growls*

[20:44] * nod does not look happy

[20:44] * Whiteout >_<, moves to put himself between the horde of manticores and the slower members of the party.

[20:45] <NiteBrite> NB, heh, this day... haha

[20:45] <NiteBrite> *necklace glows*

[20:45] <MarissaInaba> Wait. I don't think the dragon's lying about them being nice.

[20:45] <MarissaInaba> !

[20:45] <MarissaInaba> Wait! NB, laugh again!

[20:45] <NiteBrite> Ha? *glows a little*

[20:46] * Whiteout looks back at Marissa over his shoulder. "Alright, but we're not losing any more body parts in here, clear?"

[20:46] <MarissaInaba> *grin* Ha! Your element is laughter!

[20:46] <~StevenMagnet> The son is. The rest of them I don't think have ever seen a pony.

[20:46] <~StevenMagnet> Hmm

[20:46] <MarissaInaba> ... Lovely.

[20:46] <NiteBrite> neat

[20:46] <nod> well thats one element confermed

[20:47] <NiteBrite> REALLY >:D HAHAHAHA! *EPIC GLOWS*

[20:47] <MarissaInaba> ... Ah, now, see, I should have kept that to myself, shouldn't I?

[20:50] * NiteBrite closes the RP, cut log here

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